Sun. Feb. 2, 2025, 8:30am.
"Don't THINK about it .. if it harms your day" Excellent advice! Just keep your day calm, focusing on what you CAN do .. and you accomplish more!" Great advice!(REASONING?). But when this becomes our way of life, every minute is our BEHAVIOUR .. it is BAD not good! That LAZY irresponsible behaviour is horrible! That advice becomes TERRIBLE. This is a perfect example of DUALITY! Most everything is "both .. and ..". Almost all Things are BOTH .. good/ bad, right/ wrong, DARK AND LIGHT. As a LAZY 🙈 society, We simplify everything in this way and just demonize the opposing side. "Both .., And.." requires THINKING and LEARNING to find the best for ALL HUMANS. REAL HUMAN LIFE .. is GREY! Finding the best moderation and balance between "both ..and .." is the slow and hard of life. But we only accept fast and easy to get our MORE. We either change our selfish shallow behaviour .. or DIE. At least HUMANS will die very soon! Zombies will continue to exist soul-less .. in their digital DYSTOPIA.
No RESPONSIBILITY to find the moderation and balance of all things, will DESTROY HUMANITY!! If fact it almost HAS! END TIMES are here and it is not flood, fire or comet! It is US killing us! 😱 .. by being too LAZY to be HUMAN anymore. "Human" is recognizing "ALL CONNECTS", everything connects to everything else. Not just Humans, but every idea, and system .. connects to everything else! Everything is just space and ENERGY, ALL CONNECTED! But INSTEAD since NORMAL natural does not apply to us "specials" we have DISCONNECTED ALL. The arrogance is amazing. These "special" beings DISRESPECTFUL of NATURAL, do not listen and LEARN from each other. Faucci never listened to the Space Neuroscientist and look what damage ISOLATION did to our society. All in natural LIFE connects .. or it DECAYS!
A REAL Human is not "SELF" and separated SPECIAL. HUMAN is beings together as a FAMILY, working to better FAMILY LIFE and HOME. The "SELF" and "separate" individuality have disconnected us from the REAL HUMAN Family! The original quote from the plane "Get OWN MASK first .." had a PART 2, that we have totally ignored! In our self absorbed, fast and easy worshiping society we grabbed ONLY the part that suited us! Nobody bothers with part 2 "THEN next .. help "the other"!" We take only HALF TRUTHS, choosing whichever of the DUAL suits us better! we have become BAD humans. Hopefully those only STRESSED selfish and shallow will LISTEN, LEARN and come back to our HUMAN SIDE. The "Spectrum to ZOMBIE" is our LAST WAR. Let's et the stressed selfish only time for shallow back to our side. Together hopefully we are still the quiet masses .. the REAL" We the people"!
We will create a FAIR "Order System" based on TRUTH. We will DO the hard work of evaluating the duality, the good and bad of life! We will find "the grey" .. each best answer to be "the most good, for the most, and do the least harm .. to the least!
DAMN! this is why I can NOT write. guess I kept adding as I "edited" above? no hope
repeat? no I like this "best /worst BETTER! I am manic high at seeing the best (=hope) .. then I realize "No! = WORST!" .. or vice versa.. no wonder my life is CHAOTIC energy zapping!
The best? can ALSO be the WORST! True of almost everything .. even "love". "All you need is love!" is so simple and shallow and IRRITATING. 😡 Love is so HARD because you must LISTEN, to LEARN! But sometimes you can NOT EVEN UNDERSTAND each other although you are TRYING. How can you compromise opposing ideas or goals when you can not even UNDERSTAND the idea or focus?? Love is hella HARD.
