Mon. Feb. 3, 2025, 2:45 pm.
There is LISTENING with OPEN mind to LEARN to UNDERSTAND. OR .. There I"listening " with a CLOSED mind looking only to find a "gotcha", a way to deomize or take down the other. Sice 2000 this HUGE PROBLEM became worse and worse. The only way humans have come so far, inventing planes and computer s to make tasks easier is by HEARING each other and IMPROVING IDEAS by ADDING different humans PERSPECTIVES. Real Inventors invent for good. Later others with NARROW vision take the invention and turn it evil for selfish shallow BENEFIT. IT began with Oppenheimer but now is rampnt with everything of some value. WE QUIT caring about the common and greater good. Over the last century ever faster we became more OBSESSED with the SELF. Today far too many are focused only on what is of benefit to them. Human ty only survives when the common good comes FIRST.
Even in ANCIENT History humans looked after the human Family and home. We call those still not advanced UNCIVILIZED societies. Maybe that was ou FIRST PROPOGANDA? Many of those countries treat nature with respect and do not waste resources or HARM their earth home. we meantime show NO RESPECT and take NO responsibility for our family and home! Unfortunately the only way to survive life on earth is TOGETHER as a family .. or there are no RESOURCES left or ways to trade or physically survive. Humans without jobs starving wage war or at least turn violent. The violence about to begin (H Bomb) will be enormous. The Wealthy may head to Mars or hide in their bunker with gold toilet, but no worthwhile life can remain. This is the FINAL PROOF of STUPID. What good is wealth when there are no great restaurants, concerts or ART to buy? Those are all created by the people Trump so hates .. the THINKERS.
TRump is creating terror for me. I never DREAMED he would be this bad. Remember I AGREE with many of his ideas, but I do not think taking a SLEDGE Hammer to a cancer we have long had, is NOT the solution. To remove the poison require precision and experiecne in the area .. eeven if those crazy simplifying people hare "expertise". EXPERTISE IS BAD ONLY .. when it disconnects from listening to ideas that CONNECT. You can be very knowledgeable in an area and SHOULD be listened to but always with willingness to connect other areas. Whether we like it or not .. EVERYTHING CONNECTS! us thinking we are TOO SPECIAL to worry about NORMAL are killing ourselves because everything will always connect. When you live with poison (our processed food) can you rwally expect it not to CONNECT to our water and air. Our brains are so destroyed that there has to be MORE damaging them than just us being stupid and eating 56 names for sugar IN EVERYTHING. it is now surely in our water and air! The fact no one WONDERS about that agin .. proof of our STUPIDITY, or destroyed brain. Remember you can listen to my life of collecting connecting what we need for TOTAL Health .. or die. Don't care anymore.
Trump cares not even for power and profit! He cares for ADULATION. (like LA water/ Fires) OMG this is even worse .. add He wants toi be the BEST PRESIDENT EVER but EASY and FAST. Omg I amscaring myself! The cancer is fats and easy requiring slow and hard PRECISION. PRECISION in thinking thru all the onion layers of s problem. We just grab the shell! Trump ike too takes things out of context. Here is one for him referring to needing congress ok. "I don't think .."
That is Trump and sadly most of us!!
OMG far too many of us do NOT THINK! Thinking is hard, takes TIME and ENERGY and PATIENCE. WE HAVE NO SUCH CAPABILITY! It is much easier to just act .. do whatever is good for profit or taking POWER or PRESTIGE. If only trump really wanted to THINK .. how he could become the best president ever! .. by THINKING all the details that would HELP "WE the PEOPLE"
Tues. Feb 04, 2025, 9:30 pm.
D-evil .. one who will not DISCUSS .. just Demonizes the other.. is themself a devil! 😁 To DISCUSS and listen to the idea of another, with an OPEN mind .. is GOD LIKE!! no? 🤔
Small changes can add up to big results. We will provide tips and resources to help you develop healthy habits that last a lifetime. Together, we can create a healthier, happier you.
You don't have to do this alone. Join our supportive community of like-minded individuals who are also working towards their health goals. Connect, share, and learn from each other.
Sat. Feb 1, 2025, 9:30 am. some of these need to go FIRST!! page.
