For some reason sweets and then convenience foods (with added 56 names for "sugar") have always been CRAZY heavily marketed. WHY?? .. Why would they be promoted so strongly? and why the 56 trick names?
EVIL!! who pays these guys .. OMG!
From science to sensational headline: a critical examination of the “sugar as toxic” narrative .. yeah real critical .. paid by sugar INDUSTRY!
sugar causing addiction .. check the addiction link on page
Tues. Jan. 14, 2025, 5:30 pm.
Blew me away to find this is 1 block from where I stay in Phila! We need to do our RE Pioneer Template in Phila .. so how cool is that!! I never recognized the name .. when I went in before covid it was the CHEMICAL instate "SUGAR .. the MOST EVIL molecule!!
not bad google A I ?
good sugar article
Fri. Jan. 31, 2025, 5:30 pm.
other additions to the TOXIC SOUP we live in.
Thurs. Jan 16, 2025, 11:30 am.
"Just be POSITIVE, you can only change yourself." is selfish and shallow irresponsible and LAZY! We shouldHAVE STAYED NORMAL! .. out to KEEP the HUMAN Family and home COMFORTABLE, TOGETHER for the better!
maybe goes before intro above?
HAH! 🤔 Is this correct? "MOST FACTS ARE LIES!!" My whole life I just wanted to find TRUTH, so everything can be FAIR to everybody! But that takes SOOOO much work! Trying to UNDERSTAND opposing sides and CALCULATE "FAIR" takes hella PATIENCE, time energy and persistence. How do we ever expect a society that WORSHIPS fast and easy soever do the HARD WORK of "TRUTH to then be FAIR"??? 🙈
First 50 years, I naively BELIEVED everything I heard. Then I belived NOTHING, very ... . Everything is a LIE. It is true every single system is NOT meant for "we the people". Education and SURELY health "Care" is not FOR us but to gain PROFIT and power. University creates debt and bank PROFIT whole we are NOT taught toQUESTION. Education controls our MIND to follow the rules and NOTY be curious. But the rules have always been opposite to what the Founding Fathers hoped for! Todays' society is no longer for "we the people" but for THEM. There are 2 THEY's. .. The corporate Stock market 'they"
See photo .. This may well be TRUE but you can NOT take it ALONE or it is a LIE. There are many fires, this is one. plus maybe this guy is stark raving crazy? Or maybe stupd .. too lazy to rake his leaves .. got a new toy so he BURNS THEM. This is good! SEE WHAT I MEAN. Without context and EFFORT .. MOST THINGS ARE LIES! I felt horror hearing trump will not allow those who disagreed in his government. YIKE! .. Yet .. I am building a new SYSTEM, definitely keeping out the screaming unwilling to THINK zombies! Yet I am saying BAD Trump. STUPID WORLD WE CREATE BEING SO LAZY!! 🤔We have to think MORE and be LAZY less. CONNECT THINGS! EVERYTHING connects with EVERYTHING in NORMAL Human life! DISCONNECT is the END. We are THERE! Please please jo me to THINK .. find FAIR and build a WIN WIN FAIR ORDER SYSTEM. 😃
We can not live in lies .. it makes us confused and ANGRY .. and we will kill each other. 5 years ago I said there is no value in living in a world of lies where you can TRUST NOTHING. That leaves us a HOPELESS WORLD with NO ORDER. What did I get for that BRILLIANCE? taken away as mentally ill .. might be committing suicide. SERIOUSLY .. our world is INSANE!! There again .. no HUMAN THOUGHT whatsoever by LAW made, the concierge, the manager of my "old folk home" ..🙈 .. NO BRAINS or common sense ANYWHERE in the province, the LAW system, the business OR THE HUMANS RUNNING THIS!! Do Thinkers get called mentally ill .. because we are TROUBLE? Our curiousity and questions cause problems in the STAUS QUO. Make a LAW, create order .. never take the ENERGY and logic to find a CAUSE!
Wed. Jan. 15, 2025, 9:30 pm.
Yet if you try to research you will find TWISTS! .. the brain NEEDS sugar. Sure in NATURAL normal diets! .. not the HUGE amounts added to food!