In 2008 before all this "FAIR ORDER SYSTEM" work became obsession I thought I got the best advice ever. His name was Manzur I think, in my building I just moved to in TO. I was lamenting I could not be happy because I felt too guilty and was too sad my kids would probably never see the middle class life we enjoyed when THEY were kids. YEOH!! 🤔 OMG! Was he instrumental in beginning this WHOLE OBSESSION?? On FIRST THOUGHT .. (that "onion shell" I speak of as life's ideas and problems as an ONION) .. on first SHALLOW thought he gave best advice ever, just "don't think about it!". WE should Just keep our mind AWAY from fear, guilt or loss, because we can do nothing about it. If we are worried about the world what can we do? It is just wasted energy and SADNESS because we can't change the world! (I Disagree!) But on first thoughht it does sound (arrogant?). Worrying or being NEGATIVE, we are stealing from the "Human ATMOSPHERE bank account (our shared Life Ledgers)", for no good reason! HOLY!! That felt like AMAZING advice at the time .. but on SECOND THOUGHT .. it was exactly what got us in the mess we are in! So I guess we msut bounce between the 2 sides! Ignoring problems vs setting about to SOLVE THEM. Both sides are good .. but only balance and moderation will save us. WE have to WORK to solve world problems be responsible, not unaware ostrich .. but we also have to stop and breathe. Left brain mostly republicans only face what suits them and ignore the rest. HAH! so some DUAL things require EQUILIBRIUM .. balancing! But other DUAL ideas require calculating bEST VALUE for the most and deciding the ACTION (Serenity prayer? biased by my critical (cynical!) thinking?)
OMG. I got advice that was helpful .. POSITIVE .. 17 YEARS AGO! Only this minute realizing I went on in my USUAL "ONION HEART" THINKING WAY to the inner skin .. not the shallow crackle shell, to recognize far more! On SECOND THOUGHT!! .. NO!! DO .. THINK ABOUT IT!! What can YOU and WE do to CHANGE THAT!! ?? What if we got responsible and quit being lazy in 2008 or 2012 when we had OCCUPY!!
OMG how can I save the world even with the BEST idea? if I can NOT communicate it! My thoughts are always flying around and I can not capture them ORDERLY! I think I am realizing Manzur in 2008 at first reminded me of my sister advice I gave her re worrying about hER kids .. but then over the years I thought I have time! I need to figure out how to help .. at first new jobs then the FAIR company probably began. Wow ideas take a long time to FERMENT! To keep our sanity we still have to TAKE Manzur's advice. Breathe and take a break from the MESS we old guys HAVE MADE!
Tues. Jan. 28, 2025, 8:45 am.
WHAT IS .. FAIR? .. here is an article not at all what I mean! Being Fair (To OTHERS and EARTH) is what makes a decent GOOD Human. a BAD Human HARMS others and earth. That is NOT FAIR Behaviour! BUT .. I forgot a HUGE PART of the def! a BAD human is one WILLING to harm others or earth .. FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT KNOWINGLY with NO CARE for their well being. So Luigi is NOT a bad human because he did the "not fair" for us .. and gave up his OWN benefit (freedom!) But this article has an awesome saying. RE NOT FAIR " Life is not happening to us. Life is happening for us. Read the last two sentences again. We get custom challenges made just FOR us." My EX husband and daughter are similar character. Had I not gone through that experience of dismissal and demeaning I would never have come up with this formal, or been fascinated enough at opposing character to research for DECADES. Approaching life with "Later I will find out WHY this happened to me." works way better than the way I approached life "I think god hates me .. "
HAH! My "FAIR" Definition is that I want life to be FAIR for everybody! I want a WIN/ WIN society. I want a SYSTEM where everybody has a FAIR chance. That means we have to EQUAL out the starting race. OMG! That is amazing .. how do they decide who gets the longest race line? Well, I give that to spoiled rich brats with all kinds of confidence (they have a huge ADVANTAGE) .. and the shortest track goes to kids who had unstable homes with no one telling them how great they are! (Vicctim .. my eye .. that is NOT FAIR shallow LEFT BRAINS Talking! Of course life is harder with no one telling you that you are GREAT! How stupid are you. OOOH .. don't be using the "victim" card. Of course not because you are too stupid token SEE of course you have a UNFAIR ADVANTAGE. Off the planet or INTO the "Left brain ASYLUM" you build for you. hah those societies can build their asylum! Do not come out!
Hah! Damn it I will never get ANYWHERE with my bible or manual .. because I keep just LEARNING! OK maybe 24 web sites are the Bible whatever they are called (books? ) and now I need a summary LIFE MANUAL! here are the 9 things we need for TOTAL human Health. Here are the 3 things to attend to and the 6 ways to do so, all in an ACCOUNTING system of WE/ US, before me!mine, plus time (cause/ consequence) and Space near and farther.
