Thurs. Jan 16, 2025, 2:00 pm.
WE can all get TOGETHER and share our knowledge and expertise and BUILD a HUMAN INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM. Everything CONNECTS! If we ever want any HOPE to get back our TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH .. we need connect YOUR TALENTS PLUS use my perseverance and obsessive "Health" economy questioning! HMM? We live in a money economy .. does my plan really = a HEALTH economy. I called it a HUMAN Economy .. but what humans SHOULD value most is their HEALTH! .. not money! I guess I began at 9 wondering why people would "build their body" by drinking coke all the time?? So of course TV dinner .. processed food were my next rant in the 60's. Studying and teaching nutrition the next 50 years was great until gluten. Finally I thought processed food would be exposed with the emergence of FUNCTIONAL "Medicine". Yeah sure .. our ENTIRE ECONOMY actually REVOLVES around sugar!! (link) Our economy revolves around the stupidity sugar CAUSES. None of our systems swore for us yet like little sheep we just follow along. Please please show me there are more quiet THINKING Right or BALANCED brains and as a MASS we can REVOLT. We the People taking back our TOTAL Human HEALTH. The biggest value of all. But to be truly healthy those around us need to be healthy! Not struggling and stressed! Let's bring back quality of life! Let's re pioneer B F 2.0!
You can PRETEND I am crazy, TWIST what I am saying, LIE and say I am FEAR Mongering and do not like people who actually get the job done. You can say I hate "Doers" and I am just a Dreamer who is a loser accomplishing NOTHING. I guess you are right with the last .. except YOU never spent the time t find CAUSES to build REAL SOLUTIONS. I know .. you could have done this in 10 years while it took me 70? Wow I AM a LOSER .. while my slow TURTLE plodded along, extinction of humans sped up on STEROIDS. 😢 But I plodded along and found the answers. I Am RIGHT in what is happening and you can listen, save humanity .. or IGNORE .. and die ! (or remain in the DYSTOPIA you created as DIGITAL ZOMBIE!)
Einstein said "if you can not explain it concisely and clearly .. you do not UNDERSTAND IT ENOUGH. well I am on FIRE now. The last person who actually HELPED me a year ago said forget your notes dismissively. I have piles and piles of papers .. not even filed but with brilliant ideas. I was shocked, hurt and offended. He was SO RIGHT. Maybe I had to write things over and over until I truly understood them? I mean NOBODY is doing what I have done. Our society does NOT collect and connect divergent ideas! This is a big reason we are collapsing! In Nature .. or NORMAL .. EVERYTHING CONNECTS. Every person, idea and system affects the other!
But I guess I have had these connecting ideas OFTEN ENOUGH that they are finally clear. This is web site (book?) number 24!! Yes I am INSANE and going BROKE! But Thanks to EINSTEIN I am on fire now and we can TRUY build a new "country. I am calling it the church library cafe .. our connecting place while we plan and design our GATED COMMUNITY. IF you are selfish shallow or mean and do not want to GET HUMAN .. STAY OUT. You are NOT welcome! You know how everybody says so inauthentically "WELCOME" to my website. NO! you are not welcome here unless you care about OTHERS before the self. because you want to harm No ON and NOTHING you BELONG here. Mean selfish people losing their human are NOT WECOME .. unless they TRULY want to change. (Which is a big dilemma we need to figure out. These mean people are DISABLED!! Once they turn EVIL? D-evil? can we kill them? We kill in war because the big guy told us to. Evil Netanyahu KILLS countless innocents in the name of "war". Why can't we MURDER evil non humans who care only for the SELF regardless of harm done. NO! In our B F 2.0, FAIR and decent for "we the people" is our goal. "Just look after yourself" is the REAL terrorism! It has destroyed humanity in the reality of consumption plus profit as god. get it straight we are ONLY consumers, the $$$ are all for them!
