Wed. Jan. 29, 2025, 7:30 pm.
I guess I should not be despairing, because the RFK Dem. grilling, just proved my concept (Just sad to see STUPIDITY totally in action!) I had always thought dems were a little smarter, and originally thought Republicans were the LEFT brains. They are just more open about taking all the riches, liberals are more sneaky about it. Nobody I politics is FOR "we the people". This liberal grilling was certainly WORSE brain dead than RFK! He brilliantly said "Not every question can be reduced to YES vs NO!"
That is everything wrong with us!! We want fast, easy, SIMPLE, right/ wrong? or yes/ no? But life is complex, NOT black and white like yes / no is. Things are GREY .. so you have to ADD all the "but's". But Stupid people with no THINK BRAIN (Right Hemisphere) are UNABLE to connect all those "but's" into a connected TRUTH! TRUTH is divergent ideas all pulled together. It is NOT being EVASIVE! It is trying to be FAIR to ALL the PARTS! What Ben Franklin and the Founding Fathers wanted was a SYSTEM FAIR to "we the people"! We have SOOOO lost our way! What they hoped would be FAIR .. instead of a king, was like a "DEBATE government" two sides DISVUSSING opposing views to find the best COMPROMISE. How Lost we are. And the superpower will never come back unless we WORK TOGETHER and share our opposing think/ ACT brain resources! The RFK (. ) showed clearly, how argumentative and STUPID Dems have become! Everyone in charge .. the POWERFUL are BRAIN DEAD or we would not be at 89 seconds to Doomsday
Mon. Jan. 27, 2025, 10:30 am.
The Doomsday clock is WRONG .. we have already been in END TIMES for some time! We are already far too many on the spectrum of ZOMBIE. There will be no apocalypse .. it is here .. with our lost humanity! Too many already create a Digital DYSTOPIA! A I is good and bad. But taking this invention extreme is the last we ever will. End times is already here with the SUPER STUPID of those in charge. Those who do not think can not UNDERSTAND how damaging not connecting for TRUTH is! Without TRUTH needing the WORK of CONNECTING .. humans DIE! We can not withstand the chaos and confusion!
REAL Humans THINK .. we THINK by collecting and CONNECTING IDEAS. Simple FACTS can be lies! because they twist the REAL truth. Our job as REAL Humans with MIND and "Heart" (in our Right BRAIN hemisphere) is to collect ALL the DIVERGENT FACTS and ideas .. and CONNECT them into CLOSER TO TRUTH!! TRUTH is messy and complicated. But we WORSHIP fast and easy. We never take the hard slow path NEEDED for TRUTH or REALL HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. We have lost our SHARED .. Human Intelligence. We demonize instead of try to UNDERSTAND the other. UNDERSTANDING and compromising is HARD! but we live for fast and easy. This is our focus win life so PROFIT is also a GOD .. never mind HARM done to attain it.
REAL Humans are exploding with the stress we feel. WE will lash in .. escape by drugs or suicide. Or we will lash out in Rage ..mass murder. You have a problem when an entitled old white lady wants to kill everybody! 🤬 👿 At least everybody SELFISH, willing to harm.
Sat. Jan. 18, 2025, 1:15 pm.
Define MAID
I just recognized my lovely son has devolved further into Left nary INABILIY to be more OPEN MINDED and learn new perspectives to DISCUSS. A Closed mind is destroying us. FAR Lot brains have destroyed the human family and our home. but now STRESSED selfish and shallow CLOSED min GOOD HUMANS are losing their soul and going ZOMBIE.
Am I right if we go further only Left brai. wire we turn ZOMBIE closed mind UNABLE TO SEE NEW IDEAS? But .. if we get to isolated thinkers we will either commit suicide or in RAGE .. Blow things up. I am fearful because if an entitled old white lady wants to blow things up .. what about young men who have lost all ability to provide for a family and FEEL manly? Our Apocalypse will be soon .. now we are just in zombie armegedon. Does this THEORY make sense?
than my desire to ESCAPE it?
