Fri. Jan. 17, 2025, 4:00 pm.
We understand the use of the $, it was so much easier than trading fish and eggs. But we began to focus all our life on money, whether just to pay rent AND eat .. or, for MORE faster and easier! Our Life of work from home plus DELIVERY of EVERYTHING, Immediately .. is ludicrous! Another proof of "We STUPID! STOP IT! .. or we DIE!" Is paper $ really what is important in life? Certainly important to shelter and eat .. but NOT for a constantly SHALOW selfish "bigger and better" focus. I began to WONDER at 9 in the 1950's why people did not VALUE their health more. After all .. I bet most RICH people who are very sick, would give up their millions to feel good and be healthy.
When gluten finally showed us INFLAMMATION (SUGAR!) is the cause of disease .. I was elated, thinking our "name the disease .. get the DRUG" cruel NONSENSE .. would end. It didn't! just as in the 70's our effort to show sugar is FAR far worse for our health, than cigarettes. During my brief elation, my daughter (Left brain) dismissed my excitement with "There is a lot more to Health than looking at GLUTEN! 🙈 (you idiot)" (Guess I did teach her about demeaning TONE as a child. I realize now, even as a kid she was always the DOER .. while I kept on dreaming (wondering, questioning inventing).
If you like my "3/6/9 .. all that you need for TOTAL Human Health" it is my daughter we owe thanks to. I "hated" her a bit for not supporting my excitement with a "you have waited a long time for this!" 👏 " But without her DISMISSIVENESS .. ALL the things we need for TOTAL Human Health would never have been investigated, researched and finally discovered for CONNECTION. Now we can build a "HUMAN Accounting SYSTEM" that incorporates ALL needed for our individual health. We can not be healthy when those around us struggle mightily. At least if we have a MIND and "heart" that feels empathy for OTHERS. $$ are FAR from everything for a life of CALM and joy ("happy" is so SHALLOW and ?selfish?) We each need not just security and feeling valued for our contribution (a pay check!) .. but what about ORDER! TRUST! HOPE! Without those and several more .. life is worth little!
WE are throwing out our "economy" of $, and returning to HOME ECONOMICS! 😁 I was a Home Ec/ Family Studies teacher in the 70's and 80's! ( Now my teach has turned to YELLING PREACHER! 😤 ) We build a SYSTEM more like the share and trade of PIONEER times, where we work together and contribute our special skills to the HUMAN family and home! Life will work so much better! it will be hard work requiring PATIENCE to be FAIR to each member .. but quality of life or TOTAL HUMAN Health will be soooo much better!
Fri. Jan.17, 2025, 9:00 am.
We decided our "ECONOMY", our Stock market, our Financial SYSTEM, our "Securities" Exchange were all more important than the HEALTH of Humans. I mean REALHealth NOT kale and yoga mind, "heart" DISCONNECT. The most important VALUE or RESOURCE we have in life is our REAL TOTAL health. For 50 years our PHYSICAL health declined and is now in DECAY. But today even WORSE is our MENTAL HEALTH .. nothing WHATSOEVER to do with clinical depression, a chemical BODY dysfunction! OUR SOUL, our ability to connect with the COMMON and GREATER good is mossing not an enzyme or chemical! We have no SECURITY, order or TRUST, in a society of SELF. We are going create a new SECURITES EXCHANGE (Commission) .. but this one is FOR the people. We the people went missing when they discovered sugar was a PERFECT control mechanism! To be healthy, Decent REAL Humans want those around them healthy TOO. There is more to health than PHYSICAL lack of DIS-ease.
A REAL HUMAN with mind and "heart (soul?) can only feel GOOD when everyone feels good. a universal Basic income is NOT the answer. We want to be useful and feel VALUED. we are going to build a new ACCOUNTING SYSTEM .. a new ORDER SYSTEM based on what REAL good humans want .. basic TOTAL HUMAN Health for all. We contribute and we receive FAIR. Those corporations who do not CARE about FAIR will be BOYCOTTED. We RE-PIONEER .. SACRIFICING corporate greed! do you not think the pioneers SACRIFICED? Time for us to get RESPONSIBLE and manage our human family and home with respect for ALL our many many resources of VALUE. Money was made up for a society of CONSUMPTION! The overuse, waste and TOXINS we created will KILL us (by 2030? .. 50 or 100 years. Human EXTINCTION is far closer!). Remember mindless ZOMBIES are not human.