Some of these LOST IDEAS can be world changing! Sadly NOT for the better!!
Unless we start to THINK in the HUMAN Accounting system instead of only $ and ME .. we HUMANS are DEAD .. VERY soon, it is a Time bomb about to explode. 😱
Sun. Jan 26, 2025, 7:30 pm.
But there is so much more to WEALTH than $!! Even in the image the cosmic time we were born into, pisces vs Aries vs LEO. Someone born into a more easy going cosmic space has it easier than one born into a more sensitive ?light. I am not whining just making a case for LISTENING to us. WE do not have money wealth but we have HUMAN INTELLIGENCE WEALTH. To me that is taking everyone's KNOWLEDGE and expertise and pulling it all TOGETHER. Because .. REMEMBER everything is CONNECTED. Is if NORMAL ice and HUMANS CONNECT .. the the most important is not SEPARATE DIVIDED IDEAS or research .. but CONNECTING THEM for a more BIG PICTURE VIEW. Instead of Myopic single minded tunnel vision, wide perspective visionary view of humans!
Our certified personal trainers will create a custom fitness plan to help you achieve your fitness goals. Whether you want to build muscle, increase endurance, or improve flexibility, we can help.
Our health coaches provide guidance and support to help you manage stress. We'll teach you relaxation techniques and help you develop coping strategies so you can live a happier, healthier life.
Our health coaches will work with you to develop healthy lifestyle habits that will improve your overall health and wellbeing. We'll help you make sustainable changes that will last a lifetime.
Wed. Jan. 22, 2024, 10:30 am.
We have to believe there are more of us, still BALANCED BRAIN Real Humans! WE the people exists under the mean shallow selfish screamers we feel are reality. NO! we GOOD HUMANS are the masses (Prove it to me by joining, please!! A Life time obsessed ..STILL without a COMMUNITY? 😢 I quit, accepting I am certifiably an insane dreamer! 😇 .. 👿 Beings that only want "Profit, Power and Prestige" are in control of our Power structures and media! They SEEM to be the representation of our SICK Society of OBLIVIOUS beings. But I am (praying) HOPINGthey are all screaming so it FEELS like that is US today. Hopefully it is only THEM. WE who still THINK and DISCUSS with civility are QUIET, maybe more shy? So it feels like all is lost .. we have gone over the edge to Human hell. NO! Let's get together, here as a HUMAN STRIKE and BOYCOTT .. but then LOCALLY together! REAL actual HUMANS Getting together locally in our Church Library cafe
MURDER .. or also called 'war" .. the LAST war .. between the enemy of evil, even if just "BRAIN DEAD" and good DECENT STILL HUMAN HUMANS! (Interesting .. if we kill it is MURDER we are criminals! When they kill they get US to do it .. and call it WAR, for the COUNTRY! God we are STUPID sheep!
Just had ANOTHER BRILLIANT idea! The Left brains who only act (no thinking first) have 3 choices, space or die .. plus (PAY for their OWN jail!! 😂 cell is $150,000 per year, so imagine what we could do with the leftover PROFIT! we have to START Thinking more EVIL like they do. When THEY cheat and steal it is good business, but if we do it for the good of all .. now we are CRIMINALS. Laws are only for us .. Greed is for them. This is a great idea! I mean if they were in front of a firing squad I guess they would hand over 150,000? A let's just make it a half million the first year. Imagine the community we can build with 10 EVIL guys choosing jail over space .. or dead. HAH .. we could feed them porridge .. more profit for us ! I mean they fed us poison so they could make profit off the interest for our stupid purchase and drugs for our sick.
Sat. Jan. 25, 2025, 10:30 am.
STraight out LIES .. are not so much the problem. SNEAKY LYING IS HORRIBLE! It confuses us and we are now so confused I think REAL decent HUMANS are ready to BLOW UP! Rage or despair will create the LAST H BOMB. An explosion of REAL HUMANS who can take no more of the EVIL.