BUT .. there is also god (universe? heaven ?) sent events, ideas, we should PAY ATTENTION TO! How did I just ask a nice friendly lady here "How are you?" ?? Do I ask people that? Not often ! .. mostly I am to busy RANT PREACHING. 😢 .. I am a BAD human, but I am NOT doe me I am for WE/US so don't send me to hell (oh yeah, that is just living HERE! 🙄 ) For some reason I asked her how she is and she said "NOT GOOD." Turns out her ok brother had just died unexpectedly. Poor lady .. I am not good connecting with one to one .. too busy trying to save WE/US in the cosmos. 😞
I somehow managed to CONNECT with her and say the right things to make her feel better. Mostly to be grateful for the many years she had with him ( I adored mine but lost them in my 20's) and that he escaped the coming conflagration. (In 2 hours they announce the doomsday clock new time.) I guess I was able to CONNECT my self absorption in a way that was helpful because she was very grateful to having spoken to me! That made me feel great and now I approach the day fully positive , with god AND a REAL Human giving my life value.
Wed. Feb. 5, 2025, 9:30 pm.
Imagine being raised to feel like you deserve the world .. you are perfect, in fact better than everybody. Some people are actually raised that way. I thought I was raising my kids to feel great about themselves but there are many factors that can ruin that .. especially divorce, and even working while parenting. Daycare raises too many children. My point is just that if your zodiac is a happy sign, 😃 and you had a stable loving SUPPORTIVE home are there really people who can not see life will be HARDER for someone missing that? if your character is more thoughtful, more observant and sensitive .. of course you will notice unfair situations more, than an easy going "don't worry about it!" type of character. How LUCKY to be easy going, fun and have lived a charmed life growing up. By charmed, 🥰 all I mean is STABLE and supportive .. it can be in POVERTY, but create a MORE STABLE person! We ALL need someone in our corner!
So why would someone say stepping over a homeless person "He should have worked hard like me .. too bad for him". remember I am G.O.D. grouchy OLD Dictator .. off the planet with you because you have LOST your humanity. HMM .. proof again we connect NOTHING! "NOT fair" is the easy careless look after me attitude! Also with an unstable upbringing everything seems more traumatic .. you make mountains out of molehills which makes life a struggle. Ghat person needs and DESERVES extra support. Not money but a way to feel respected, valued and important. Then we do not NEED a justice or prison system! We just raised out HUMAN Stock market vs dimminshed it as Left brains always do.
The easiest but most shallow and inhuman life is ..
These together create a person Able to care only for the SELF. All my life I hated (too lazy to say "do NOT like") people who worried only for themselves. BUT .. they miss the HUMAN of life .. and it really is not their fault when they were born .. or the genes or enzymes they got. Sadly this combination takes you on a spectrum from insensitive, to heartless .. mean, to cruel, to evil! Yet I am still trying to ACCEPT it is like expecting a blind person to SEE, or a legless person to walk. They are actually UN ABLE to be more thoughtful and caring. Their human "heart" and mind (thinking deeply) is missing. If you have some Right Thinking Wiring left .. Just be a nice FAIR decent human! Question WHY soeone is a bad guy. Bad guys are not BORN .. they are made by society's UNFAIRNESS. Everyone deserves love and respect! hmm .. do we murder Left brains gone EVIL? Sorry but rabid dogs are pit down .. not their fault either.
Sat. Jan. 25, 2025, 9:00 pm
All of a sudden I got worried I am judging American life by the HORROR of living in Toronto. Struggling young people, selfish old people and too many horrible, rude selfish, cold people. INCIVILITY REIGNS .. maybe because all are stressed to just SURVIVE? But I loved my time in NYC Phila late 24 .. felt like home with family though strangers. Is quaity of life way Better? If that is true .. Americans will wonder what the hell I am RANTING about! OMG! I am screwed!
I found this article that comes right back to my TRUTH and FAIR fascination! So a good indicator of struggle is LIVING PAYCHECK to PAYCHECK! If your job need YOU ARE SCREWED .. homeless soon! 😱 Terror.
But on reading the article no wonder everything is LIES .. we TWIST when we do not even REALIZE we are twisiting. 🙈 Asking a SIMPLE QUESTION is not simpel at all . (But Left brain ONION SHELL people just KEEP IT SIMPLE, so they NEVER find the real truth.
