SUN. Jan 26, 2025, 12:30 pm. "New World Order CONSPIRACY" article.
Maybe the minute we hear "conspiracy our ears should perk up. NUT!! .. to go and learn more because these guys are usually thsoe who grab on fact and run with it .. no deeper research or connecting facts. It's a fact .. does NOT count .. all the other REALATED FACTS need to be added to find TRUTH! This is way too much energy for a LAZY irresponsible society. WE want fast and easy .. and it WILL kill us!
SEE .. this is actually PROOF of our MIND CONTROL. Of course our STUPI (sheep follower) will accept this as truth. I mean Microsoft would not lie to us, right? What part of your brain does not SEE we have been conned in EVERYTHING .. ever moire and ever faster esoecialy since the internet. Just study Bernays .. that is alll you need to learn about! And if I am wrong .. why on earth would SUGAR be inALL food under 56 names .. for what purpose? Of course it adds flavour right?? Well we ARE BRAIN dead therefor stupid SHEEP .. we just follow what we are told with no effort to THINK and LEARN and find TRUTH. We got LAZY and gave up responsibility for our Human Family and home! Good luck with that. I wonder if the reset DOOMSDAY clock (on Tues Jan. 20/25) will agree with my 2030 END prediction?
IF .. we THINK, in our life of confusion and MIND CHAOS .. UNDERSTANDING the Left right of McGilchrist helps a LOT. But it has taken me 5 years of study to really get clarity. I think much of my problem was confusing politics. YES Religious Right is the MOST LEFT BRAIN .. NON thinking! BUT! .. even Liberals in politics are now Left brain NON THINKERS! These people ONLY want powr and PROFIT. Why do you think NOTHING WORKS. Because the corporations and government want it all for SELF. We the people do NOT matter. So there is no conspiracy theory there is just a focus on what I was connedc to beieve .THat a new country was formed by pioneers to be FAIR for WE the PEOPLE. That mission has been lost. BUT FAR WORSE .. unlike the robber barrons .. by the 1900's THey learned how to USE us for profit. Far worse than the old aristocracy .. now we are just THINGS to them to CONSUME giving them profit and power. Now with the digital elites I no longer even feel in CONTROL of my iPhone. Apple just RUNS my life especially with their CLOUD PURE EVIL!! (link)
Left (action) Right UNDERSTAND/THINK HEMISPHERE beings act totally opposite. With a Religious Right (Left Brain) mind you look no further .. you just GRAB whatever suits your MOMENT! Go AWAY!! we accept only beings willing to look deeper with and OPEN mind.
Sun. Jan 26, 2025, 1:00 pm.
A FACT can be TRUE but really a LIE! It is a fact there was no water in LA hydrants. HEY STupid what happens when everybody in your mansion has a shower at one time? Water pressur decreases. If you are a thinking himan you might say get those individual water tanks so that does not happened . YEY!! US REAL HUMSANS just learned from each other!! That is a GOOD HUman FAMILY and home. INstead we just demonize the other .. like trump says BYE .. DONE (Biden), Keep it up guys .. we are dead by 2030. Coeectin HUMANS are zombies will go on in theri STU{PID digital Dystopia!
Wed. Jan 22, 2025, 1:30 pm.
Wed. Jan 22, 2025, 9:15 pm.
bernays was pure evil .. USING humans purely for greed of EVERY type .. mind control is WORSE than just profit. He HELPED ALL greed PROMOTE itself .. make us FEEL we needed the crap!
Wed. Jan. 22, 2025, 2:00 pm.