But we disconnect EVERYTHING with our "SPECIAL-ization" focus. People are "SPECIAL", (disconnected from their HUMAN Family), "work" is specialized (disconnected from the joy of actually MAKING) and IDEAS are disconnected with the INVENTION of good vs evil. Before .. HUMANS were just DECENT to each other, like animals. Most do not kill each other just for greed. By Disconnnectingpeople, ideas and systems we have got SO STUPID (MY-opic) we no longer even SEE our stupidity. A society focused on "ME and MORE ($$ so "ME happy" 🙈 )
A triangle with 3 levels of triangles within. Each point = idea or concept. The top triangle is the ONLY education, INTELLIGENCE we need, the middle layer is how to USE that intelligence. (facts dat information even knowledge are NOTHING. Only when they are CONNECTED do they become intelligence. SORRY! NO COMPUTER CAN DO THAT! A Computer does not have a MIND or a HEART which is our HUMAN SOUL. A I .. of we FALL for the nonsense, will ONLY destroy us. Without a MIND to think, We have no ability to not go EXTREME. Left Brain ACTION minds in control are. UNABLE to think consequences. The destruction of their think warning is so COMPLETE, they do not even UNDERSTAND they thrive on a CONSUMER society. If they destroy our work because A I is more productive (PROFITABLE!) they have no more CONSUMER. we have no $ to buy!! If they are evil .. they will destroy their own profit system .. so they are actually BRAIN disabled. OUR COMMUNITY will have to decide if we can destroy DISABLED "beings". my last war .. good against EVIL, we murder greed .. so much easier than should we murder people who have no REAL BRAIN to think?
The bottom layer of the triangle has 3 triangles producing th 9 FACTORS or concepts we need to be healthy. we do not need MONEY we need FAIR distribution pop our most important resources!!
Kale and yoga are simple SHALLOW ideas for health. YES! Everything connects for health but we need far more than PHYSICAL well being. The 9 things we need FAIRLY DISTRIBUTED for all humans are
ONLY one of these is equivalent to $$ money, security. We do not care if you have mansions and jets .. BUT .. if you think you CAN while SLOWLY MURDERING us we will have to kill you. we will create a system that means LUIGI dod not give his life in vain. First we BOYCOTT you, if you won't be FAIR .. then we will have to plan our more aggressive RESISTANCE. Do you really think life with security gates and BODY guards is any LIFE at all? But then .. with your THINK BRAIN GONE .. I guess you really do not see the insane IDIOCY!! 🤔
Added Fri. Jan 31, 2025, 7:00 pm.
top = 1) ALL (everything in life) CONNECTS .. 2) ALL is DUAL (both and) and 3) we must calculate the VALUE balance (most good/ least bad) between the opposing sides
?? a box copied from somewhere?
A GOOD Life has joy and not too much stress! Is that a FAIR definition? When we feel life is FAIR, our Life Ledgers do not feel they are STOLEN from. When ALL factors of Human Health are stolen by the power/control Structure, resentment sets in. The RESENTMENT of NO FAIRNESS of life's REAL bank accounts in an individual's existence eventually turns TOXIC
3/ 6 /9 is a triangle with 3 levels .. the top is one 3 sides
2nd layer of the MAIN triangle creates 2 triangles of 6 sides (I KNOW! I need to add the diagram!) 3R and 3T
3R .. if we are not RESPECTFUL and RESPONSIBLE for all our many RESOURCES of value .. life turns into the disaster we have created! We chose special and to normalize anything NOT NATURAL. The only NORMAL (not special) we need is RESPECT and being responsible. Humans are our greatest VALUE not money .. so be KIND and CARING and above all FAIR. we have not been and now some of us are enraged. A Time Bomb is waiting to. explode. Some shooters are not BAD humans .. their life of LOSS has just become too much to bear. If we are FAIR to ALL humans we would have so many less PROBLEMS!