Way back in then 60's we were just beginning to consider our move to a CONSUMPTION SOCIETY was probably not a good idea. We began to push CONSERVATION of resources, instead of just being PURE THOUGHTLESS CONSUMERS. But strangely the first Consumer Studies class did not go far. In fact in the 80's even Home Economics and FAMILY Studies became too close to keeping us NORMAL thoughtful considerate HUMANS. Probably with the PROPOGANDA of women's lib Runing a family ECONOMIC unit well was a Threat. Certainly the destrcution of the family has done very well for those I power. Chaos and confusion now begins at home. Going ou ti the world is just more of the same uncertain STRESS. WE have to BOYCOTT our strange society before it is too late to remember what NORMAL was. Only natural or NORMAL will survive because everything on earth is connected as ell as HUMANS.
Those in power want us around no longer as workers .. just as CONSUMPTION units. But I am still confused! 🤔 They PLANNED to fry our brains with sugar and BAD wheat in order for us STUPID addicted Sheep to just follow the marketing and BUY anything they sold us. CONSUMERS GONE RAMPANT. But if they were so smart to plan this whole evil circle .. how do they not UNDERSTAND if we have no JOB .. CONSUMPTION STOPS! maybe it is because they just USE small parts of ideas taking what they can see will PROFIT? HM .. Maybe the biggest problem with fried brain is INABILITY to connect EVERYTHING to get the FULL and final truth or best SOLUTION for all the HUMANS!
"SUGAR ..The most EVIL molecule in the WORLD" (Science HISTORY Institute -BANK ST)
"The negative IMPACT of SUGAR on the BRAIN" (Very WELL mind)
OMG .. There is a GLUTEN LIE book. Full out PROOF of our STUPID article .. we dead (Zombies already??) LOOK WHO IS PUSHING THIS INSANITY?? The Baking business .. 😱 Wheat turns INTO fructose is it? .. but how can we TRUST ANYTHING??? After years and years I realized there is GOOD WHEAT .. REAL Natural traditional wheat IS OK! It is just all the crap fake fast food bun kinds of "wheat" that are BAD (for sugar creation (fructose?) in our body. Sorry I was HUGE on Gluten inflammation which is THE CAUSE OF MOST DIS-EASE. Stop the gluten you stop inflammation. Gluten ?starch is more OBVIOUS than the evil HIDDEN sugar, so Gluten free was huge positive .. but as in ALL OUR LIFE .. TWISTED for profit. O guess more EVIL than sugar is the TWISTING and LIES we live in. REAL natural sugar or a Lindt Chocolate is FINE .. it is the BOMBARDMENT of fake "sugar" In EVERYTHING that is destroying us!
Justin NOT big on sugar OR PROCESSED FOOD!
PILLS in the 70's .. FISH!
KIDS TODAY ARE EVIL!! I thought it was NO PARENTING .. but this is missing HUMAN! 6 girls teens killing homeless guy!! and all the terrorizing behaviour. No concept of death. Too many games on screen .. desensitized? But come on .. bet there IS sugar in the water .. I said this 10 years ago in Buffalo! THEY .. the corporations run the media! They will not advertise again if a bad article is written .. loss of revenue!!
Should this stay first? .. but it was actually thanks to TRUMP!
Tues. Jan. 14, 2025, 11:00 am.
Our modern Lifestyle style of "MORE, faster and easier" became our GOD. Meanwhile THEY (those in power and CONTROL) were frying our brains so we are then easier to control and we CONSUME more. Most of us never said BOO! and we jus followed along like little sheep.
7:15 pm ..
I have long been saying we have gone STUPIDER and STUPIDER. Like since we didi the internet their way not MY WAY!🤬 I swear it honestly would have been UTOPIA .. nope who is this person who thinks they ahed a great idea. (The encyclopis on STERIDS of human TRUTH. Intelliegnce CONNECTION.
First in the 60's we just followed the CONSUME mantra, (and the dis-ease / drug acceptance) with no thought to future resource waste and scarcity .. or TOXIC multiplication. But now we have gone full on insane idiots. Who with a THINKING brains does not undersatnd there must be discussion and learning plus reconsidering of viewpoints IF YOU WANT TO LIVE IN A HUMAN SOCIETY (community). If you want to live ALONE in the wilderness yo do NOT need to consider others! But most of us love what CONNECTED Humans brings us. ART, special talents of others we can utilize and just the joy of connected support of OTHERS. BUT tis has a COST. WE will build a new HUMAN VALUE ECONOMIC system But some of us have forgotten the VALUE of HUMANS TOGETHER!