IF .. I have pretty much NO SAVINGS ACCOUNT, no huge gym membership and travel AND lots of DEBT. I really am LIVING PAY CHECK tp PAYCHECK.
BUT .. if you have minimal debt and contribute to a pension .. PLUS have a decent savings account .. and you enjoy Starbucks and Art nails .. YOU ARE NOT REALLLY living pay check to pay check. Since I have huge debt and NO SAVIMGS I just TOOK FORGRANTED that was the definition so we should ALWAYS THINK DEEPER in the onion layers of our brain or an idea. Actually .. our brain and ideas are really one and the same so the ONION WORKS either way! What do we mean by "living pay check to pay cheque"?? (35% in '22, 47% in '24. .. that is a big jump! however it is defined by those questioned!) I think young people define it like me! (those old people are from a different time and reality where we saved and were not in debt or expected 7$ coffee!) I spend most of my time with YOUNG PEOPLE! Wow the lovely young girl I just shared my work with is like 20 .. not even born for 10 when I began this internet as new industry for INTELLIGENCE vs info job creator. There are terms those poor young people do not even UNDERSTAND from us old guys! Things change too fast now!
WOW!! no wonder I have trouble finding the DEFINITION of TRUTH! No wonder I have struggled in life! Finding TRUTH which should be a given .. is HARD. HAH!! But right brains want to UNDERSTAND .. which = TRUTH! So we just have to get rid of all Left brains who only get into the onion shells .. leaving NOTHING as TRUE! A life TOO confusing for us because we just want a FAIR "win/ win" SYSTEM Yes we are the DREAMERS! We do not want to USE whatever we find , solely for our OWN benefit. We Thinkers live in "WE/ US, Time, space" focus not "ME!mine, here, now" selfish tunnel vision.
Mon. Jan. 27, 2025, 8:30 am
Those "but's" are layers of DEEPER LEARNING! BUT!!!! you can also look at another SIDE of a horror by thinking BUT?? and find a good side .. IF you BREATHE and then SEARCH for it!
There is good and bad to everything. I hate shade because it is dark .. but it sure as hell beats boiling to death in sun's heat! I just saw the Doomsday clock which resets TOMORROW, is decided by BRILLIANT ESTEEMED SCIENTISTS! That is Terrifying! I thought it was just some idiots like me, trying to WARN people!🙈 eeee! 😱 BUT!! look at the positive side .. I am sending those guys this work! And I joke with my kids I am Einstein on Health .. it was begun in 1945 by he 🥸 and Oppenheimer!!
So we live by 2 kinds of "BUTs" .. most NB word in the world.
Look at the DOOMSDAY page again .. down at the comments. I totally agree with the women .. BUT .. the man I was DEMONIZING .. actually has a good point! We jump tp demonize today. This is NOT a REAL HUMAN EXISTENCE. REAL HUMANS learn from each other. BUT!! this only happens if we have a mind OPEN to listening to new ideas, and RETHINKING our viewpoint. WOW I have now said that so clearly. Einstein was so right! He said if you can noy say it CLEARLY you do not yet understand it enough! The things I write now seem so SIMPLE .. anybody would know them. But our brain got fried and so we have no ABILITY to THINK and LEARN. Without that we lose our HUMANITY. Please please LISTEN to those of us who still have our right brain wiring. If you do not .. the world will end SOONER than 20 30 years. I think we won't get past 2030. The ZOMBIES will but humans will kill ourself or each other in rage and despair. YES .. there is a BOMB coming and H bomb .. the HUMAN bomb, giving up on ZOMBIE LAND!!
Tues. Jan. 21, 2025, 7:00 pm.
"BUT .. " or "what if .." are called EXCUSES by Left brain warriors. Worrier THINKERS want to be sure they are not for example .. putting someone in jail for life .. when they never even MEANT to kill, had no plan or rage. "WHAT if .." it was truly an ACCIDENT? That is NOT the same "bad" or "wrong" as intent to kill. Took me 70 years to wonder how many people are in jail INNOCENT but their "DECENT HUMAN" GUILT made them NOT fight for the REAL TRUTH.