Evil .. is TWISTING EVERYTHING, so it benefits only "ME/ mine, here, now". This is a good explanation for the "THEM" vs us. If we are moving to OLIGARCHY (where govt and corporations OWN us, we better face there is NOTHING for us. We the people are only a "resource" for their CONSUMPTION profit. we are their sheep but not for wool and meat profit of old .. we are consumption robots. They fried our brains with coke/sugar cereal/ processed food .. and now we are their "CONSUMPTION BITCH". But if they kill us with stress and disease .. they have no consumer to BUY MORE, faster, easier?? They got their own poison!! Their own brains are fried! Rget are so stupid they never even took layer 3 of the "thinking onion"
is taking only PARTS of TRUTH and USING THEM for personal gain! TRUTH is very har! It requires COLLECTING ALL ideas that apply to this question or concept
We 100 % must STOP the REAL STUPID! (Those in power!) THEY! us against THEM is at its conclusion! Will it be REAL HUMANS DEAD stupid GREED beings living alone in their digital A I DYSTOPIA?? TRULY WAKE UP .. PAY ATTENTION and stay aware .. our attention is whip lashed around!! STAY FOCUSED. THEY care ZERO about us! Their tunnel vision GREED is for profit and power! US vs THEM .. we HUMANS are dead by 2030!! WE can not survive CONSTANT LIES, injustice and stress for much longer. We will do ourself I or lash out with explosive rage. Do you not see it on the street? We are no longer NORMAL humans. We are enemies in a screaming war! STUPID may have to die. Maybe THEY are not really eveil .. just NO BRAIN TO THINK. How do you destroy the bworld and humans and not SEE you will have NOTHING. I guess they have NO CONCEPT of REAL wealth NOT being $$ an stuff or even feeling POWERFUL? REAL WEALTH is NOT an economy with a GOOD stock market! REAL Wealth is .. ORDER vs chaos, TRUST vs cynicism and fear, HOPE vs despair, FAITH there is a possibility for a better life .. NOT AFFLUENCE but maybe a restaurant once in awhile or a holiday away.
We even got SHEEPED into "middle class" entitlement! OMG .. even that was Propoganda!! I really never cared about more affluent but we werre just MIND CONTROLLED I EVERY SINGLE THING .. including UNIVERSITY! I do not care about the house with jacuzzi and 2 car garage we aimed for in the late 80's . But back there we had to PROOVE we "made it". Kids today will never "make it" because THEY rather think productivity with A I and robots instead of giving good jobs o HUMANS. But those humans are their CONSUMERS. No THOUGHT to drones and robots NOT BUYING their stuff. A I will not be your customer stupid power system!!
Even though I have known sugar fried our BRAIN it is still Scarry to FACE We were so MIND CONTROLLED! And I never even KNEW it then! It is only talking to my son very recently I realized EVEN "women's lib" was MIND CONTROL .. to destroy the family a unit that reduced THEIR POWER. All the things forced on us were not in OUR BRAIN. The Propoganda TWISTED OUR BRAIN INTO BELIEVING what they pushed WAS important. I can call us SHEEP .. but those evil power people FRIED OUR BRAINS!! So Yes .. boomers destroyed EVERYTHING. But it was really the EVIL STUPID in STEROIDS POWER SYTEM .. THEY fried our brain and we were DISABLED from thinking. Yes it is VICTIM Mentality .. but when you ARE the victim giving it a derogatory term just bring us back to the TWIST evil!
Sat. Jan. 25, 2025, 11:00 am.
Maybe the pendulum had to swing so compete IDIOT .. that we would start to see our INSANITY! I ned to start a page on proof od INSANITY! Like the mostly DRUG TV Ads plus now I am supposed to put DEODORANT ALL OVER MY BODY. Excuse me I QUIT when I realized how toxic and conned our society is! All these chemicals are in our WATER. We wonder why sick? They probably ALSO fry our THINKING BRAIN WIRING!