DISCONNECT leads to DIVIDE leads to demonizing IF YOU ARE TOO LAZY and IRRESPONSIBLE to do the hard work of DISCUSS! We must listen and learn from the viewpoints of others because we MUSY get along in a civil manner. 10 years ago I noticed not only manners had DIED but CIVILITY was also dying. CIVILIZATION can NOT survive without members that are kind to each other and CARE about the COMMON and GREATER good. Our society of "self", by 2008 was so entrenched I was beginning to see collapse. Never mind my complaints of it is STUPID not to look after your health! It has far more VALUE than money. That was way back in the 60's or before! Now in 2000 it looked like far more than PHYSICAL health was collapsing. How can we have a joyful life when people are RUDE and inconsiderate if we are out on the street or public space?
STUPID .. is not recognizing that EVERYTHING Connects, whether HUMANS, systems or IDEAS. I think we have done the MOST DAMGE to connecting ideas! We separated everything into "special" thinking it was the way to get EXPERTISE. But without connection there can be no HUMAN INTELLIGENCE! Connecting new pathways to find answers comes from CONNECTING divergent ideas!! Without that .. nothing new is discovered or invented! Do you notice how since the internet nothing truly great has been invented? Everything is a little add on .. so enthralled with A I that we have lost our creative invention mindset. Every invention is JUST another reason I MUST carry my phone. Guess I may as well do MAID .. soon I can not even travel without a ?QR code or phone app. Screw that! Your stupid phone addiction will not CONTROL ME! I will rathe DIE first! YOUR loss! 😈 since I have the plan to save the world! Dead you lose the INVENTOR GENIUS! .. A new Human accounting SYSTEM, an ORDER SYSTEM that VALUES all required for TOTAL HUMAN Health instead of stupid paper .. ? $
WE are STUPID having lost the UNDERSTANDING that everything CONNECTS, whether we like it or not. Disconnected, divided and now only DEMONIZING nothing will ever work. Demonizing the other ONLY leads to battle whether battle just wasting time or eventual REAL war dead. I now see our division and screaming demonization as the true beginning of the very soon END. We behave like little children, brats each wanting their own way .. too spolied to work to try to come to COMPROMISE. Once we are too STUPID to even know that without ABILITY to compromise, it is TRULY the end?When we think screaming and blaming g the other is the solution? .. it really IS the end. With URGENCY .. please help build our "CHURCH Library cafe" (where we can connect humans and our ideas to build HUMAN INTELLIGENCE! Then we can build our COUNTRY gated community! .. with ONE commandment .. Just be a FAIR decent human. Ancient humans CONNECTED for good. We are special and think the rules of nature do not apply to us entitled (idiots). Guess nature will show you who are unwilling to TRY HARDER TO CONNECT AND THINK TO UNDERSTAND, nature will show you just who is boss!
I don't care anymore. I did what I was supposed to. Found the answers.
OMG!!! So SUGAR or more $$, is the answer to EVERYTHING!! My Total obsession was right all along but I never believe in myself. Everything needs to connect .. and 69 years layter I finally have the simple ANSWER yet REAL. Butv if nobody listened whta is different now? we have the Internet and LOTS of struggling people! If I can pull this all together SIMPLY like THIS with a fun name like the OLD LADY preacher ranting "WE STUPID! STOP IT! .. or we die" 🤬 .. 😇 angel sent by god? ..or 👿 I am good D device without the E. god = good, D with no evil is me, whoops a LIE since I want to MURDER greed. And I am NOT communist. Just be FAIR and decent and harm NO ONE and NOTHING and you may be RICH! .. and I will not murder you. Harnm no one means our HUMAN Family and home .. not just simple shallow STUPID mindless BAD! BE FAIR .. USE your brain .. borrow ours .. OR DIE. Use the hard work of our HUMAN Accounting SYSTEM.