My mind is blown! I have spent 10 years trying to find the reason my daughetre and I dislike each other so much. 100% the answer is she is closed minded and does not think deeply *Left brain) while I being very Right b never quit wondering and questioning drive her insane. She can fairly say I am loser because I accomplish nothing. But I always believed NICE criticism works better .. it does not eventually create hatred. I guess I have really broadened my bias that anyone who just gets the job done with little concern for consequence to OTHER THAN the SELF is not a NICE person? Recently I have accepted the fact that this mean to cruel to VICIOUS behaviour is a DISABILITY! Witot thinking right brain wiring it is not POSSIBLE to be more respectful and empathetic of others. I mean I am a good person! I care about others. I want to UNDERSTAND and create the FAIRESY solution. Does that NOT make me a GOOD Human? 😇
OMG!!! No wonder I have always been confused and wanted OFFthis stupid planet. apparently I AM THE EVIL ONE!!! 😱 OK it is now 6 hours since I read this GOD SENT research paper. Writing this to share it with you just honestly made me sick to my stomach. I am going to BARF! 🤮
Awhile ago I said the "bible" was the first FAKE NEWS Propoganda! So I am RIGHT! How can people who HARM others, care nothing for SHARING their good fortune BELIEVE that THEY are the good ones? I have alwaays thought the world backwards and upside down .. this is utter proof. oh dear .. oh dear .. 🤮. 😱
How would god believe going to church on Sunday .. leaving the homeless off property made GATED .. how would god think THOSE are the ones get to heaven.??? So I said I made up my OWN good (. )
God wants us to leave the world better, to be FAIR and caring of others.ANd this historic research tells me it has ALWAYS been the right is GOOD and LEFT is bad. YES I was shocked when I realized stupid hippie freeLOVE destroyed family and everything really .. so they are actually RIGHT. But like the DEI .. can we not find BALANCE .. be MODERATE instead of always extreme
GONE BRAINS can not find moderation .. they only can divide and demonize.
Wed. Jan. 22, 2025, 3:30 pm.
Watching a Chinese company in the Chinatown of MEXICO is pretty mind boggling. It is huge and made up of little manufactures? (CNN) We want our stuff faster than across an ocean!
It made me realize all the tricks businesses play in order to cut costs .. ARE EXACTLY WHAT HAS DESTROYED US!
WE see these shallow, selfish, PURELY PROFIT ACTIONS cause toxins of every description. Yet we learn NOTHING and CHANGE NOTHING. Our brains have been fried by our S3 CONSUMPTION society, and now there can only be collapse. (S3 = Sugar .. coke and cereal to processed food addiction, SCREENS, the TV allowed Propoganda and mind TWISTING Ads! plus STRESS, more health decline and addiction to calm despair.
moved down .. wrong??
GONE BRAINS can not find moderation .. they only can divide and demonize.
They grab the FIRST idea .. SIMPLE MINDED, CLOSED MINDED which is 100 % the reason all is now collapsing
Thurs. Jan. 30, 2025, 12:30 pm.
How do we miss such obvious stuff!! OUR BRAIN IS FRIED. In Toronto the sugar is even in the AIR and probably in the WATER! We have Redpath Sugar refinery right downtown, so no wonder Toronto downtowners are ZOMBIES!! Rude and uncivil becuse OBLIVIOUS to OTHER than the SELF. So Much processed food and packaging, also goes into the garbage! You think that does not end up in our air and water?? 😱 YET .. I see no research on how sugar AND its 56 names .. SURELY is in the TOXIC SOUP society we live in. MY shock at my stupidity is Regarding an answer to a question that was racking my brain. I should have EASILY!! THOUGHT of this answer MYSELF!! OMG .. I did not CONNECT the 2 that EASILY would have PREVENTED the tragedy!
A Helicopter crashed into a plane over the Potomac last nite. 69 are dead. I guess I was yelling at the TV reporting since then, because "WHAT DO YOU EXPECT!?? What is all this screaming pretence of caring?" I can only compare it to a CAR accident .. and Trump saying "we will never let this happened again." seems so STUPID. Are you going to stop entitled "MORE! faster, easier" entitled westerners, and make them SLOW DOWN, and take it easy and calmer? A Plane crash is shocking, but we EXPECT cars to crash, since so MANY ARE RUSHING around. Today how is that diferent with planes? There are bound to be accidents. STop acting like it is the end of the world. Yes .. a horrible tragedy, so figure out why, so we can make things BETTER. They suggested so many lights at night make it hard to judge distance, and the Voice recording was weird .. it cut out for awhile. But I heard NO ONE address that. ?? .. very strange! They are brain Dead, just like me!