For decades I ranted "we only need ONE COMMANDMENT! I am going to create my own "country and religion!" That commandment was JUST BE FAIR, be decent to all in our HUMAN Family and home. But what I was still missing was FAIR is very hard. I thought it just meant our EASY hell or MY hard Heaven! 🙈 But FAIR needs TRUTH to work! As I watched TRUTH decay in our TWISTED, simplifying society I finally realized FAIR first needed TRUTH in order to evaluate the most FAIR to all! I want QUIET ,, but never really REALIZED some people actually want noise .. or .. sadly are just OBLIVIUS or INSENSITIVE. Life for us SENSITIVES (HSR) is hell in our noisy uncivil society. So 3T is THINK! to find TRUTH! so we can TRUST life to be FAIR.
Thinking to find TRUTH is always a good idea before acting. I always thought tattoo people were CRAZY! You call ME crazy but THAT is not? I felt sad for those young people thinking there must be NO FUTURE. (How do I know in 40 years I will not HATE that tattoo? We do not keep posters forever? I was RIGHT again! 🥸 Pete Davidson said "I was messed up .. a sad boy". Do you KNOW what it takes to REMOVE THEM? Burn off a layer of skin which takes 6 weeks to regrow .. with scars. DAMN you guys .. why do you never LISTEN TO ME!! I am a total IDIOT day to day .. moment to moment . But Big picture VISION I am GENIUS! If we had done the internet MY WAY .. we would today SERIOUSLY be living in UTOPIA. You did the very OPPOSITE .. we have HELL. Will you ever LEARN? LISTEN TO ME! G.O.D. (grouchy OLD dictator) who has a plan to clone other G.O.D's (one commandment .. BE FAIR to our H.F + H
Guess I always wondered why life is not FAIR. God did NOT put us here to suffer. Who the hell made up THAT FAKE NEWS!! Gos wants every one of us to have a good life. By working TOGETHER in a HUMAN Family in our respected earth HOME we CAN. I bet 100% nonnative child got such trauma and sorrow that some of ours do! Not one native suffered the INHUMANITY of our homeless next week with bone chilling cold. HUMANS BEFORE THE ERA OF CONSUMPTION and "MARKETING" (Bernay's mind CONTROL) had far more FAIR than we do. I suggest LAW and ORDER is unnecessary when people are treated with respect and managed as VALUABLE resources.
Our Order SYSTEM will be built on theHARD WORK of FAIR for all .. instead of millions of LAWS we the people must follow. I suggest only ONE law or commandment is necessary and all will work WAY!!!! better than our BAZILLION laws. ONE COMMANDMENT .. just be a FAIR decent human. Consider the WELL BEING of OTHERS before the self! Switch fro a ME!mine focus to we/ us .. the common and greater good.
That way those who got NO POT OF GOLD also feel they BELONG and are VALUED. NO bad behaviour, all contribute to our community for FAIR. You can be SICK wealthy, but you may not harm others in our HUMAN Family or home. You may NOT have 40$ billion while sad homeless people freeze. If this is OK to you .. get the hell off the planet. You are EVIL, ALIEN .. or too stupid to live. We ALL contribute to the fascinating thing we call humanity. Some are artist or dreamers. WE may be FLAWED in the DOER aspect of life but we are BRILLIANT in the things that make life WONDERFUL. Right brain Thinkers may be a pain in the rear but we are the inventors the CREATORS of new and BETTER ideas. It is time Left brain Pot of Gold DOERS give us RESPECT. Otherwise we must have the LAST revolution. Good, kind and caring REAL Humans, in a WAR (KILLING!) against thoughtless, selfish toward evil and ZOMBIE .. beings.
