Tues. Jan. 14, 2025, 1:15 pm.
Meditation and mindfulness plus all the other self ABSORBED crap we are fixated on .. just further proves our STUPIDITY! Seriously?? .. we think we can just meditate away a collapsing society??? 🙈 NO! Take some damn RESPONSIBILITY. Our Selfish THOUGHTLESS behaviour has destroyed everything and now we want an EASY WAY OUT. It is easy that CAUSED the collapse. Life is NOT easy. or at least life among OTHERS is hard. ALONE worrying ONLY about the self is fin. But we "want our cake (as souvenirs) and to eat it too". (We old guys have such STUPID sayings!) WE want to lie with OTHERS in a community but NOT do the HARD work that entails. COMMUNITY IS HARD! There is no fast and easy to build community! it takes CONCERN for OTHERS and future OUTCOMES! We care only for our SELF and wonder why our HUMAN CONNECTION is FAILING
Existence in Our society is FAR, FR from Total HUMAN Health. When we all work together for the common and greater good we get
Hmm #9 .. the internet surely STOLE the most important need for humans! ItDISCONNECTS US and even our ideas. We survive by CONNECTING our facts, data, divergent ideas, our expertise and knowledge into REAL HUMAN INTELLIGENCE which IMPROVES our quality of life in every way! Instead the internet not only disconnected these but DEMONIZED opposing views.
NO wonder our TOTAL Human health has collapsed! We decide data and facts with division turned demonization was the way to run society. PURE unadulterated STUPIDITY. The insanity of Zombies wh only see new profit or power .. never REAL QUALITY of LIFE .. or TOTAL Human HEALTH.
Fri. Jan 31, 2025, 7:45 pm.
For those Tik Tok, X and Text simplify 🙈 "in-attentives", still learning how to THINK DEEPLY again .. here are some "QUICK FACTS".
Not FAIR constant eventually creates REVENGE. poor Luigi and he cares for US .. he was enticed and di not have to even worry .. definitely a caring Right brain THINKER. (Did they throw us troublemakers in the mentally ill stigmatize bag?) Resentment and REVENGE breed, when we have had our FILL of injustice. When we see the world will NEVER work for us FAIR decent "WE the PEOPLE". We either lash in .. or out. I believe we have spent several decades "depressed" lashing in with escape by normal ADDICTIONS or suicide. But now I myself feel such rage at not FAIR .. I have almost murdered people myself. When an almost 80 year old entitled white "lady" wants to MURDER .. we have a very big problem on our hands. My life was pretty FAIR .. but watching others and seeing NO FAIR in existence had made me RAGING second hand. Imagine young men who get their masculinity form providing for a family .. but finding no decent jobs (because family wealth immigrants came? .. no rent to pay? lower wage possible?) I totally undersatnd the rage of young men. If I feel like mass murdering EVIL people, I wonder how many have just lost their MIND and control. Do not flag me as terrorist. I have no gun or car .. I guess my rage could strangle a dog owner, but otherwise my power is pretty weakling. REAL Health needs those around you to be healthy and living FAIR. Even if you are selfish heading evil you do not want people like me RAGING around you🤬. Much nicer when we are all "peace and love".
Thurs. Jan 16, 2025, 10:00 am.
This TOO will destroy Us!!
Sugar Screen social and STREE will be our undoing!
wed. Jan. 15, 2025, 2:00 pm.
HOW did we possibly get so STUPID!! I am the teacher! what is the answer? THEY actually are so CRUEL and GREEDY they felt it was OK to fry our brains.