Someone was just on .. it was an ARMY TRAINING Helicopter! Why the hell are we Training AT NIGHT in such a BUSY area???? I believe I had that info .. yet I never put TRAINING + Busy Area together! That is shocking! No wonder it took me 10 years to pull ALL we need for Total Health together. That is frightening. I got into a closed mind tunnel focused on why such TV stopping screaming was necessary? What do you expect .. it is like a car crash from TOO MUCH stuff going on! So I got in my OWN Tunnel and HEARD nothing new or quit CONNECTING ideas! yup .. we are now too stupid to live. Oh well if we can TRY to listen to each other .. thak god for the guy who suggested .. why army training in a busy area???? Unless we REconnect so we can DISCUSS CIVILLY .. we are dead. WE are STUPID (brain dead) BUT if we work together
I hear no one on CNN picking up the army training flaw .. just continuing to rant same old, malfunction? pilot? air controller? I am getting VERY depressed! If our brains are SHUT and we just demonize or like to hear ourself talk .. we will UNDERSTAND nothing. ONLY Understanding can improve problems and create REAL success. No Wonder every single system is collapsing. Hence our civilization is collapsing. This plane crash talk is a perfect example, especially with it's already being POLITICIZED. Political FAKE or twisted answers and a desire ONLY to win .. are POISON.
Tues. Feb 4, 2025, 3:30 pm.
S 3 virus .. sugar 56 names, screens (Tv and ads +) Stress of overload and overwhelm = STUPID on STEROIDS!
DID SUGAR get into the AIR and water and spread everywhere? It did in buffalo with the Cheerio Dust! (link to more) A construction worker was smarter than me who studied Nutrition.🙈
El Salvadore prisons CNN. OMG ... 2 weeks not just solitary but only a beam of light!! Just unbelievable! Such poverty! Why do you think people steal or get into drug running? The ability to consider a guy who stol for food the same criminal as a HEARTLESS greedy THUG is mind blowing. yup our BRAINS are gone and so is our "HEART" within the brain! If Iceland kids have plastic chemicals in their water from our clothes lint .. the world is poluted by us .. POISONED! El Salvadore is not HUMAN Run or the epople are really zombies too. (link CNN Horor)
Tues, Jan 21, 2025, 5:00 pm
Can "Thinking" be trying to take "facts", listen LEARN and reconsider to connect all the facts to find what is the closest to TRUTH?
Thinking is so many things ..
But we are too lazy for this huge work, time and PATIENCE. We want FAST and EASY and take NO RESPONSIBILITY for our HUMAN Family's TOTAL HEALTH!
Tues. Jan. 21, 2925, 11:15 am. FIRST full day of TRUMP 47.
What is the meaning of "STUPID", the OPPOSITE of SMART?
My first thought was NOT THINKING, but there are actually preachers who preach that "THINKING" IS EVIL??? J L P. So let's try another EXPLANATION. Not considering OTHERS is Stupid. But that would be FEELING, using our "heart". JLP also says this is evil. 🙈
Years later, I now (THINK?), understand ? .. "STUPIDITY" is not CONNECTING anything! Everything, every single thing in our existence CONNECTS! Every action cause another and another EITHER FOR GOOD .. or BAD! It is connections that cause good or bad .. even EVIL results! But humans to LAZY and IRRESPONSIBLE to connect especially ideas or inventions for causes and consequences will destroy our HUMAN FAMILY and HOME.
It was always EASY HATING "THEM" .. those of wealth and in power, are selfish gone greed or EVIL. But my FAMILY and FRIENDS no longer CONNECT ANYTHING! I don;t think they are EVIL but with selfish FAST they CONNECT nothing. SOOO!! Frustrating. Iyt mens I agree with man things Trump says BUT .. yes T there is ALWAYS another BUT. Life is our brain and our brain is like an onion .. always needing to peel down to a deeper layer hopefully the heart of the problem!