WOW! This website #24 is the GOLD. Eienstein said if you can't explain it simply YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND fully. Guess it took 24 tries plus 6 or 7 years to even pull a life time of worlk together. Actually all thanks to me daughter because before I was mistakenly ONLY obsessed with PHYSICAL health (. )
So the answer to every one of my 9 year old's questions when I came to snooty TO from the FARM after my mom had just died, is $$$!! If you only care about $, more stuff, and fame or power OF COURSE #1, NOTHING WILL WORK RIGHT! You create BANDAIDS purely for profit with no care about a REAL SOLUTION making things truly better for others. #2, we are STUPID because sugar creates more PROFIT, buy more, later illness sells drugs. BUT WORSE! If it steals our MIND we can be controlled to CONSUME making them wealthy beyond belief. (Add statistics). #3 If it steals our brain especially the right Hem MIND and "heart" we become evil. Selfish turns to mean to cruel and to EVIL!!
Tues. Jan. 14, 2025, 11:00 am.
Our modern Lifestyle style of "MORE, faster and easier" became our GOD
But without THINKING THROUGH THE HARD WORK of causes and consequences of problem solutions only BANDAIDS result. Those lazy irresponsible band aids are ALL falling off. Every system is collapsingthe natural HUMAN ACCOUNTING (of VALUE) system
TRUE human Well Being results from using a HUMAN Accounting of REAL VALUE. A system that considers OTHERS well being not simply THE SELF. Worship of Fast and easy created a focus on ME, MORE with CONVENIENCE. Our god should be FAIR and decent ... the commo a nd greater good but the 60's selfish BOOMERS destroyed NORMAL. There are NATURAL HUMAN LAWS. WE can only exist working TOHETHER for the common and greater good. Somehow we boomers thought we were too good to follow natural laws.
Every single thing Boomers created was ok in MODERATION or BALANCE .. me as INDIVIDUAL of FREEDOM, IF .. first CONSIDERING OTHERS WELL BEING. Even free love vs one mate could have been ok. with MODERATION. But since those days EVERYTHING went excess and EXTREME. Extreme ONLY DESTROYS. Every invention is good .. but taken extreme it is ALWAYS bad. Boomers and their 1960's created a life of fast/easy, extreme/ excess an atomic bomb for REAL humanity
The focus of all systems is profit or power. Nothing is built for the benefit of "WE the PEOPLE". I was confused because I thought EVERYBODY wanted FAIR for all. Left brains worry ONLY about "me/ mine, here now" NOT the common and greater good. If Right brain Thinkers want to UNDERSTAND, I believe it is US who want FAIR for all .. considering the COMMON and greater good before the self.
well .. a few EVIL ones did. Actually no .. it was LONG before us .. in the 20's coke? and the soda fountain of the 50's?
SEE! EVERYTHING is good and bad and our job is to BALANCE or find the EQULIBRIUM of moderation! I was thinking with JOY of the Franklin Fountain in Philly with its old soda Fountain
HAH .. if you are gleefully pointing out I have my facts mixed up you are a left brain .. GO AWAY .. OFF THE PLANET. Certainly! you can correct me .. happily received (if not gleeful) .. but right now we are trying to SAVE HUMANS. I would think if you USE YOUR BRAIN .. IT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND THE BIG PICTURE I am trying to explain! Instead of your stupid JOY at taking me down. YOU ARE THE VERY STUPID DESTROYING US. THINK FIRST. CONNECT ideas! .. or get off the planet! Wow. Left brain really IS starting to explain EVERYTHING! Abusive people are intimidated and CONFUSED by a LOT of ideas. COLLECTING and then CONNECTING facts is the only way to find TRUTH .. or the BIGGER PICTURE which is always DUAL! Life iOS hard because we always have to look for the balance between the dual or opposing viewpoints. Everything is good and bad. We have to CALCULATE the VALUE of addition to our ACCOUNT vs the reduction of life quality by waste, or TOXINS. Toxins do not just decrease value they MULTIPLY LOSS! The many resources we have are far mo re than MONEY. A smile or kind word MULTIPLIES our HUMAN stok exchneg MARKET
Small changes can add up to big results. We will provide tips and resources to help you develop healthy habits that last a lifetime. Together, we can create a healthier, happier you.
Sat. jan 18, 2025, 1:15 pm.