Wed. Feb 5, 2025, 5:50 pm.
Our Brain has been controlled since whenever Bernal's evil began to control our focus with "public Relations" aka MIND CONTROL .. just as Marketing/ advertising is when twisty. We could have used the Internet to END advertising! When we need to learn about that product it can be INTELLIGENCE no blatant intrusion. But Bernese used it to twist tobacco use and I bet coke somehow. Can Not wait to do more research on him. I swear he was pure evil .. maybe the one that twisted ur minds to believ Hitler was evil BEFORE he became so? Cereals all those things they make sis want to TRY them, then the sugar addicts us and eventually destroys brain wiring. Those in power and control have controlled our mind for more than 100 years (link) It is time we take this ability back and use it for the SELF for good.
Remember #2 of Tesla's 3, in 3/6/9, that everything connects but is ALSO DUAL. For our mind to be controlled is PURE evil. Propoganda has influenced us far more than we recognize. As old as I am I am only seeing all its effects now and it is ENRAGING. Even women's lib was PROPAGANDA used for the Power System's benefit (?link another page). So I guess Propoganda can be good .. if its AIM is to do GOOD, not harm! I just realized I REALLY have learned to CONTROL my mind even influencing my BODY! Hell .. if I can do that .. we can all do AMAZING things!! I must use this success for many more areas!!!
Where I used to live the only thing I did in winter was grab a subway to the Eaton centre for excitement. So it was not far to the subway, which took me right to the mall. You know how in winter you wear these bulky heavy coats to be warm, but then once in the mall it feels so heavy and you are boiling? I hated that .. so I used to just wear a fall rain coat, so I was comfortable and not sweating in the mall. I have said I am a slow learner! Someone just asked if I was warm enough in my rain coat this COLD winter. Well it is almost 6 years since I moved and I still ever realized guess I should put on my WINTER coat since I walk for HOURS and NEVER go to the mall! Damn, I really am a SLOW learner! BUT!! I thought .. I have not been freezing! What the hell I never even controlled my mind .. yet I did and it affected my body. I guess it is enough to once in awhile remind yourself you hate how heavy coats inside so do NOT feel that cod. I seldom do that yet this is CRAZY! My mind even controlled my body temperature and comfort! I remember one summer I was so busy and had no A C and I was successful there too!
We Surely are not taught to USE this wonderful tool. It is really important today when there is so much chaos and confusion and STRESS! WE will control our mind to BELIVE we can fix this if each of us contributes our special skill. Hopefully someone is good at sales since I am USELESS. But Together we will just "mind control" our brain that building a new system IS Really possible! ESPECIALLY .. IF we also sacrifice something because we are BOYCOTTING .. we control our mind to NOT miss it!!
The elephant fable is perfect. If you are in aa hurry just read the last few paragraphs. each blind man touching an elephant has a completely different take! That is us. We connect NONE of our "facts" or idea. But that just leaves us STUPID!!!
Tues. Feb 4, 2025, 9:30 pm
"Woke" is stupid! made up by people who are UNABLE to think! They must think FURTHER in whatever problem they are simplifying. But they DO have a point. What they call work is stupid vegan peoplewho think not eating anything animal will save the world! Sorry shallow selfish idiots .. it will take a hell of a lot more THINK EFFORT than that. Sorry to insult you but SHALLOW is heading to stupid and we are going to DIE from the cancerous "STUPID" virus! GREENi now undersatnd why it is hated. My son says we ship our crude oil to Texas to be refined. What kind of green waste if that?!! A plant in Canada would save wasted transport and pollution from it! Makes no sense. Just people screaming their shallow nonsense. Those of us who THINK are too busy questioning searching, designing to have time to stand there screaming!
A REALLY STUPID WORD .. "sick" as in "that's sick (really good)". It sounds fun .. but life is too confusing already. STOP IT!! We need ORDER and LESS confusion .. be nice!! You are just trying to confuse us old people!!😡
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