Each one of us has an IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION TO MAKE .. to our HUMAN FAMILY and HOME, not just Mr Trump. Sadly we have forgotten to CONTRIBUTE to our HUMAN Family in our HOME, the earth. Our society of "SELF" and "MORE" considers only money and more". This has almost destroyed our civilization. We can ONLY be TOTALLY Healthy in a "home" of OTHER healthy souls and nature. Our First goal needs to be TOTAL Human Health .. or base quality of life for all. We have complexly forgotten that. We have DISCONNECTED from the REALITY of this being a LAW. the law of connection can NOT be thrown out. no matter how entitled we feel as INDIVIDUALS everything connects. Individual focus DESTROYS. It disconnects from the LAW that connects ALL things, ALL humans, ALL systems, and ESPECIALLY all IDEAS. We can connect for good (together!) or connect only for the SELF (ME/mine, here, now). The latter DISCONNECTS humans, systems AND ideas .. replacing T H H with $ accounting instead of THH Accounting! We spect the last 100 last 100 years ever MORE connecting ONLY for profit and Power, neglecting TOTAL Human Health. Connection cn destroy or build. We have DESTROYED EVERYTHING by building ONLY FOR THE SELF.
Why should you listen to me? Because my SPECIAL is my infuriating slowness of wanting to CONNECT EVERYTHING. Those of us who are CURIOUS and wonder and QUESTION want to find CONNECTION so we understand. WE quit connecting logic when I was a child in the late 50's. We drank COKE Brown sugar water to build our Cathedral for the soul. This CONNECTION seemed STRUPID to me. to be Heathy should we not build our body with good bricks like 100 year old churches we saw even 70 years ago. Apparently not .. TV marketed SUGAR CEREAL so we changed breakfast to that. Even worse than the occasional coke that disturbed me at nine. I guess I loved Health AND architecture and that began my desire to connect anything building a HEALTHY body. Once Gluten INFLAMMATION was not even accepted (no one CONNECTS ANYTHONG .. we are STUPID!
Humans can no longer CONNECT! this is RIDICULOUS Mr Freeman is the IMBECILE .. unable to stop think and try to CONNECT MORE IDEAS!! he makes the world ugly!!
My buddy made me aware of this dog outside freezing ..mad at owner .. she had crocked and no socks on 20 below day!! Amazing my firned could not CONNECT the 2 .. that lady is 🤪 .. no AWARENESS for self OR dog therefor not as mean .. just STUPID! but my friend was ALSO not connecting, why I stop less to talk. I want to learn but we only learn CONNECTING different ideas!!
Tues. Jan. 21, 2025, 9:30 am
Wed. Feb 5, 2025, 7:30 pm.
I have been ranting for 60 years about the damage sugar in processed food does to our HEALTH and BRAIN plus will power! Never mind the obesity epidemic! So now we pay for obesity drugs and just now talk of how they will also help other addictions. Man guys we have been STUPID a long time! I mean yes I never managed my life and am a loser in that regard but why would you not LISTEN to my obsessive research? Now we are screwed. We are full on brain dead. Trump is total dictator and I hear nothing! What is going on .. our brains are even more fried than I thought!
Last night I heard we have PLASTIC in our brain. (OH DEAR!! a Teaspoon!! OMG. 😱 )
I have been ranting about kids drinking water in Iceland with the forever chemicals from plastic. READ it!! Study was in 2016 and now the subject's had 50% MORE micro plastic fibres!! I do not know about you .. but I can barely type .. it is like I am newly dyslexic? Plus like I say the oblivion people are existing in, REALLY NOW like zombies! It is truly frightening.
What if we have hit a wall? What if our brain can accept NO MORE TOXINS? .. What if it is FROZEN now? I forgot where I was previously on Mon. and who I had just spoken to! It was terrifying. I think not Alzheimers, because it was new, after so much STRESS from Trump! It felt like my brain EXPLODED and GAVE UP!
The reality is far MORE is MORE important than ME and NOW. But we forgot that so focused on fast and SELF!