H Bomb + HUMAN .. or better HUMANITY BomB
Jerry springer show? CEREAL CUPBOARD lined with 10 kinds of cereal! we were poor .. on the farm .. only had PORRIDGE EVERY Morning! Mean while city folk were being SOLD on a SUGAR Breakfast .. of SO MUCH CHOICE!! evil worse than anybody who is "Law and order" in jail!! Told you nothing in our SYSTEMS WORKS (for US!) and everything is BACKWARDS!
Wed. Jan. 15, 2025, 4:30 pm.
McGilchirst suggests our character is built on which Hemisphere has more wiring. He decided to explain it as Left brains USE stuff (manage) where Right brains want to UNDERSTAND stuff. It seems to also tie to the WARRIOR vs WORRIER character. Or maybe when you have that (enzyme) your frustration with THINKERS who want to UNDERSTAND is just much greater. My daughter always said "There's always a "BUT ..!" 😡" Would it not make perfect sense our consumption softy has been built on a USER mindset?
WHOA I am sorry to diverge but I just REALIZED the purely MANIPULATIVE behaviour of Left brains is ALSO .. USING. They take whatever fact and with no connecting to find TRUTH they use that fact to their advantage! OMG .. this is mind boggling!! THEY USE even facts! I was always thinking you know they use up resources with no THOUGHT or care toward scarcity (or waste) OMG!! They even USE facts to twist and get what they want or need to increase their profit or power or prestige. I finally have realized INTELLIGENCE .. HUMAN Intelligence is NOT facts or ideas or knowledge or even EXPERTISE .. H INTELLIGENCE is CONNECTING divergent "facts" TOGETHER to get closer to the TRUTH, an more complete UNDERSTANDING of a problem. TRUTH is maybe seeing 2 different REALITIES and being able to calculate the value of each and bring them TOGETHER. Like a pendulum swinging back and forth between realities. The positive person says don't worry about it. The SUPPOSEDLY negative one say well then we will soon go over a CLIFF. Like WE STUPID! We will die if we do not start to BAIL or sinking ship!
Our certified personal trainers will create a custom fitness plan to help you achieve your fitness goals. Whether you want to build muscle, increase endurance, or improve flexibility, we can help.
OMG! L B "USE" facts instead of connecting them to find TRUTH. OMG this is crazy how this never really ENTERED my brain before! How can the former ISRAELI Ambassador to Usa SERIOUSLY, with a straight face say, "Hamas did GENOCIDE on Oct 7" My mouth is still open hearing that! But if we say YOU mr EVIL N are acting in GENOCIDE probably 100,000 Gaza's killed maybe far more. In fact they say 70,000 I bet you it is 10 times that! How are they surviving the apocalypse there? SO Killing 1200 ISRALI's is genocide but killing 10 times that is declaring war after being attacked viciously. OMG .. no wonder I spent almost 80 years no understanding the world. I think much of my family was Lfet brain and I a very RGHT. Everybody in this Nurding home hates me .. they have NO INTETEST in THINKING.
Left Brains have no ability to go deeper in the onion of problems or finding TRUTH. Politicians grab the outer crackle shell (Republicans simplify every more!) and the WOKE Liberals just grab the inner skin and scream too. So we have opposite ideas demonizing each other where even in th 90's we still had a little CIVILITY of listening to the other. Sadly The Onionshells solve NO PROBLEM and find no truth. You only get to the solution by working thru each LAYER tpo the heart of the onion or truth!
Nor can Left brains IMAGINE. Seriously they can NOT even TRY! Right brains are the visionaries, dreamers and creators. When left brains in the cabinet decision process, were just asked a possible scenario while Trump is president (To see how they would handle it) The reply is so ofter "I WILL NOT DEAL IN HYPOTHETICAL scenarios." OMG OMG that is the ONLY way to WONDER about how this person will behave! What could have happened before the problem, what might happened after we do a certain action. I guess Left brains can IMAGINE if the roof fell in or the dogs got out, how to manage that .. but not HUMAN Imaginary. Lfet brains are ACTION MANAGERS with no concept how to contemplate or IMAGINE .. PAST (cause) or FUTURE (consequences). Selfish shallow focus makes getting power EASY. Do you see why we are in collapsing hell? If we are controlled by people who can only SEE 2 feet in from no wider vision .. of course everything is collapsing! Evert single SYSTEM is collapsing BECAUSE ITS PURPOSE WAS PROFIT or POWER NEVER the Founding Fathers VISION!!
