Sun. Jan 26, 2025, 3:00 pm.
I have been trying to UNDERSTAND my unnatural WAR with my daughter .. forever. I thought Mcgilchrist's R/L brainNeuroscience would solve all battles. (Left brains are DESTROYING Civilization) It only began to explain it .. but thanks to TRUMP all is so much more CLEAR after watching his inauguration and talks!! Left brain action people are BULLIES because they take whatever fact BENFITS them to use against their enemy. I do finally realize my daughter got no mother because her character made battle more NB than understanding. That does finally make me sad for her loss! When you USE words to take down the imagined "enemy", rathe then connect ideas to learn and UNDERSTAND your life is missing the wonderful connection of human to human. I have always thought I feel more respected and valued by people I talk to on the street than my daughter. Remember please she deserves a MEDAL because we would not KNOW the cause of ALL that is wrong with us were it not for my desire to UNDERSTAND such an UNNATURAL Relationship.
Sun. Jan 26, 2025, 3:00 pm.
BUT .. ALL the facts must be CONNECTED to find the TRUTH, so you can be FAIR in Life! .. BUT .. is the most important word in our LIFE .. in our HUman Family and HOME! But to Trump and my daughter "BUT .." is an excuse .. a blame. Yet strangely it is fine when THEY blame, which demonizing "the other" always does.
We NEED "TOTAL HUMAN Health" to exist. Our DESTRUCTION of every factor that allows us to stay HUMAN (thoughtful and caring) has created an H BOMB. maybe if you want to survive the HUMAN BOMB that is coming .. you need to take the VAX of membership. But membership means sacrifice and thoughtful CONSERVATION! Hard Work. This VAX costs time and energy. Will anyone contribute, or will we stay stuck to our BANDAIDS? Every thing we try to solve is a "CURE" .. a cure can make profit!.😱 My work is FINDING a CAUSE .. remove the cause solves the problem. NOTHING in our Western world works that way! WE PREVENT NOTHING!! we could have prevented climate changing by behaving more RESPECTFULLY and responsibly. You know using our grown up BRAIN to actually solve problems? Nope .. we ignored every single warning! We listen to nothing and we never LEARN!! Thanks Steven king ..1978!!
OMG .. so GREEN too is a BANDAID .. Electric cars making $ for musk. OH DEAR ME! 🤔
Oh dear I feel hopeless now .. how do we change the focus of our ENTIRE culture. You can achieve your dream I America .. just solve a problem with a BANDAID so you can continue to PROFIT. Finding a REASON is NOT profitable. besides Knowing why means to PREVENT .. just REMOVE the CAUSE!! That needs will power which they brilliantly DESTROYED with the 56 names for sugar and SELLING us on TV dinners when TV was new!
OH dear the evil is too great1 Help me PLEASE. If I do not get a HUGE flowing I will just hide in Phila til I do MAID. I do not want to see Gaza in usa. I have seriously discovered the THEORY of everything TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH, the 3/6/9 answer to everything. But I am only realizing (by CONNECTING ideas!!) its RESTORATION by respect and responsibility for a HUMAN not $ Accounting system .. is hard personal WORK .. NOT A SOURCE of PROFIT.