Whether we like it or not .. Everything is connected. Whether we believe we are ENTITLED individual Unless we respect the law of nature or NORMAL (ALL in our space, life, earth connected .. like it or not.. you WILL PAY for connecting toxic action. we connect only DECAY. Decay on top of decay = THE END. We PAY in far more ways than $. We somehow decide all that matters is $ and MORE, faster and easier. That is not nature or NORMAL. MANY MANY things make up the VALUE of our life. We can not be HEALTHY by Kale and yoga .. unless EVERYTHING ELSE IS HEALTHY! Unless our HUMAN Family and HOME are healthy in ALL ways, we will never be PHYSICALLY Healthy. We are now a very SICK Society in ALL ways because we QUIT the 3 R's
WE take action whenever we see a $ sign. "Hmm .. I could make $ off that problem!" Shallow simple minded PROFIT is our biggest reason for today's collapse of EVERYTHING. PROFIT has to be CONSIDERED in the context of our HUMAN HEALTH ACCOUNTING "LIFE LEDGERS". A new additional $ today for ME, with 10$ of clean up in 5 years .. is NOT ADDING VALUE TO TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH. ( STUPID shallow minded focus!!) A society whose mind STOPS at "me! and mine" .. will only DECREASE and eventually DESTROY .. ALL REAL VALUE. We can pretend all that matters is MONEY (like when we AGREED the "greed is good" 🤔) but we now see what such shallow minded OBSESSION gets us. Collapse of every system and all of NATURE and normal! well as TRUST, HOPE .. and CONNECTION of our HUMAN INTELLIGENCE! H I NOT A I will keep Humanity in existence. With brainless "beings" .. STUPID on STEROIDS Humans will be replaced by ZOMBIES in digital DYSTOPIA. A I does not CONNECT HUMAN INTELLIGENCE! Only humans do that. We have a MIND! a "heart" that creates our SPIRIT and our SOUL. Since when does a drone, A I or robot have those? Do we want a shared HUMANITY or DISCONNECTED ZOMBIES?
You don't have to do this alone. Join our supportive community of like-minded individuals who are also working towards their health goals. Connect, share, and learn from each other.
You don't have to do this alone. Join our supportive community of like-minded individuals who are also working to LEARN. We want out TOTAL HUman Health to IMPROVE. Enough with living in a SICK SOCIETY. WE can Connect to make the Jon easier .. share, and learn from each other. While doing good we can have FUN AND FEEL BETTER. The health we used to consider is GONE. When 1 of 2 young [people are despairing we live in a truly STUPID SYSTEM. Screw Law and ORDER .. let's create an ORDER SYSTEM where we all contribute to our good. When we are treated FAIR and valued humans act how we WANT them to. Sure they may be some very troubled souls but MOST HUMANS TREATED FAIR and decent, behave GOOD HUMAN!
Wed. Jan 22, 2025, 5:30 pm.
A Contagious cancerous Destruction of the HUMAN RACE Began 100 years ago with the discovery of COKE. This was the EVIL BEGINNING and speeded all the MIND CONTROL. Remember the inventor was not SELFISH SHALLOW me/ mine left brain .. inventors were not evil .. but their BUSINESS matters became so more and more in the 1900's
Tues. Feb. 4, 2025, 2:30 pm.
Please god .. let it be true we quiet THINKERS are the masses .. the "we the people"! We just do not SCREAM all the time, so it feels we are missing! The 2 onion shells .. the politicians and screamer people, opposing Republicans and WOKE make us feel only CHAOS and idiocy rule. WE quiet thinkers have to BOYCOTT stupidity of SCREAMING SHALONESS. Life is a conveyor belt of ONIONS and each proble or idea must have each layer considered to the onion HEAT .. but we live only in the stupid demonizing SHELLS .. the crackle vs the inner skin. Keep it up .. we DIE .. of STUPID!! lazy iressponsible zombies will remain in DigitalDYTOPIA.! Why not look at EVERYTHING in LIFE, is BOTH "Right" AND! "Wrong"! NORMAL .. HUMAN LIFE is finding the best BALANCE or equilibrium to live TOGETHER in HARMONY. We live in extremes too lazy to do the work of finding the GRAY between!