Thinking to find REAL TRUTH is a search for REAL UNDERSTANDING. HAH! no wonder I have to put REAL in front of everything! BEING STUPID! means everything is shallow and not even TRUE MEANING! Like "woke". If we do not WAKE up, GROW up and become aware by PAYING attention .. we will DIE of stupidity. But WOKE is a shallow representation of thinking deeper. Even more sadly republicans the right politics are rather correct to demonize because also RIGHT BRAIN simple minded liberals do NOT take thinking carefully far enough. What they have done with gay .. is make me HATE it! I spent once the 70's with gay friends and compassion. Now I am a raging old lady .. get the hell away from me with needing to choose 9 sexes!! What the he;;is THAT?? Are those people the virtue signallers but they REALLY have no brain? When you CREATE rage and division PRETENDING you are being "inclusive" .. you are just STUPD. Stupid is anybody who does to go through ALL the ONION layers of our brain and problems to get to the "heart" and the REAL BEST SOLUTION.
Explanations (not excuses) let us take "duality" or things in life can be "both (. ) and ( )". Often we just simplify to good vs bad. But life is more complex than black and white. How does the good and bad BALANCE? What is the equilibrium? Supposedly court judge and jury determines how BAD and therefore how bad the punishment should be. But if we try hard to provide EACH of our REVERSE WORLD members all the factors we each need .. to be totally Healthy HUMAN Health I BELIEVE we will have little bad. People who are valued and treated with respect and caring buy their community try their best to be GOOD Humans .. FAIR to their human home and FAMILY.
BUT's explain how the BAD is not as bad .. or the good not as good. IF someone said that is really nice of you to take food I have not eaten getting old to ,y neighbours .. I would say BYT .. I feel so wasteful and guilty at my STUPIDITY that they make me feel better. So I am not so good after all, I get less "waste guilt" back. We live in a HUMAN ACCOUNTING SYSTEM. If we always give MORE than we take .. then when REAL STRUGGLE BEFALS US .. it is our turn to take a little extra.
But that is not FAIR. Yet I am kind of doing the same! I am so angry at a life time thinking I am on the wrong planet because I can NOT understand why things can not WORK better? Everything is STUPID .. very frustrating to RAGE after 70 years! (of course nothing works because I am not IN CHARGE! How many times did I jokingly say. "IF I ran the World, everything would work so much better!" This from the woman who can not organize a simple Christmas dinner for 3!!🙈 But you have to admit a lot of things make NO SENSE (Like us .. no clue about germs, but let's wear masks and isolate ourselves from covid. Those people put their grocery bags on a disgusting public sidewalk of dog pee and men's spit sidewalk .. and then put the bag on their counter!) For that STUPID behaviour, I could not cross the border for a year!!!? 🤬. 😱
Josie was taking it out on the world by stealing everything
If we finally get the FEELING life is treating us FAIR with supportive connections and belonging we usually BEHAVE. Too bad evil GANGS take advantage of that human CONDITION!! 🤔. 🥸 a great discovery eh?
Why worry just make money! Even Levittown, that I was excited about in the 60's, thought I admired the innovation .. it had PROBLEMS! I believe if we HONESTLY try hard to do good for humans and harm nothing .. god (the CEO of earth) takes pity and is merciful. I guess that is why I feel if I was god the DISRESPECT and lack of care and DECENT CONSIDERATION I have watched .. would bring FIRE and BRIMSONE on us.
Sat. Feb. 1, 2025, noon.
I disagree. We have quit the NORMAL Behaviour of the HUMAN 3/6/9 ACCOUNTING System of WE/US, Time and space. Far too many of us think ONLY simple "me/mine, here, NOW!" Obviously SEEing ONLY on MY focus of death camps and injustice in MY family history. I will see evil. But what was the evil that BEGAN it? Did I start it with MY unfair behaviour? What is being done in GAZA is EVIL. When you focus only on SELF (they attacked our concert!) you see everyone as the enemy .. BUT YOU NEVER LOOK AT YOURSELF, how YOU have harmed. What about when YOU are the evil or NOT FAIR? SELFISH can ONLY HARM, it is a natural law. When you simplify to focus only on SELF you cause HARM to the human Family and home. It is SIMPLE and always true. FAIR stops wars but is hard work. We are too lazy so what works for me? RE Gaza What is the history that CAUSED the concert attack? Those people were fenced in and CONTROLLED. No wonder Hamas got angry for their own peopl at the EVIL treatment!