OUR entire world runs on the $. We live by paperthat has no real value except what some guy in power says. Today he is saying my Canadian $ is only worth nothing and need another HALF $ to get an American $. Let's create our own SYSEM based on HUMAN VALUE. We put into our HUMAN Life Ledgers, we all CONTRIBUTE our skills and talents but we also get out QUALITY of LIFE. If you are more VALUED and you get 100x me, that is fine . . but I get shelter and food and some fun and RESPECT just for sweeping our floors or removing our garbage! Then again you can NOT have 5 mansion 2 jets and a yacht if any of our CONTRIBUTORS are starving!! What the hell happened to our HUMAN!!. I suggest our human is in our right brain where our mind and heart "reside". When that wiring is destroyed SO IS OUR HUMAN! There si a selfish scale beginning with stressed selfish and ending with pure greed. Sorry in my world that requires MURDER. Or if you refuse to QUIT the greed, Bezos space is available. OFF the planet with your destructive zombie "being"
Whoever said money is the root of all eveil was right .. because they discovred SUGAR and its destruction of WILL POWER. How is it that when I taught my mantra was "the only thing important to learn here .. is WILL POEER. If assignments are stupid do them well on time as a way to build self discipline." Why did I not trust my brilliance? Imagine how many I could have helped if I had self confidence and felt DESRVING. That is what we are teaching in our CONNECTED HUMANS University. Most of us THINKERS are loners, yet NEED connection and belonging! Together us geniuses (Thinkers considerate of others and earth) will save the world or maybe just us? While the zombies build DIGITAL DYSTOPIA!
Mon. Jan. 20, 2025, 5:45 pm.
Right left brain .. Sugar destruction .. plus INFLAMMATION
Our Toxic productivity consumption society lacking any regard for out resources has created a SICK culture. Diseased and DEPRESSED!
Tues. jan. 14, 2025, 1:00 pm.
Today I am REALLY worried .. even more than all the almost 7 decades I have been YELLING about sugar. YES! When I was 9 I wondered why we were so stupid as to live for COKE. How does that brown SUGAR water build a healthy CATHEDRAL for our SOUL? But NOW, that "coke" sugar, with its 56 hidden names is in every food .. even the Green Giant FROZEN VEGETABLE!! company's BUTTERED PEAS!! I am realizing since the stress of covid and its "lock down BRAIN isolation" (no USA without VAX!) .. for me I have lost my health training! I am full on living in processed food. If a person who did not trust the SUGSAR INDUSTRY since I w as a CHILD is now ADDICTED .. regardless of FULL knowledge of destruction it wreaks .. how can ANYONE BE SAFE. Most people do not see sugar damage as FAR worse than cigarettes, cancer or Heart disease. "SUgar" as a toxin not only inhales our disease sensitivities but it FRIES OUTR BRAIN.
Since the 60's we have been screaming alarm bells about the PHYSICAL destruction of sugar .. with NO AVAIL. but even WORSE is the brain destruction it causes, and THAT no one paid attention to. I guess ideas and obesity as all that matters .. who needs a BRAIN!
Mon. Jan. 20, 2025, 5:45 pm.
WE need Right brain wiring (most sensitive to destruction?) to THINK before we act so solutions are more likely to be true success. We SHOULD learn from all our actions but careful THINKING before doing works best. BUT without a Right hemisphere we just ACT which creates SHALLOW solutions, usually selfish BANDAIDS for PROFIT. Thw only solution is SHARING our opposing brain resources. We used to each have BALANCED R L Brain hemisphers but 60 years of TOXINS have left us quite BRAINLESS. REDUCING sugar screens and stress could help us maybe, but we probably just have to LISTEN and LEARN form those who slow think though past causes, and future consequences. It will take years to REGROW our brain wiring and we seem to addicted to have the ABILITY to quit .. we can't even quit smoking or alcohol .. this is our whole way of life. Unless we work TOGETHER and SHARE our BRAIN skills Think vs ACT .. sorry guys .. REAL Humans are DEAD. We seriously will be extinct before Trump leaves!
You can have all the credit .. we do not care about credit (prestige).. we just do not want to become extinct! 😱
NORMAL .. yes there IS normal !!! Normal Humans had BALANCED BRAINS! Now we have to share the resource we have!! Otherwise WE DIE. humans lashed OUT in jail, or lashed in and are DEAD. All that remains in "civilization" or "society" is ZOMVIES .. mindless, thoughtless, Heartless beings ambling about in digital DYSTOPIA!
