Wed. Jan. 15, 2025, 1:00 pm
PS .. re below .. I know NOTHING re Jew history, sure seems killing 100,00 innocents for 1000 perhaps ?deserved "war" .. I mean Gaza was a PRISON, was Israel blameless at the rage? I just hear now Trump is taking credit. I am sick of that childish bullying immaturity! (Yet maybe they DID work together, yes good!) But .. We live in TWISTED INSANITY and I am SICK to death of it. Come with me to build a SANE, Thoughtful, FAIR!! NEW WORLD .. as revised PIONEERS! NOT Dumbocracy plus GREED capitalism!
So if Jew leaders are with BIDEN .. they truly ARE more eveil than just REALY MYOPIC Republicans .. SELF Focus. Liberals go FURTHER for their greed. Like, I thought Liberals nice r for my life! Finally listening more to TRUMPERS .. OK .. just turn everythingUPSIDE DOWN and INSIDE our and maybe you will not be confused anymore. If they say lack it is white. If they say BIG it is little. I can not live this way .. let's build a gated community and keep the EVIL INSANITY OUT!! (Please Phila and Frankford ARSENAL!! Send this to the realtor .. he has more CONNECTIONS!! I HATE JEW Leaders now because ( I am Swiss German and NEVER trusted hitler PROPOGANDA when I was a KID!) Bernay's (link) I just found out was a JEW! He is the most evil man going! He is the one started all the twisting and now we think PURDUE is bad?? we LIVE in a PURDUE REPLICATED ECONOMY. It is not "we the people", it is people as "CONSUMPTION ants". They destroy our bodies d MIND! for their profit. such unbelievable evil. Why I say Luigi murdering is nowhere CLOSE to the evil of willingness to create discomfort and pain for decades of profit from the PAIN. These things are no HUMAN! These are DEVILS .. D -evil DEMONIZED -evil beings! Luigi was thinking common and greater good! They think "ME!mine, Here, NOW!" regardless of ANY DESTRUCTION to the HUMAN FAMILY and HOME! Bernal's was a JEW and I hear Jews own the media .. the vehicle for his evil TWISTING .. AFTER they turned us to SHEEP with sugar poison
this is the A I for my health template!!
"Our functional medicine approach focuses on identifying the root cause of health issues and treating them with personalized, science-based interventions. We use advanced lab testing to get to the root of the problem."
Thurs. Jan. 16, 2025, 5:00 pm. needs recheck!
But what would that help? There are thousands of evil "soldier" clones that have no HUMANITY. This man who runs Israel is not HUMAN. How do you kill probably in TRUTH 100,000 for the 100 of your killed. YOUR PEOPLE have more VALUE? NO! They actually have LESS value because they are pure evil. At least those who work fully WITH you. We never remember that a jew is not eveil, and American ar Vietnames .. it is their POWER system is evil causing wars. INNOCENT PEIPLE DIE because you power hungry do no understand how to CALCULATE FAIR in our HUMAN FAMILY!!
Jews in charge lied about the Holocaust immensity, (Propoganda) so why not the numbers of Gazans they killed? Plus the starvation .. and it started with rage against the prison Gaza s were living in! Does anybody wonder why Hamas attacked the concert or think what a mean place Gaza was .. fenced in and controlled? Only Left brain selfish shallow gone evil .. DECLARE WAR. Any reasonable thinking person wants to discuss opposing ideas and find a COMPROMISE. So you evil ACTION warriors do you want to discuss .. or do we have to kill YOU in self defence of HUMANITY?
Thurs. Jan. 16, 2025, 5:30 pm.
WE are going to return to PIONEER days! 😃 Or at least the 50's .. we still had a General Store in my farm village! Even 15 years ago you went to your coffee shop and saw your Barista. Everything today has NO STABILITY. Soon as I get used to saying "HI" in the morning .. the person is gone .. on another shift or new job. we ahevsurely created a RIDICULOUS existence. We NEED stability .. not just for our own PHYSICAL health in a STEADY routing job, but in our society! it was natural NORMAL to get to know the person in the store or the mail man or the news paper boy .. life had a steady MEANING of connected humanity. Now we are strangers passing in the nite .. not even recognizing we are all just humans needing the SAME THINGS! being valued and respected and belonging. How can we when everything is TRANSIENT .. here today .. gone tomorrow is our way of life.
Left brains find this just fine. we should just get over it and stop whining! Left brains do not CARE about REAL CONNECTION, society or CIVILIZATION. (Mcgilchrisy) Because their brain is closed with a simple selfish focus, they are fine with destroying society. Maybe their brain just can NOT think that far. I think this is TRUE but it is hard getting our mind around our power structure all being DISABLED people!! OMG .. they are only focused on profit and power, and half of us focus on MORE .. fast easier!
OMG .. I feel sick .. are all the space fascinated Star Wars? people I never understood .. LEFT BRAIN?? I hate the idea of container in space! I guess they like it? add more here ..
Thurs. Jan 23, 2025, 9:00 pm
NOPE girl .. you traded sex for what YOU wanted. Nobody forced you. Why is only the MAN wrong later? A Girl on Law and Order made me see how you totally could get suckered in to a bad situation. She wanted fame so bad .. what did she expect if he paid her apartment ... in NYC! THEN when he wanted her to have sex with his friends while he watched she COULD have said no thanks and went home or to a homeless shelter. Nope the beautiful apt and still hopeful FAME ER her do it. He was mean and cruel to use his money but she choose her trade .. she was not kidnapped. He needs some kind of punishment but I Thai just get angry immediately because we wanted to be EQUAL .. girlies .. so you can't turn around AND ACT LIKE A LITTLE innocent when surely you KNEW the trade. HAH we wanted to be equal but refused to SEE M F are NOT the same . I think sex has far more importance to MEN .. and women use it as a trade. You cn not demand equity but then not FACE our difference. Wanting sex is how men are made. Innocent naïveté was given away when you wanted equality. BE equal! do not just pretend. Girls have gotten pretty selfish these last decades. They are ladies when it suits but the rest of the time screaming equality.
This needs work .. but at least I now realize sex too of course is part of our REAL human value vs $ stock exchange.
And today I realized the smile and kind word I consider worth a million $ .. can even be FELT from a zillion miles away .. a Godaddy assistant .. in BANGKOK THAILAND!!! THAT!!! was amazing!!
YEs I need lots of help to make a FOUNDATION for our Accounting system. The 3 (6) Life Ledgers, are ME/mine, WE/US, Time and SPACE. I thought of "space"only in the concept of our clothing lint PLASTIC in kid's drinking water in ICELAND! Our Toxins are everywhere destroying everything!! (Our fall of the Roman Empire is evil because we are taking everyone with us!! RE Space ledger to consider .. not only evil travels everywhere, the GOOD can also travel through space!! .. in this case the young man investing in motivating me to continue with my work .. also trying to help me save $ setting up a clean up call for my expenses. Amazing! he needs to be on our management team .. Digital nomad Marvin in Thailand!
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