WE have to honour Luigi. Even just BEING THOUGHTLESS (not evil) to causing discomfort and pain to others for profit .. MUST BE STOPPED. Are most CEO's just so MY-opic the SEE nothing but the PROFIT they need for their shareholders? Sorry STUPID has to go. we need to murder MY-opic BLIND to harm people.👿 "WE STUPID! STOP IT! .. or we die" REAL Humans with "heart" and mind (Right Brain) will die from addiction, suicide or the resentment RAGE of mass murder. But we may have to kill thoughtless DOERS to shallow and selfish to see the damage they are doing
The pot of gold many THINKERS never got is "Don't worry about it! just be positive and look after YOU." This kind os thinking is SELFISH, shallow, focusing only on "ME!mine, here, now!". Sure it is good to be POSITIVE, but not if you are too lazy and irresponsible to CARE about the world AROUND YOU. Everything is COLLAPSING because we thought only of ME .. forgot we and us plus time (past and future contemplation. We NEVER think CAUSE, and never carefully consider CONSEQUENCES or at least Left brain DOERS uncharge do NOT. They are in power because they had "special" nurture, which gave them MORE than confidence but DESERVEDNESS. I suggest us deeper thinkers do not feel so deserving because we can SEE our faults and feel guilt at our mistakes. IMAGINE how easy a life is focused only on SELF and believing others LESS deserving "That homeless guy should have worked harder like me." makes me consider murder. So now I have built a revolution or WAR around it! People who have no "heart" brain wiring do not care about others. They are just lazy losers who blame. Either change your focus LEFT BRAINS, from ME! to "we/us" . or we will have to "get rid of you". 👿
If our personality is more Right brain "Thinker", WE/US focus (the NATURE part of the pot of gold), and we also got little in NURTURING, plus were in a less selfish zodiac .. COSMIC effect? Then we not only MISSED "the pot of gold" we got a poison instead! Eventually that poison of not receiving a FAIR share in life takes over. Our life is just way harder when we want and EXPECT FAIR FOR ALL. Overwhelmed, we lash in or out in violence. These are NOT bad people .. we turned them bad by providing no SUPPORTIVE CONNECTION. We can fix that with our Human value ACCOUNTING SYSTEM for a WIN/WIN "FAIR ORDER". These days the overload of life overwhelms, turns us "selfish and shallow" JUST TO SURVIVE! Working together we can REDUCE that stress!
On the other hand, those not stressed into being a thoughtless Left brain DOER, their SELFISH can become MEAN. 😡 That MEAN (ME! mine, here, now!") can turn CRUEL and then EVIL. the EVIL spectrum begins with SELFISH! we should be selfLESS putting the COMMON and greater good FIRST! We used to have a BALANCED brain so we THOUGHT about our effect on OTHERS well being. THAT is a civil society. Civility is GONE and we are losing our HUMANITY. How is it "human" to not care about harming OTHERS? "I want my profit and power .. screw you, too bad you are a struggling employee. why don't you work harder?" The stock market created EVIL .. greed is NOT good. Accepting that shows how far from human we have fallen. I am beginning to SEE though .. these greedy people really are just BRAIN DEAD. They are STUPID on steroids. A I = no jobs = no consumers, = no more profit. STOP IT STUPID! Join us as FAIR CERTIFIED, as sponsor to our gated community .. you get all the ACCEPTANCE (to not be BOYCOTTED) plus you get all CREDIT and PRESTIGE of saving the world!
How is a company that uses making humans sick to profit off their pain not EVIL? Processed food destroys our physical ANF Intellectual health. Along come drug companies, DR's and Hospitals to PROFIT of the SICK they helped create with their evil PLAN. Learn about McKinsey! If the CEO Luigi "removed" was a REAL Human he would get his company to join our FAIR certification. A little less profit for REAL Quality of life? TOTAL Human Health for all with NO HARM done to the human family and home .. or off the planet with you! This is the last revolution .. B F 2.0, repiner a new ORDER system. Just FAIR and decent calculation of HUMAN VALUE .. not $$.
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