Thinkers are too busy WONDERING, researching and questioning to be out there everywhere, screaming simple nonsense. If the SCREAMERS will not LEARN we must remove them .. they are destroying humanity! Yes if they refuse all options given .. we must kill them. WAKE UP! What do you think war is?? It is murder .. but ok because THEY the power structure said it was RIGHT. When we say it is time to erradicate evil .. or brain dead .. it is terrorism. If you can not see a problem here be ready to accept our 4 options .. before we must murder you. (space wirth Bezos, asylum YOU build for you, or just think .. or USE OUR RIGHT THINKNG HHEMISPHERE. We are HAPPY to share. Become a G.O.D. disciple! Grouchy old DICTATOR! (The "Just be FAIR" ORDER SYSTEM! Responsible respectful RESOURCE management. )
Think Right vs action Left hemisphere.
Tues. Feb. 4, 2025, 9:00 am.
OMG .. I am so frustrated with (mean) people, I FEEL like I HATE PEOPLE. BUT THat is crazy .. I LOVE PEOPLE. Everyday I think the despair and loss of hope for us to REGAIN our BRAIN gets WORSE. I always say to myself despair can not get worse than this .. AND IT DOES! Yesterday what SAVED ME ALL DAY .. was getting out and CONNECTING with strangers! 7!! of 8 of them were awesome. And the 8th was just stuck on stupid like "Trumpers", ranting about fentanyl deaths in USA created from canada. O! M! G! if mexico and canada can MAKE phentanyl .. why are Americans DEVOID of that ability? I am telling you we are COMPLETELY losing our mind!!
YES! Because we refuse to LEARN. I actually went aand RESEARCHED took tiem and energy and PATIENCE to come closer to TRUTH. America uses fentanyl in (putting people out fr operations) but chemicals to make it come from China. Probaly some get in to the usa but most ARE brought from mexico already PRODUCED there. There is NO Mention of Canada. I think the #8 silly girl of 7 SMART, was trying to say if your relative dies of fentanyl even if only 1 % from canada IT SHOULD BE STOPPED. yes .. BUT!!!! so should heart attack which kils 10 x that # 65,00 vs 650,000 and nobody cares that Harvard TWISTED the cause of heart attack to FAT from sugar! Thet Fat free can was probably the beginning of my RAGE at lies and cons. I am almost 80 with family histry of heart but I began eating butter like choclate and buying ONLY staek with TONS of FAT. You are going to blame our beef and dairy family farm instead of the evil oricessed fofod to create sheep industry! Yup .. that is where the rage began and a year or 2 before covid they finally ADMITTED THE LIE! Wonder if it is now sanitized from the web!
And that is the stoy of our life .. stupid half facts .. lies and TWISTING. The girl agreeing with trump and tariffs is right but only the very very beginning of right. TRUTH takes going thru ALL THE ONION LAYERS to get to its HEART. Without the patience to study and LEARN .. we die! Our STUPIDITY is now at that point. Trump may be a god send .. if we see how STUPID on STEROIDS everything has become today!!
Wed. Feb 05,2025, 12:30 pm.
Yes? no? is black and white. It is ridiculous .. we should BAN voting. especially like gun? no gun? or abortion! Yes no is SIMPLE and cons us into NOT LISTENING to learn and reconsider! Yes/ No is the foundation of LAZY DEMONIZING vs hard sloww DISCUSSION. THEN .. you value the most good done .. for the most, the least HARM done to the least and THAT is the answer. wow .. this is CRAZY STUPID. We never think AND we never learn! TOO busy finding the CONVENIENT. Well our LAZY responsibilty has just about FINISHED destroying the human race. I do NOT want to live in Zombie land. Please get me MAID! Or better help me build a TEMPLATE church country of our own! Can we get Mennonites to show us how to get our own space?
The reason I thought of this ..many Arabs? voted for Trump because Biden seemed on the side of Israel. They must be infuriated at trump's yesterday all out STEAL of a destroyed! Gaza. That is their land NOT to be colonized by America. "it could be like the Arab Riviera .. villas and seaside tourism." They deserve to be FURIOUS. I think I heard it is OIL rich land so Israel and America wants it. Now they are finally showinng the REAL destruction to USE as Trump/ Netanyahu's resoning for just " ..knocking it down. It is not safe." OMG .. once you see the normal PLAN of ATTACK of Left brain closed minds it is revolting! They USE whatever suits them .. all HALF FACTS! Today they use one fact .. tomorrow the opposite .. whatever is the best benefit for THEIR goal .. which is always "Me!/mine". It is PURE ABUSE of normal human CONNECTION!