When I retire I want to search for the TRUTH of the holocaust. Just like Jewish leaders DECREASE DEATH #'s in Gaza . so they INCREASED deaths of the holocaust. A SELFISH viewpoint does not look for truth .. ONLY FOR WHAT SUITS its OWN NEEDS. Maybe Trump is a GOOD THING!! We clearly see how the mind of a selfish shallow, heading to STUPID and evil (zombie) works! He is ONLY for his OWN glory whatever that may be. Too tunnel vision to think of HARM being caused.
Tues. Jan 21, 2025, 4:00 pm
YOU CAN NOT PICK and CHOOSE FACTS and simply use whichever SUITS YOU IN THAT MOMENT!! That is so twisty and confusing for those of us who try to CONNECT facts to find TRUTH! Politicians and especially Republican connect NOTHING .. they simply take parts of truths and USE THEM for their own benefit, to reach their OWN goal. TWISTING MINDS is so evil .. but I am beginning to think they do not even KNOW they are doing it? I am so bad at it (selling? using whatever gets you what YOU want whether $ success or prestige) People who THINK more deeply and WANT to find TRUTH so they can UNDERSTAND live I IMBALANCE in the TWIST society we live in.
DAMN IT! I already forgot the point I caught on CNN. Something about Trump pardoning MOST Jan 6, and the guy being questioned just said how is it different from BIDEN pardoning. So now THINKNG PEOPLE CONNECT IDEAS. Trump praised retribution and seems not to care about NORMAL LAWS. One can see Biden would be fearful. But people should not think they can attack the capital and police and have NO repercussion. Trump's pardon is for attacking property and VIOLENCE, and does NOT compare to Biden's!
I am so sick of yelling "BUT..!!" at the TV! I want out of this STUPID society. Please show me the quiet THINKNG people are the MASSES. maybe even if we are 30? we may be able to et another 30% that are just STRESSED selfish and shallow I trying to survive. MY daughter once said in frustration to my "Just think about it (my new idea)!" her response was young people who need to WORK to pay their rent to survive .. HAVE NO TIME TO THINK! She is right! So if you know stressed people who used to be REASONABLE please try to bring them along. We will RE-Pioneer, simplify and hopefully bring along some still HUMAN corporations as Sponsors. But we need to BOYCOTT stupidity. it will kill us humans. THEY will just get stupidercstill and be zombies in digital DYSTOPIA. I mean how stupid do you have to be to not SEE if we have no JOB we can not BUY in our consumption society! 😱
Tues. Jan. 21, 2025, 4:15 pm.
Wed. Jan. 15, 2025, 9:00 am.
WE building RESOCRACY, invest MORE at all times in our FAIR .. REAL HUMAN System .. than we TAKE. Left brain selfish shallow zombies think ONLY " ME! mine, here, now". It is easy to take over the world when you care ONLY about self. Those of us who are still REAL humans with mind and "HEART" INVEST in our Rescocracy becomes sometimes it will be OUR TURN TO TAKE. (RESOCRACY replaces DUMBocracy and greed capitalism. WE all CONTRIBUTE RESPECT, RESponsibility and RESource Management. NOT the stupidity of voting eery 4 years! Daddy will look afters DUMBocracy) Repeat in Intro?
D V P parkway cars vs me ..
Mother screaming at Rabba store delivery truck driver who parked near her ramp? down into street. She had to use some extra energy to let her stroller brat down into the street without the ramp. Excuse me selfish bitch girl. He parked there to be out of the way of MANY cars coming .. trying to get past him. The HUAN VALUE Ledger works AUTOMATICALLY in a Right brain HUMAN. This logic and common sense is MISSING in Left brains leaving them thoughtless and SELFISH. The truck driver was trying to leave the ramp free at the same TIME as being in the way of the least cars. I need to ADD VIDEOS! So much easier with just words! Any way of course you have NO BRAIN bringing a helpless child into this MESS world. Girl you will have to struggle a bit just like all the cars must MANOEVER by the truck .. in order to live in a CONNECTED HUMAN SOCIETY. If you want all to serve you .. well that is EXACTLY why our society is collapsing. I was going to say go live in the wilderness but that only works for republicans who want guns. She is all that is wrong with our shallow (think NO FURTHER than me) selfish society. She wants all the conveniences but nothing to do with any GIVING. Myopic vision like that has destroyed CIVIL Society! The cars and truck driver were working TOGETHER SHARING INCONVENIENCE of life! The huge HONKER also must get off the planet.
wed. Jan 15, 2025, 11:30 am.