Either we smarten up and start connecting facts so there is less TWISTING and LYING .. or we will DIE. Zombies do not count. There is Stupid SPECTRUM! stressed stupid .. to selfish AND stupid and worst just GREED STUPID. Those in power have to be STUPID or why would they detroy us when we are their CONSUMPTION source of profit and POWER? You can't be the power person when you have no "losers". YES! we are losers to Left brain doers because they ONLY respect ACTION. A thinker is slow and wishy washy, a flip flopper. Excuse me! Slow thinking lets you find truth leading to FAIR which prevents all manner of hell! Too much "Not FAIR" gets us addicted, committing suicide and believe it or not .. MASS MURDERING! Our society is collapsing because it is run by SIMPLE minded, grab the "fact" that you can USE to get YOUR way bully babies. They want POWER but are not willing to be LEADERS which takes UNDERSTANDING. Understanding is HARD, takes time and patience. Sadly these stupid on STEROIDS power people (those with supposed "success") have no ability to be patient to listen and LEARN the other side. Once the 2 opposing sides are UNDERSTOOD, no we can DISCUSS, collaborate, compromise. Those who grab one fact to use as a weapon are bullies heading toward evil. Our focus is those just STRESSED to survive shallow. And those willing to LISTEN and LEARN a better way. Either we share our Thiner/ dreamer Right Hemisphere with the Left Doer or .. WE DIE! Correction HUMAN became EXTINCT. Zombies will remain to destroy earth with their digital DYSTOPIA. We have taken every
INTELLIGENCE is taking HUMAN knowledge, expertise, talent and CONNECTING IT in every way to find the ONE final connected TRUTH. If we connected all the facts and information (stupid data) even divergent ideas we would get closer to the truth. I wanted to do this when the internet began in mid 90's. Instead we went toward HELL which will destroy REAL humans with A I. My way was TRYLY way way better .. it would have created a TRUTH encyclopedia we build with our interest areas. I had mine others filling their love of an idea or area. Instead we wnt the very OPPOSITE way and SEPARATED, DISCONNECTED everything. Even how we get healthy. Health is a COMBINATION of so many things and forms our REAL WEALTH. Instead we build a SYSTEM of DISCONNECT which is disastrous! When FACTS are USED instead of combined for finding closer to TRUTH life become confusing and chaotic! When everything is a LIE .. REAL Humans can not live. HAH .. when I said that 5 years ago I was taken away by police. Complete proof of my INSANELY STUPID SOCIETY. The rule is sound suicidal .. call in the EMERGENCY FORCES. No human connection involved and I THOUGHT I was speaking to a "friend" concierge. Come to my door and ask if OK. Nope! When I had long forgotten saying "we can not live in a society where we can trust nothing .. because all is lies" .. maybe 5 or 6 hours later 2 police 2 EMT's and a stretcher at my door. They almost CAUSED my suicide rathe than that HUMILIATION thru the lobby! They PHYSICALLY restrained me from the suiced THEY! almost caused! That was a perfect example to the cartoon "Whoops, 🙈 rather permanent solution to a temporary problem!😱 " as guy goes over the cliff.
We just had 2 fire alarms in 15 minutes. We make STUPID RULES that allow NO COMMON SENSE. Then we waste poor people's TAX 4 because the rich never pay their share anyway. Stupid RULES solving ZERO. That is our world now because DOERS are in charge .. vs DREAMERS. Yes .. our solutions take more time .. but I promise they will be 4 star, vs 1 star STUPID of today. And when we learn from our mistakes OUR SYSTEM WILL BE 5 star. Is there hope quite BALANCED brains and Thinkers are the MASSES. My hope isnDOERS are the screamers .. so it feels like world end. THEY ONLY DEMONIZE and they are NOT most politicians and loud liberals or republicans. WOKE is stupid! you made me turn against GAYS and immigrants. How is that possible .. because both screamers are ONION SHELL DOERS .. NOT Thinkers! we are a HUMAN Family NOT divided a million ways. BUT USER Doers only USE every "fact" to suit their ME goal! Thinkers CONSIDER many Life Ledgers BEFORE action. We/us (the common and greater good) and TIME, cause (past) +consequences (future) along with space others further plus the COSMOS. What damage does this action do? BUT .. Those Left "action" brain DOERS in charge .. consider ONLY how it affects their oWN goal of profit or power. They have no ability to think about the COMMON and GREATER good because their brains are destroyed. STUPID is a DISABILITY!
Let's do the work of CONNECTING everything into an ORDER SYSTEM of TOTAL Human Health. Please bring stressed stupid or still pretty balanced friends and family to our COMMUNITY. I have a friend and my son that I hope we can bring back to the LIGHT! Life is GRAY .. NOT black and white! not good vs evil. Each opposing side most be evaluated to find its VALUE. Then the opposite values must be considered in the number of people they affect. Our new Accounting SYSTEM is to Crete the MOST good for the most humans .. and the LEAST HARM for the least humans! All our systems are based on $ .. and "success" or power. But REAL WEALTH hs NOTHING to do with money. REAL WEALTH is total human health .. base quality of life for all. All contribute their talenst but all RECEVE FAIR! WE waste so many resources in our shallow selfish search for $ while our quality life is at the worst EVER. remember this happened before. But the ROBBER BARONS were nowhere near as EVIL or STUPID on STEROIDS as our power CONTROL structure of today. They actually USE humans to create profit. They have no CARE that we are being HARMED so badly by their sugar Disease inflammation and will power destruction! The stress their S 3 contagious cancer creates in the masses is created by pure evil .. or so stupid it is DISABILITY. I now believe they are DISABLED (but we still have to MURDER them!) because the stress is KILLING US. they will have no consumers or creative world to live in! They will live alone in their zombie HELL devoid of HUMAN SOUL!!