Thurs. Jan 16, 2025, 8:30 pm. sat ..moved from "home" page
We look AHEAD for intended consequences. We look back to the past for CAUSES. NO Bandaids allowed on our better quality of life SYSTEM
Yes we are gods and yes we are JUDGEY. Be FAIR consider the common and greater good BEFORE the self! Now everybody wins .. everybody feels valued and nobody dies bad things! No Laws .. just be FAIR and decent REAL Huam before all the idiocy like god vs evil got INVENTED! Human were just NORMALLY decent before .. it was NATURAL. (see book good evil invention)
You can BOYCOTT not FAIR companies now by choice or when we are all starving because A I stole very job. The ZOMBIES or aliens or D-EVIL in charge of us are CRAZY .. INSANE on steroids. Our economy is called CONSUMPYION .. they will have no CONSUMERS if we have no job! we need a job to CONSUME! Where is their BRAIN. We ALL gone stupid because sugar is now in the WATER. no wonder so much autism and gay DISABILITY! GAY is not normal .. nothing is NORMAL because I bet like Birth control sugar is CONTAMINATING all our drinking water our coffees and bubble teas!
AWESOME!! conservation connection and compromise vs CONSUMPTION
Hah! from a C word economy to a C3 economy .. C3 Conservation, Connection and compromise economy. oh my god I have gotten BRILLIANT! Turtle slow yes, but underneath the SLOW weird an EINSTEIN 🥸 .. and now I am moving along a NORMAL human! Things are coming concisely faster than I can keep up!
When people ideas and systems CONNECT everything will work well! But we have disconnected every single aspect of our lives. DISCONNECT DESTROYS EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES! We called it specialization but it has destroyed civilization. Nothing connects to anything! We also worship the $, but it is the LEAST of what humans VALUE. Pioneers VALUED each other, craftsmanship and FAIRNESS, sharing in the community. We have NO craftsmanship and therefore no PRIDE of effort. CHurches were works of art, of CRAFTSMANSHIP PRIDE. Today we separate (specialize) .. "I poured the concrete". There is no prode of CONNECTION .. of creating a success TOGETHER. We PRETEND .. but shallow inauthentic will create a TIME BOMB of humans who no longer FEEL they live in a human FAMILY. Even our HUMAN home is separated into tiny STUPID pieces. Our Green deal WAS Stupid! There is way more to the FIX for messing up our home than the simplicity of electric cars etc!
The only way to save humanity is to IMMEDIATELY begin to RECONNECT our disassembled HUMANITY! we are Lego pieces that eshew CONNECTING. We want to be SPECIAL alone. NO! Stupid! We are a HUMAN Family joined together and individualizing each piece has destroyed us. The simple solution is to forget simple $ .. and replace with a VALUE FOR EVERYTHING, contribution can be smiles and kind words if we have no land or buildings to contribute. WE contribute our skill or energy, or strength or empathy. ALL Contribute .. but all receive FAIR food and shelter plus FUN in return. PROOF that money is STUPID? Nvidia lost something like ? $647 BILLION yesterday. So we worship a stock market that simply bounces like a CASINO. When I learned abour=t business in the 90's!!! a STOCK still meant something .. people believing in it willing to invest in it. Once Day Trading came along .. the REALITY of value in our finacial SYtem DIED. We need to build a better Blockchain SYSTEM of real HUMAN not peper VALUE. With all of us conributing our knowledge we create an incredible new HUMAN INTELLIGENCE System. Will we let artificial "intelligence" win instead?
Tues. Jan. 28, 2025, 9:00 am.
With our "CONVENIENCE MINDSET of SELF", we just choose a side, and run with it! Real NORMAL Humans calculate the TOTAL VALUE of BOTH sides, to THEN choose the best VALUE for ALL in our HUMAN Family and home!! We worship 2 things "me!" (Me! mine, here, now) and fast and easy! This has destroyed every factor of HEALTH for our HUMAN Family and home.
An "Easy" plus "ME" centred society is worse than an Atomic bomb! The EXPLOSION and fallout is just less noticeable! We live in a TOXIV soup of "SELF and EASY along with EXTREME
Our health coaches will work with you to develop healthy lifestyle habits that will improve your overall health and wellbeing. We'll help you make sustainable changes that will last a lifetime.
Thurs. jan. 16, 2025, 3:30 pm.