EEEE this needs a WHOLE section .. I want GAS CHAMBERS .. I HAVE become Hitler, like my kids used to joke. The EVIL is too great and must be eradicated .. and that evil is NOT me!
I am sorry but in the last 100 years the F F plan for a good new SYSTEM has become so EVIL .. such a MANAGED PLAN to profit off the people .. omg while I thought why is this not working .. nothing is FAIR? While I was confused and STUPID NAIVE .. THEY were creating such a WIN/ LOSE SYSTEM as we can not even imagine. If we can not imagine the loss of L A .. imagining the EVIL Heartlessness of our power structure mis UNFATHOMABLE. And no one will listen to me (put me in jail only) because I too was naive until last few decades .. so how can I expect you to overbite get what. I spent a lifetime TRYING TO UNDERSTAND. Unless there are lots of people who GET ME and will follow my plan .. we are definitely over. HUMANS are done .. and zombies will decay soon in the destruction of NATURE .. our human home obliterated by GREED. Can you imagine we actually had a movie people loved "GREED is GOOD" OMG I honestly FEEL SICK!! How far we have fallen from my beloved Phila .. feeling the energy of those brave Founding Fathers and my hero BEN FRANKLIN. Can we do B F 2.0 .. a better OrderSystem that is FAIR and build REAL ToTal HUMAN HEALTH. All we have to do is EACH be respectful, responsible and manage ALL the resources of our HUMAN FAMILY and home better.
Wed. Jan 15, 2025, 12:15 pm.
Everything in our ORDER System is VALUED. Not just stuff but BEHAVIOUR. PERHAPS it was wrong to kill that guy ( if we have decided EVIL must go, then was he EVIL?) Don't worry we will provide several choices FIRST (like JOIN us, build an ASYLUM for yourself or get off the planet. No? sorry you must die .. and your EVIL BRAIN will be STUDIED!
What Luigi did was wrong, but is it not 1000 times MORE wrong to make us sick with processed food and toxins and then PROFIT off our discomfort and pain? My kids say I am JUDGEY .. I guess I am because we are run by Left brains who think everything is black and white. OYR ORDER SYSTEM is GRAY! Find the FAIR between gun or no gun, abortion or no abortion. FAIR is listening learning reconsidering and calculating the VALUE of each opposing side. Which side helps in more ways, + more people? and HARMS the least for the least Humans.
Luigi gave up his LIFE, to wake us up (never mind twisted "woke" which is ALSO evil from POLITICS not left brain. They are BOTH stupid but worse selfish gone to GREED. GREED is what RESOCRACY will ERADICATE. Our bottom up ORDER SYSTEM requires respect responsibility and research management BY EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US! Not dumbocracy! (I voted for the best "daddy".. he will look after us. Wow democracy was the beginning of the BEST CON JOB EVER. We are going to build a BF2.0 template of what the Founding Fathers were REALYY trying to create. what they built has failed miserably over the last 100 years of GREED.
So my point is just LUIGI contributed GREATLY to our HUMAN Accounting system (vs stupid $$). My system lets evil corporations TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. Unless you want us to murder you in the LAST WAR, (good against EVIL) JOIN US. Get FAIR Certified .. REALLY "do NO HARM" or we have to remove you from HUMANITY.
Thurs. Jan. 16, 2025, 4:30 pm.
If you took some of the things I say out of CONTEXT, I would ALSO sound like a crazy person. If you take only one fact .. you can either agree or disagree. BECAUSE FACTS NEED TO BE CONNECTED to get to TRUTH. Whenever we leave off part of an idea and focus ONLY on a "fact" it is usually TWISTING and USING it as a LIE for our CONVENIENCE. If we have an EDUCATION SYSTEM for "we the people", why are we not TAUGHT THIS??? So do we all just TWIST EVERYTHING TODAY? TOO LAY and IRRESPONSIBLE to look for the REAL truth and reality? I thought I was a liberal but now realize I just hate ALL politicians since NOT for "We the People". Is that what Biden called OLIGARCHY .. run by corporations and the wealthy? A few Politicians might be OK .. maybe Bernie? (how after 15 months do we get a peace deal in Israel the weekend BEFORE Trump. Just weird! No wonder we TRUST nothing .. and that is exactly how our world TOTALLY falls apart.