10 STEPS to the DESTRUCTION of REAL Humans .. replacing with SHEEP to be shepherded
The shepherds were taught by Bernay's and McKinsey Consulting that the only thing that mattered was profit .. SHAREHOLDER ?equity? Hah .. I am discovering so incredible much EVIL! NOW Shareholders have NO RESPONSIBILITY "I just own the stock so I can retire" (the beginning of evil IRRESPONSIBLE Boomers!) But those shepherd's too are taught they manage a STOCK which must increase. Any question is answered with "Well we must make a profit or we can not exist". I DISAGREE! Yes you can definitely profit but NOT by horning your employees OR your customers or the earth we live on. MORE PROOF the Ruling few Famies are no HUMAN. All the people who want WEALTH at all costs .. are varying degrees of Left brain (Action). Their SHALLOW selfish behaviour HARMS anything and everything it touches! If you want to survive the H Bomb (Humans exploding) 🤣 of the LAST war ever .. come to our side NOW. get your business FAIR certified and use the HUMAN Accounting SYSTEM. Even some shepherd's will hopefully come. Would Luigi's CEO have come to our side? Doubt it unless he TRULY was stupider than HELL! The biggest Health insurer? Not knowing they were inflaming every one's disease prone-ness purely for PROFIT regardless of pain caused .. not knowing? But the do DR's know the pain they cause? My neice spoke of her operation on her ankle and the pain and struggle she now has .. little before and my brain screamed LUIGI! I could not say that to her yet, maybe when she is HEALED back normal? Luigi could not get help for his pain and yet he HAD $$. His caring about the common and greater good DESERVES him HERO Staturs. Can we please get together and stop this PURE evil of destroying our mind and health for profit!!
Those people who work HAVE TO BE BRAIN DEAD!
Our holistic health assessment takes into consideration not just physical health, but also mental, emotional, and spiritual health. We'll help you identify areas of imbalance and develop a plan to achieve optimal health.
Our functional medicine approach focuses on identifying the root cause of health issues and treating them with personalized, science-based interventions. We use advanced lab testing to get to the root of the problem.
We'll help you identify and reduce your exposure to environmental toxins that can negatively impact your health. We'll provide guidance on reducing exposure in your home and workplace.
Our health coaches will work with you to develop healthy eating habits that will improve your overall health and wellbeing. We'll help you make sustainable changes that will last a lifetime.
Our health coaches will teach you stress-management techniques that will help you reduce stress and improve mental and emotional health. We'll help you develop a personalized stress-management plan.
Schedule a free health consultation with one of our health coaches to learn how we can help you achieve optimal health. We'll discuss your health goals and develop a plan to help you achieve them.
Wed. Jan. 15, 2025, 4:00 pm.
In our upheaval chaos society, lacking any CIVILITY that is terrifying every one .. seems ludicrous to talk Kale and meditation! Yes to be healthy you must eat well, sleep and exercise and also relax. How the hell are you supposed to relax in this REALITY? Yes there are always 2 realities! But NOBODY TAUGHT US they depend on the MIND SET of the perceiver.
Sorry now that 70 years of questions all come together and all make SENSE I am ready to explode! I hope I create an H BOMB!! Is oppenheimer still alive? My System of HUMAN not $ accounting could ALSO be taken to evil? but how .. if its purpose is ONLY to be FAIR and decent to ALL Humans
Selfish+ shallow are our mode .. but these grow cancerously into greed and STUPID!
where did I put ZELDIN Trump says climate change = hoax. he probably means GREEN ..which is!
Mon. Feb 3, 2025, 9:00 pm.
BE sure to step out of nonsense world for a few hours before trying to sleep!!
stress destroys everything!
Wed. Feb. 5, 2025 4:00 pm.
.. feeling VALUED, Trust, Hope and connected HUuman INTELLIGENCE are the 9 factors of health we need besides physically nourishing our body .. build the cathedra for our SOUL with good bricks! But all the natural health crap SEPARATES everything to ME .. the individual! If you are not keeping your Human FAMILY and home healthy kale and yoga will never REALLY make you truly healthy!
Wed. Feb. 5, 2025, 3:00 pm.