Sat. Jan 25, 2025, 2:00 pm. link image
OMG finding TRUTH is so hard. TRUTH is found by collecting and connecting FACTS. A fact is NOT TRUE .. because MANY facts make up REAL TRUTH. When you connect ALL the facts and add BUTS you get closer to truth. Each fact must be given a Value.
BUT! VERY Left brains .. trump people (Politicians and CEO's?) take PARTS of the truth, just facts where it best SUITS THEM. They even USE words and ideas!! we know they USE resources and People never caring about HARM. But they even USE parts of the truth to get what they want .. to WIN at all costs! Right brain THINKERS want FAIR .. which means taking all ideas and evaluating the most REAL TRUTH! Trump contantly take sonly PART of a problem .. whatever sits his BLAME or WIN. So sad!!!
Thurs. Jan. 16, 2025, 9:00 am.
I guess you WILL have more accidents and problems than men .. but you seem to just GLOSS over everything. more easy going? less SENSITIVE. I suggest Action Minds or DOERS are also NOT SENSITIVE while right brains are HSP .. or maybe we are just the EXTREME? Sorry. .. I should one of these days just FACE .. I am weird .. nobody wil care. But yet HUMANS will die .. I bet gone before 2030
Sat. jan 25, 2025, 4:00 pm.
frying our brain was the plan the last 100 years! .. pure evil .. OR .. too STUPID to even RECOGNIZE the REAL HARM being done to the HUMAN Family and HOME! More and more seems STUPID on STEROIDS because without creatives us mentally ill LOSERS .. life has NO MEANING. We Right brain Thiners are the SOUL of society. Without us your economy is greed ASS-ets only with no "heart"!
SO CONFUSING .. but we can not let that stop us. Please listen to my decades of theorizing .. wondering, questioning, studying, my kids lost their mom because I never stoped wondering WHY IS EVERYTHING STUPID? This is searching for the answer since 1956!!! I have the answer, please listen! I KNOW nothing really, am EXPERT at ZERO. But that is EXACTLY why you should listen to ME! My EXPERTISE is in the collecting and CONNECTING DIVERGENT IDEAS!! I have no bias except WONDER! .. wanting my curiousity answered! I had no lab or university so you are tempted to ignore me.. But I was was MORE OBSESSED with curiousity than any researcher you hear of!!
MOST IMPORTANT .. I was WORKING FOR .. my curiousity NOT the sugar association!! .. or someone wanting proof insulin will fix diabetes. NOBODY STUDIES WHY!!!! WHY has no profit. So PLEASE Listen to me .. my ANSWER has no PROFIT .. bit without me .. sorry .. we die. Humans are gone and zombies amble in their digital DYSTOPIA.
So CONFUSION will remain but at least you now I am working for US .. not big Pharma .. or the FDA coerced by them! Mass confusion in life, such stress. This article is STUPID!! Go research McGilchrist "Left brains are DESTROYING CIVILIZATION! I have looked at the world from that lens and it is PERFECT. Ans sugar is the cause .. maybe THEY are not even EVIL .. they are really just completely DISBLED of their HUMAN!! our Human is I our BRAIN .. in our MIND and "heart". I suggest our soul resides in our RIGHT brain .. and it has been destroyed! HERE is STUPID confusion!! let's research Roger Sperry .. sounds perfect (in this article, will need more research) and he was before our BRAIN DEATH!! We still had NORMAL .. natural which is ALWAYS best!
I am wondering does the Left brain account for PHYSICALLY making our body function. EVERY PART of our body and every function is controlled by the BRAIN. Our BRAIN is EVERYTHING! Can it be the right thinks while the left not only DOES is the action part of us .. but it also MAKES OUR BODY ACT?