Trump says climate change is a HOX. I HATE That. How can anybody be so stupid? But my son says it too now. When he does I can NOT discuss because my brains FRIED at the LAZY irresponsibility. How do we do NOTHING but irresponsibly CONSUME and send our toxic waste to other countries t figure out. Seriously .. you think the TOXIC soup we create will ONLYU harm less SPECIAL humans than westerners? That is so evil!
BUT .. remember EVERYTHING has a BUT! Thank You thank you trump people in NYC and PHILA that made me OPEN my mind. If I look at climate change from how we are handling it .. yup I could truly call it a HOAX. If we STUPID Humans ACTUALLY care or want to actually maybe FIX anything .. we would CONSERVE and take PERSONAL responsibility. I find it truly amazing INSANITY that we would talk GREEN energy at the same time as we went CLOUD plus work from home requiring about double the power! we were using the energy pf ARGENTINA for the cloud in 2012 before we even knew what it was. Now we have a bazillion pictures we do not need constantly using cloud energy. OMG .. thinking of our STUPID .. makes. me want to give up. I hope I get a FINANCIAL Partner soon so I can get a contact space and know people ARE joining my CRUSADE.
Wed. Jan. 22, 2025, 11:00 am
As I write trump is putting all DEI people? staff? on leave. (Wow! if I as a Canadian 😢have a SREESS NECK (can't move my head I am so Trump STRESSED!) .. wow imagine the stress of the poor people thinking "am I going to lose my income tomorrow or next month?" I AGREE, government wastes our tax $ but let's find a HUMAN .. a FAIR way to cut the excess spending!)
PLUS .. STOPPING DEI .. simple .. is STUPID! Simple and shallow are always STUPID! Fast and easy is ALWAYS STUPID. We completely destroyed our society with fast and easy DEMAND for convenience. Our Fast easy IDIOCY does not make life better! it has DESTROYED our TOTAL Human Health. Convenience foods fried our brain. Info not turned to human INTELLIGENCE by our EFFORT .. has created a society of LAZT irresponsible ZOMBIES. Enjoy your digital Dystopis UNTHINKNG IDIOTS!
OK sorry for diverging BIG PICTURE as usual. Back to DEI .. that was a great idea! But as usual taken EXTREME, and now is STUPID! However to just throw a great idea OUT, is even STUPIDER! We have lost our ability to LEARN! Can we not LEAR from the problems of DEI .. and just TONE it DOWN?? I think it should BE .. but FIRST who is best for the job? If there are 2 candidates both good .. take the one who usual gets left behind! That is what FAIR means .. to calculate the best outcome. If there are 2 equally good people for a job, but one has been in JAIL .. it is of more VALUE to give him the job! He builds his confidence and does not offend anymore! THINK future value .. investing for MORE LATER. A black who constantly gets left out from boss choosing who is like himself, feels not valued and eventually gets into trouble. Just treat people FAIR and we do not NEED LAW and ORDER. But reading this article I am a DREAMER.😭Some people, especially Republican, just SIMPLIFY everything. No depth of thinking? = HELL. We need MODERATION, not throwing everything out every time there is a new Pres.!! You can not run little COMPANY that way! how do you think you can run big COUNTRY, throwing everything out! No wonder I can not move my neck. The chaos and confusion of these next months will be UNBEARABLE. I honestly wonder if suicides increase. Noice to know I am right .. Republicans could care less!
Instead of LEARNING we CAREEN from one stupid side of dual to the other. As in both/ and can be true! A gun CAN be good but it can also be BAD. Money is great .. saves us trading and carrying everything. But when we forget there are MANY other great values of life not BOUGHT or PAID FOR we create a thoughtless sick society. WE TRADE many things without money! Maybe a young person visits an old folks home to give them company. but the young person gains the WISDOM of the old. A great TRADE but no money is exchanged. We can have a HUMAN EXCHANGE Stock market that ALWAYS INCREASES if we each normally put in more than we TAKE!
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