So please PLEASE LISTEN and LEARN from my obsession! First it was building your body with good bricks (nutrition) since I loved HEALT but also ARCHITECTURE. I always felt HEALTH was the greatest wealth of all. And remember I came from an OUTHOUSE for a bathroom and wood stove for heat! I think even at 9 I would not trade the outhouse for my wealthier sister's bathroom if it meant giving up my HEALTH! (HAH! we had 1 bathroom and she had 5 kids plus ME and a HIRED Farm hand! OMG .. so we had 9 people per bathroom. And farm neighbours SHARED our phone line. in an emergency you had to beg for the line from the neighbour (And we had OPERATORS to switch things!! Remember those pics! my other sister I moved with later 1963? had ONE TV for 6 people! What is disgusting is by 25 years later in our suburb home EACH KID had their own ROOM and a bathroom for them one for us .. now every person walks with their phone in their face or ear. But probably the worst decline in focusing on REAL Health was the late 60's to the move to the suburbs "SUCCESS" of the 80's. Our first house in Stoney Creek was $47,000 huge yard and rec room! 2nd in Hamilton was $74, 000? with 2 rental properties!! The "WE made it" house in Ancaster was ? maybe 150,000 said briefly and got one across from lake for maybe 180,000$ Then the crash at divorce we sold for maybe 170,000. I bet today that house is 2 million $!! Of course our luxury and entitlement had INCREASED but our HUMAN Health had already decreased by the 90-'s. That vacation in Nantucket each year cost 2 jobs .. (no family raising kids in daycare!) and working a LOT as a Teacher marking papers and preparing. WE gave up the REAL Luxury of friend, calm and church on Sundays, neighbours connecting for 2 careers family. THAY TOO WAS PURELY a con job! (link Later). 2 people needing jobs ,eats we have to BEG to get one! Keep those silly masses UNDER CONTROL. The Founding fathers never meant for this kind of life for us! So please respect that I WATCHED this history, we do not need research .. because my CONNECTING everything is already very ABNORMAL. We connect nothing which is why we are stupid. I am STUPID in doing a multi TASKING! 🤪 But I tell you in connecting divergent ideas to see DANGER coming .. I am brilliant. And I saw this DANGER as a kid. If only I was CONFIDENT I would have RESPECTED my intuition instead of spending ALL MY MONEY on books and conferences to see if I was right or what was I missing.
Wed. Jan. 22, 2025, 5:45 pm.
Wow I thought eventually the evil in Las Vegas was Republicans .. or at least corporate greed. I thought we liberals or wanting FAIR people where the GOOD HUMANS in the corn field! BUT .. the most world shocking BRILLIANCE of Steve king 45 years ago was .. WE NEVER LEARN!!! 45 years later I see the path we took and greed stole our brain turned us to sheep and now we have destroyed civilization. So please listen to me because I have LIVED this .. I have watched health decline in every way. There are 9 factors we need for REAL TOTAL HUMAN Health. We have destroyed every one! never mind when I was 9 I thought drugs were STUPID .. why not find the cause and stop it? Nope almost 70 years later .. now we give a drug for the first drug! There are seniors here who have (!! prescriptions! What an EVIL EVIL society of greed since it was sugar made us SO STUPID we accepted this IDIOCY.
But now far more than our physical health is in decay. I guess a girl shot another girl in her school today .. then shot self? Tell me the are NORMAL Times. Maybe we should quit focusing on ME/mine, here NOW" and focus on our HUMAN Family and HOMe searching for FAIR vbehaviour from EACH of us. Let's build a BOTTOM UP ORDER SYSTEM .. where we each contribute but each WIN. Win LOSE! POWER and CONTROL has destroyed civilization! We the people want ORDER, TRUST and HOPE for WE/US. WE each must take responsibility to respect all and manage our MANY resources of value for the human FAMILY. Money is a very stupid closed minded way to manage our lives .. and it has destroyed our Total human health.
Please please USE the history I have watched unfold in TERROR! With my obsessive investment we can still save us REAL HUMANS. If you listen to me (who knows nothing? but connects DIVERGENT IDEAS better than anyone 🤔 ) if you LISTEN AND LEARN, then with YOUR expertise we can RE PIONEER. BF 2.0 .. We the people in a WIN WIN Order system of RES ocrcay not DUMBocracy and GREED capitalism.
