Wed. Feb. 5, 2025, 7:15 am.
Zombies with no ability to think BROADLY and CAREFULLY .. BEFORE ACTING .. are in charge. By "sheeping along" quietly, we have brought civilization to the edge of a cliff.
We are STUPID! Do we really think Voting every 4 years will give us someone who REALLY cares about US? We live in a society focused on SELF! To think one simple act of VOTING will get us DADDY who looks after us .. is STUPID! very DUMB!! We have created DUMB-OCRACY and the Founding Fathers are turning in their graves! If we can NOT THINK, except with a "selfish, shallow, SELF ONLY" focus, then we must LISTEN to someone who spent a lifetime creating a Win/Win "Order system", FAIR to all. .. ME! 😃
It took me so long because I thought it was simple .. just be a FAIR decent human, only one commandment needed. Think of the HUMAN FAMILY and home FIRST, so you harm NOTHING by your behaviour. It is SIMPLE .. no 10commandments needed .. just ONE! But I discovered finding FAIR is very HARD .. we need a SYSTEM to help us find TRUTH, so we can be FAIR to all. We must calculate REAL human VALUE .. not just $! Finally I have created a new HUMAN Accounting system, based on the WIN WIN Order system. But to be FOR THE PEOPLE it can only be run BY the people. "WE" have to actually TAKE RESPONSIBILITY and quit being LAZY!
If we take RESPONSIBILITY, this Order System can be BOTTOM UP, instead of the usual TOP DOWN "POWER and CONTROL" we have grown to hate. WE will partner with still HUMAN, "FAIR CERTIFIED" companies to build a System for TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH .. or basic quality of life for all. ALL CONTRIBUTE, but also receive food, shelter and some fun. Think old pioneer village where everybody traded and helped each other SUCCEED. WE have to build this SYSTEM TOGETHER, with a focus on the Common and Greater good. I promise it can ONLY be better than the chaos and confusion stress on steroids we live in. Are we too late? There is great urgency because selfish, shallow (gone STUPID) behaviour has destroyed every single factor NEEDED FOR OUR Total HEALTH! If we live in a calm TOGETHER community we can reduce stress and RESTORE a decent quality of life. MORE + "special" have destroyed Trust, Hope, + CONNECTION.
We have fully destroyed Civilization with our selfish shallow "progress" CONVENIENCE FOCUS! Questioning the causes of problems, and consequences of our possible solutions is NOT fast and easy. Why not just consider possible PROFIT or POWER it creates, and RUN WITH THAT? Maybe because it DESTROYS all it touches?? To live a HUMAN life one must THINK. But when our brain is destroyed .. a HUMAN becomes STUPID, unable to THINK!
100 years of focus on the god of PROGRESS has almost destryed REAL Humans. The zombies lost their humanity with a CANCER .. CS2 .. the cancer of convenience .. selfish and shallow. The cancer has been caused by a poison FAR WORSE than cigarettes or the ongoing DAMAGE of covid isolation ..the S3 virus. The S3 virus or toxin is almost DONE destroying us .. Sugar (56 names in every food), screens (beagn with TV and Ads .. ever worse exposed) and STRESS, which makes the selfish and shallow WORSE. I do not have TIME for the common and greater good THINKING when I am stressed on sterids just to survive! We have LOST OUR HUMAN FOCUS, the common and greater good, replacing it with "SELF!" and "SPECIAL" normalized! I(Those merely STRESSED into this .. will hopefully JOIN US for a REDO.
Instead of eyes on the HUMAN FAMILY, or "we the people" .. we became "ME!mine, here, NOW! Since all in our world is connected .. this "I'm special" can only create destruction. Losing our human is coaused by loss of BRAIN. We ARE our brain our mind and "heart", but our brain has been destroyed by our disrespect for natural and NORMAL. The reality is we are not SPECIAL individuals but a Human Family .. and we have destroyed not just our home but the HUMAN who used to have a soul .
Why is this chaos not terrifying us?? This OBLIVION is why we surely seem STUPID .. surely brain dead. Not surprising with the TOXIC soup we created, plastics are now in our BRAIN! (link) Let's hope the QUIET humans (sad and angry because no one is LISTENING .. or THINKING) are the MASSES .. "WE the people". If so, I have a life's work recipe you can create that will recreate our "TOTAL Human Health". Other countries have way better health and THEY are not so "ME!" focused! Together with URGENCY, we can yet save humanity, using my lifetime obsessive investment. YOU get the credit!😇 .. far better than ONLY 🤑 Enough with HR, CSR, ESG! We BOYCOTT every company not YTRULY HONESTLY FAIR. FAIR depends on honesty. We will seize back RUST by associating ONLY with human companies. We can SACRIFICE now, or live like Gaza without the ruins later! Let;'s do it! Let's try something NEW .. TOGETHER as a Human Family respectful and RESPONSIBLE for our home!