So these people who thought Trump would be better for Gaza than Biden .. their YES/ NO SCREWED them badly! They figured maybe Trump would be more FAIR. Fat chance NOTHING is FAIR .. it is all screwed AWAY FROM "we the people". The only way to get FAIR is to create our OWN church country. We start small .. a little gated community TEMPLATE hoping they do not "Kuresh" us. That was a bad community but NOT deserving of its destruction! YUP! we are insane 🤪 .. we think we are FREE! Seriously?? 😱 Instead of the British Rule we esacped .. we just got a bigger POWER and CONTROL structure of monopoly Corporations and gov't.
Plus STRESS on STEROIDS is LITERALLY EXPLODING our brain! Me at Eaton Centre excited from people being awesome re Trump Dictatorship!
Tues. Feb. 5, 2025, 1:00 pm.
We can see how insane we are thought their sledgehammer vs scalpel action. they are taking a WRECKING BALL to gov't. Who does that? They say they want to run it like a biz. What biz is bought and destroyed? Biz is bought and revamped, slowly right sized now how he is. doing it!! EVER .. EVER! Can you imagine take over a biz and throwing out ALL THE PEOPLE who know how it works? OMG .. OMG! That is ok for a TORONTO developer (I hate it but at least it just destroys HISTORY, not lives) but not for a SYSTEM that holds PEOPLE, their families and LIVES! Trump, AS LIFE LONG DEVELOPER! .. is demolishing a building (USA system) that holds Humans and their security, as well as CITIZENS STABILITY! OMG .. nobody has said that .. am I the only one that collects and connects ideas!! If so, we seriously are dead .. but I bet you are NOT LISTENING .. learning EVERYTHING about our condition! When I am the smartest one in the room .. that should be HUGE HUGE PROOF .. things have gone iNSANE. 🤪 .. (although my slow skill has always been the one CONNECTING divergent ideas.) 🥸
Tues. Feb 4, 2025, 2:30 pm.
HUMANITY .. we truly have lost our humanity!! OMG for real now .. we are at the CLIFF! Not sure this is the article I read last nite, but she REALY was NAKED at the grammy's! article .. why is this simply blaming the man .. do women have NO RESPONSIBILITY? Do women have NO BRAIN for their own behaviour? I hate the world since women's lib. I thought it would be equalizing HUMANS! I mean why can a woman wear a tux but a man in a skirt would be run out of town. What selfish bitches we were to ALLOW that double standard. I never expected women's lib to demonizing men .. NOT FAIR at all! Equality? my eye (That means "NONSENSE!"). women are evil .. if .. they think can gave their cake and eat it too! That means you want it both ways! Get some balls girls .. you wanted to be EQUAL remember!
🙈 side tracked as usual .. from Kanye at Grammy's. Ever STUPIDER "beings" need all the attention! That is why they are the SCREAMERS in EVERY sense! .. even NAKED. 🤣
.. sorry naked girl! can not be bothered to honour you with a name! Sorry to inform you .. you are STILL not "SPECIAL"!! .. you are ONLY a great example of an "EXTREME, EXCESS Society, gone CRUDE", heading OFF the CLIFF of Human. Enjoy your zombie Digital DYSTOPIA! Humanity is about to be EXTINCT. END TIMES is happening quietly yo ZOMBIE-DOM, while we did NOT pay ATTENTION.
Hmm 🤔 .. I like that! Do you like that summary?
Is Musk a zombie like Trump, certainly needing constant attention and validation as supreme? .. no matter how "screaming". Yup we now SCREAM in every sense, MORE! Stupid can also be on the spectrum to SICK! we are a SICK society. Poor young Staples wise man would agree I bet. He paid 60,000 cdn. tuition for a visa and never got it .. laws and politics changed. Real FAIR decent world eh? If we are going to hate immigrants then do not con them to come!! I met a girl just here from Italy .. even there advertised to! Canada is evil! (Evil = anything that twists for own benefit .. regardless of doing HARM to OTHERS) I guess their BRAIN REALLY IS DISABLED. So much easier to just HATE as EVIL.
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