Mon. Jan. 27, 2025, 5:00 pm
It will NOT be too late if we quiet, still THINKING PEOPLE get together and we BOYCOTT STUPID! NO more stupid .. we think deeper and better ourself and if we can share the RESULT with more stupids .. we may survive .. if. .. they "the action DOERS .. LISTEN and LEARN. Humans are going EXTINCT replaced by zombies .. because we NEVER LEARN. We just scream demonizing the other instead of LEARNING TOGETHER! Stop the stupid .. or we die! Really .. TRUE! 😱
I spent since 9 on life's 3 questions and only NOW know the REAL ANSWERS. 🙈 School
never taught me .. not university and not books. Books mostly separate into disconnected areas .. not the ?philospohy of how to create TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH! B THE ONLY REAL INTELLIGENCE of use .. is CONNECTED shared Human knowledge and talents, to create HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. But we separate EVERYTHING .. disconnect is what we thin is SPECIALIZING. That was a TERRIBLE idea .. probably meant to just MAKE US STUPID!! 🤔 The internet diection was nonsense, again to leave us STUPID! The web is full of "FACTS" or info .. which are nonsense. The only thing of VALUE is an idea connectd to find closest to the TRUTH!How often do we say something leaving PART OF IT OFF t keep out of trouble? And we can even say we never lied! Intelligence is knowing TRUTH to calculate FAIR so people behave! FAIR creates people who feel respected, and in return they contribute RESPONSIBLY!
Rich could afford sugar. When they realized addictive they began adding to processed food needed so we could WATCH TV .. which PROTED MORE and MOR for us to buy and CONSUME. The convenience CONSUMPTION SOCIETY was on its way. But unlike the fall of the Roman Empire, the sugar is probably in the water .. destroying humanity!
But DISCONNECT of IDEAS is a huge way to make us STUPID! If we grab one fact it can be a complete LIE! All the "facts" connected tell you much more .. heading toward a more FAIR conclusion! So our decline began with
This is why we are STUPID and why we will die. s3 is the cause but still you could listen to me because I am useless at EVERYTHING but connecting what makes up TOTAL human health I am a BRILLIANT GENIUS. Listen tome .. or you die. but I wasn't you to be a dictator un franchise .. since I have no interest in fame or wealth. Spread my genius .. or I bet by 2030 we are gone. Replaced by zombies with no MIND and "heart" existing in Digital DYSTOPIA.
Be decent FAIR a good human who considers the common and greater good BEFORE doing.
Thurs. Jan. 30, 8:30 am.
We TEACH and learn from each OTHER . We CONNECT our knwoledge and expertise into REAL HUMAN INTELLIGENCE!
I was looking for my NEW THEORY "Water is in our water and AIR!"
Thurs. Jan 16, 2025, 5:00 pm.
I have 2 phones and can not AFFORD that. It is using tech CONNECTION energy and helping FRY people's brains. Do you really think all our DIGITAL CONNECTION is not interfering with our body? Our brain is is not most sensitive .. certainly most IMPORTANT! I have numerous clouds .. can't afford that but no time to get my photos out. I have to say "screw you evil APPLE". Who cares if I lose a few photos .. hell in US $ I probably save 50$ a month! but worse than my stupidity of wasting my money .. I am WASTING our environment .. turning it into TOXIC soup!
1) RECYCLE .. but I have QUIT wasting my energy, because I did for decades. The INSULT of now throwing away (DELIVERING food with entitled gas, or bike lane stealing) our every day's dishes .. I quit .. because we are going to die. I can not stop our selfish sj=hallow MINDLESSNESS. Start thinking what you are doing. I will die soon .. my turn to relax. If you want to CONSERVE and RESPECT our HUMAN Family and Home let me know. I will work 18 hour days if REAL Humans are listening, and willing to BOYCOTT STUPID LIFE with me. We can not continue to expect a meal from any country in 20 minutes! we MUST go back to 60's eating. Our ENTITLED elitist expectations are UNBELIEVABLE!!
2) Remember it is not JUST sugar frying our brain. that does the actual PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION but screens and social are also destroying our SOCIETY, our HUMANITY, our MIND and our "heart". we can not CONNECT naturaly NORMALLY anymore! a teen girl was walking by me, with no coat on a freezing day, today. I said "where is your coat?" like a "disciplining mother". She was totally confused, so I had to turn back and say KEEP WARM. 🙈 Wow we can not even talk to each other anymore as HUMANS. Maybe those people always talking on phone actually are 2 LONELY people imagining they are actually CONNECTED. the phone or screen has STOLEN our humanity. Not only must we reduce it because of TECHNICAL damage to our health .. but it is doing emotional psychological damage!
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