Fauci had no INTELLIGENCE, he had VAX knowledge, his SPECIALTY. If he listened to Dr Walters (Space Brain DR) on ISOLATION'S DAMAGE he would not have destroyed a generation with lock Down social ISOLATION! Both these Dr's knowledge had VALUE. BUT .. everything is DUAL .. both good AND bad, RIGHT and WRONG. Our job in life is to DETERMINE or CALCULATE which side of the "DUALITY EQUILIBRIUM EQUATION" is of MOST VALUE to humans! Yes isolation stops covid spread but the damage it causes with human ISOLATION psychology from connecting is far far worse! Plus it is cancerous .. I still do not hug people easily .. (germs are too much on my mind), and especially THEIR not being comfortable! Covid 5 years later did a number on our human CONNECTION. Along with work from home and screen use this was a perfect social destruction storm!
Our certified personal trainers will create a custom fitness plan to help you achieve your fitness goals. Whether you want to build muscle, increase endurance, or improve flexibility, we can help.
Fri. Jan. 17, 2025, 7:00 pm
Elon Musk's space just exploded all over Turks and Caicos. (HAH! 👿 .. sorry to be mean, you GREEDY bastard.) They are calling for him to check exactly what happened. He caused planes enormous danger! For his greed and prestige, normal humans nearly died. Planes could not fly thru the debris and some had little fuel left to make detours! (HMM! do they carry just enough fuel so less fuel is USED .. more PROFIT! God we are STUPID! How the hell did we let the world be so EVIL around us while we paid NO ATTENTION!?? 🤬 WE really are TOO STUPID TO LIVE! We seriously think voting for some "daddy" every 4 years will get us FAIR for "we the people"?? WE got total LAZY and irresponsible with our INATTENTION. Sorry as usual OFF TOPIC. Why the hell is a government and Law enforcement needed to tell MUSK what to do?? If he is a REAL Human would he not be horrified fee guilt and do his best to investigate and fix?? No because he is not human .. his GREED makes him evil .. a D-evil!! unbelievable.
WE will have to work SO incredibly hard to get our CONTROL back. The power structure made us DUMB so they CULD be in complete control. NOW we must BOYCOTT everything not FAIR. It mens SACRIFICE! I wonder how many will actually GIVE UP our crap to get REAL quaky of life back. How the hell did wet et so STUPID we think MORE stuff, faster, easier more convenient is a good life? STRES from overload and overwhelm is NOT agood life. yes we have MORE .. but I ASSURE you LESS is way better. If your brain has lost any memory of pioneer CONNECTED HUMAN times, or even the 50"s family fun or all watching 2 channels choice of TV together and sharing a farm neighbour phone .. you will LOSE any hope for a decent life VERY SOON.
Sorry but us old guys will be gone. good because we boomers were evil .. and stole your resources and hope! But some of us DO and DID care! Please listen to our wisdom because once gone .. there REALLY will be little hope to get back ANY quality of life. I feel like I lived in the ALL TIME most interesting time in human History! Probably the most EVIL time but most interesting because I was fascinated with the COURAGE of the pioneers, loved New England history and then New York invention and PHILa. Founding Fathers! I doubt even my nieces 10 years younger had our fascination. Young people probably do not even KNOW what a general store is! Yet that will be the first phase of our new FAIR ORDER SYSTEM. Back then farmers had BARN RAISINGS .. with everyone working TOGETHER to help one farmer! We need to relearn how REAL Human Community worked. DUMOCRACY is a con job for (oligarchy?). Politicians and corporations RUN US .. and NOT for we the people"s good. The Founding fathers are turning in their graves. This SYSTEM is NOY what they worked so hard for. Research our history .. we either go back to NORMAL connected community times .. or we REAL Humans die, while earth goes on with ZOMBIES in the digital DYSTOPIA they created.
Seriously use my wisdom and memories BEFORE I very soon CROAK.💀 For almost 70 years I wondered why things were stupid and did not WORK. Why could the systems not be FAIR .. work for us .. do not HARM others or our HOME?? Sorry almost 7 decades wondering questioning researching designing .. please use my OBSESSION .. or o totally wasted my life. I could have gone on cruises and my kids have a huge inheritance on a nice house. They have nothing because their mom was obsessed! Please help e Mae my invention "pay off" and create quality of life for all AGAIN.
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