In order to create ORDER, TRUST and a feeling of being VALUEDall requires PROPER COMMUNICATION. GOOD clear Communication is so hard! I was trying to think what I could write to be a cheering thought when we feel especially down. For older people we could be happy knowing we lived in the nest time ever. But these sites focus is more important for the young people who'd their life STOLEN by Boomers. The way I said that idea would make me very angry as a young person and since I did not get to partake in that "best time", it is not at all what I meant!
What I mean is .. is that although it is HORRID to see everything that was good lost, us old guys SAW the most INTERESTING time in HUMAN History. I saw the invention of TV and each family having a phone, even a bathroom and a wringer washing machine. WE saw TV dinners and drive thrus begin and music mov e thru so many stages .. of course the best was ROCK. So Old guys have lost EERYTHING we knew that was great .. but instead of despair why not think how licky to see the last of human REAL progress" before its decline into STUPIDITY! That robably is STILL HURTFUL to young people. Please undertnd that some of us have been yelling "This is STU{PID since the 70's! WE did not jump in like sheep. I was so against WALMART .. coming in and destroying little towns! Thanks Amazon, for taking my fear to STEROIDS! So I guess in this case make a separate page for old people and DO NOT SAY stop despair by being grateful?
Right brains willing to think will be this project's viewers and we will try at all times to harm no one. So we must WATCH our words .. try carefully to say exactly what we mean. Does anybody even teach us communication? Or to look for what we are especially good at! It does my no good at almost 80!! Would have been REALY NICE to know at 15!! or even 18. I have met 2 wonderful souls who are in TECH. They belong in a HUMAN connection place! Of course they will make people happy in their digital job .. but they SHOULD be interacting with people just NATURALLY bringing their JOY! Damn it .. if I had run the world it would have been so better. I used to joke that decades ago .. but seriously!! 👿
All we do is divide and DEMONIZE! To Understand the other, It takes 2 to communicate. I can communicate perfectly but if my Listener has no desire or CAPABILITY to hear me, and understand, we can only be at war constantly. If you are in a relationship with Left brains that only grab whatever onion shell "fact: suits them .. you will never win. Sadly they are the ones who gain success because life is easy when you do not care about OTHERS. Unless we re learn how to DISCUSS, do we even UNDERSTAND HUMANS ARE DEAD!?? All we do is lazily divide and DEMONIZE, and we expect the FAMILY of humans and earth HOME to survive?? ! Seriously?? 🙈
Hmm .. Is communication really the 3 of 3/6/9? ALL Connects, is dual and its VALUE to the family must be calculated. Definitely a form of communication .. and so I guess we have completely given up the 3 . we surely gave up the 6 (3R respect/ responsibility for Resource Management. 3T THINK! to find TRUTH so we can TRUST) Yup! without discussion .. CIVIL discussion with OPEN mind we can NEVER accomplish the goal of 3/6/9 .. a good life in our HUMAN Family and HOME>
We have to learn to step into THEIR reality .. believe it is still possible to save us .. or just focus on heaven .. it will be great. I just breathed easy even saying that. Sorry I had to believe there was heaven because most my favourite people were dead by early 20's. So thru grief I help onto that I would see them again and that they were no longer suffering all this time. Seeing the people you have lost in a peacful place devoid of stress is a wonderful thought. if you are in this group st perrter will defi nitely let you in. Oh dear .. so my " just look after me" family may NOT be going there. Sorry religious Right .. whatever made you believ the REAL god cares about reading the bible and church on Sunday!?? He cares that you were kind and caring to OTHERS, not focused solely on your own success! (then "accidentally" forgetting to help others once you achieved your own wealth and power. St p prayer
Our health coaches will work with you to develop healthy eating habits that will improve your overall health and wellbeing. We'll help you make sustainable changes that will last a lifetime.
Our health coaches will teach you stress-management techniques that will help you reduce stress and improve mental and emotional health. We'll help you develop a personalized stress-management plan.
Schedule a free health consultation with one of our health coaches to learn how we can help you achieve optimal health. We'll discuss your health goals and develop a plan to help you achieve them.
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