Right brains connect facts/ information to find TRUTH. Left brains ONLY find FACTS that suit their selfish goal. This is why so often you feel jerked around by left Brain action minds. I have always thought I lived in a Karate match .. where I am down no matter which way I lean. Or bullied whether say black oR white. NOTHING is right because the GOAL is purely to take me down. I am the enemy because to. lEft brain I am confusion and chaos. Their brain has NO THINKNG ABILITY! They are disabled so they lash out! At this point in government all that exists is lashing out. Whoever heard of CIVIL discussion to come to HUMAN BEHAVIOUR COMPROMISE. Unless we BOYCOTT this NONSENSE .. we will die. WE need to come together and build new FAIR system. B F 2.0! Too lazy? Humans will die .. tried into an H Bomb! Earth will for awhile just have zombies in Dystopia but soon they will completely annihilate everything by STUPID! a REAL HUMAN SHARES THINK/ACT so the balance create SOLUTIONS. Left brain BANDAIDS are now ALL falling off!
Thurs. Jan. 16, 2025, 7:45 pm.
Lee Zeldin EPA? answered his cofirmation question rather well. Trump says climate change is a hoax. But hopefully he means the GREEN AGENDA .. is STUPID! I agree .. but do NOT say there is NO climate change because that is so DISRESPECTFUL of our earth. Just disgusting how we have treated our HUMAN Home! Selfish and shallow Left brains take no responsibility for our HUMAN ACCOUNTING system! WE can NOT only consider "ME!mine, here, now!" or .. if I was god, I would wipe us GREEDY monsters off the planet! Left brains use everything for profit or power with no thought whatsoever for the common Or Greater good. What do you expect with resource overuse, waste and caring nothing for TOXINS created? I see all the Christmas trees lying out there to be collected. So you grow a 6 ft tree to chop it, enjoy for 2 weeks .. and then PITCH it in the garbage. We are horrible beings. I wonder if those trees actually get ground back into earth? But it is the THOUGHTLESS entitlement and lack of care for anything but momentary enjoyment that makes me ILL. 🤮
The only way we will survive past 2030!! is by CHANGING OUR THOUGHTLESS TOXIC CONSUMPTION. You have a choice. You can sacrifice, use less NOW as a your CHOICE .. or there will BE nothing for us down the road, NO CHOICE, just scarcity! Think LA fires .. do you not think all will be hopeless scarcity and hard EVERYTHING there. That will soon be our life .. because of our IRRESPONSIBLE, LAZY, selfish ENTITLEMENT. Your choice. I was doing this in the 70's. But that was when or brain was being fried by proceeds food. Since 200 brain loss was faster thanks to screens social and stress.
Mon. Jan 20, 2025, 3:30 pm.
3 PHYSICAL factors affects our CHARACTER, Brain wiring, enzymes? hormones? (check these) plus our EARTH cosmic) position and NURTURING effects
My web sites have referred to Left Brin .. now that I see how shallow (STUPID!) we really ARE that is too confusing. it did take me researching a few confused years thinking Republican are Left brain. NO! ANYBODY who only cares about power PROFIT and prestige is. Anybody who cares only about SELF, "ME! mine, here, NOW!" is Left brain. Success is far easier when NEGLECTING CARE FOR the "WE/ US and consequence contemplation" HUMAN Ledger. Therefore far more in charge of us, with POWER and CONTROL over us .. are LEFT BRAIN .. that means liberals the WOKE are ALSO Left brain but especially the RIGHT are Lfet brain. Since this is confusing for a SHALLOW (Sugar brain fried) population (it was for me too for sure) maybe we can stick with WARRIOR! vs worrier. Definitely Trump is a WARRIOR, the type of person only too happy to point out your faults and FAILURES so you become the FAIR ENEMY.
Mon. Jan. 20, 2025, 3:45 pm.
.. willing to use ANYTHING to take the worrier down. We are very Intimidating to a shallow selfish brain. We confuse them, make them feel not in charge. So we become the enemy because we cause fear. Warriors must be strong .. fear is weakness they never want to FEEL vulnerable. So they must CONSTANTLY KEEP US complicated thinkers DOWN. haha .. why my life has always felt a karate match .. whether I lean left or right I am taken down. Right brains (Worriers are THINKERS .. NOT Fighters
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