Whatever .. the FACT IS .. lab or no lab .. OUR brains are now FRIED by sugar. Surely seems it is the THINKING RIGHT brain hemisphere most destroyed. The destruction began in the perhaps even 20'w with coke but speeded more and more to its worst with the internet and social. (Screens and social destroy our mind, but SUGAR PHYSICALLY DESTROYS OUR BODY!! thur inflammation. The brain controls EVERYTHING, so ideas is caused by the BRAIN. Things do not FUNCTION as they should because the BRAIN is damaged!! WE used to still have a BALANCED Brain in the 50's .. until TV and TV dinners destroyed normal Family CONNECTION. Now EVERYTHING is DISCONNECT. Life is connection and disconnect of all things can only cause COLLAPSE. No balanced brain? That means Action without first THINKING (the past?) causes, (the future) consequences has destroyed society. (mcGilchrist)
My Daughter, shame over (my Teaching DISABILITY income!) and sister in law (not telling her son re dad suicide! That is EVIL!! but I guess their Brain is MISSING the wiring that allows EMPATHY and compassion. WOW we really have LONG been heading to zombiedom. me 1990 My brother in 1970. So that very SHAME and feeling of failure killed my brother. DAMN IT .. I hate people .. well, left brains, even if family! But if they are disabled, then I should be empathetic. I guess a life of no support or even SYMPATHY does not make me forgiving or having ?grace?
Fri. Jan 24, 2025, 8:45 am.
Do not get me wrong All in power are usually LEFT brain. Never mind POLITICAL Left and right. More left brain people TAKE over while us Right brains are still DREAMING! Hence the POWER and CONTROL structure is narrow minded LEFT BRAINS.
Fri. Jan 24, 2025, 8:45 am.
Finally I realize our MAIN probelm is specialization of EVERYTHING .. and CONNECTING nothing. LIfe in the COSMOS is CONNECTED!! EVERY single thing connects .. humans spirits, chemicals .. nature CONNECTS, normal will stay normal no matter how "special we think we humans are. We have become BLIND .. or very MY-opic tunnel vision near sighted! By our "specializing" We live our lives NOT seeing the ELEPHANT only believing its LEG is a TREE. Is DEI just saying NOTHING is NORMAL? Well sorry it is .. NATURE (normal) will always win. Maybe that is what Trump THINKS he is doing but he does not focus at ALL on the BE FAIR and DECENT part. We are all just HUMAN so I spent 6 decades being kind to anybody and everybody. Now I just HATE everybody equally! .. especially screaming women. By that I mean the louder you scream "I am SPECIAL" the more I "hate" .. (dislike a lot). Shut up and GET HUMAN because we are about to go EXTINCT!
Fri. Jan 24, 2025, 9:00 am.
What determines our character .. our personality. It is a combination (EVERYTHINGCONNECTS in REAL HUman life!! but we are so SPECIAL we NEVER connect anything. I am WEIRD and DO .. which is why I need to be dictator but rather be TEACHER and create clones for GOOD not evil as we have been (Sheep to be only consumers vs RESPECTFUL CONSERVATION of ALL our resources REAL HUMANS .. see Real human UNIVERSITY link
When you CONNECT all I have researched ..all of this DISCONNECTED SPECIALIZATION suggests the SAME end result as Mcgilchrist "Left brains are DESTROYING civilization!" BUT NO ONE IS ASKING WHY have we lost our NORMAL BALANCED BRAIN?? The S 3 VIRUS! The contagious CANCER of Sugar, Screens (TV) and stress! The overwhelm of life has made us SELFISH and SHALLOW, just to SURVIVE! That is NOT quality of life!
I speak of LEFT brain in my writing .. but all of this separate research POINTS TO THE SAME CONCLUSION!! Unless we learn to CONNECT things (INTELLIGENCE) we HUMANS will DIE! SCREW A I >> REAL HUMANS will be EXTINCT! Many of these 10 ideas deal with GENES or enzymes rather than brain wiring. WHO CARES!! The sugar brain damage is the problem. Our Brain is our very MIND and "heart"! Beings devoid of SOUL, are no longer HUMAN! They = only ZOMBIES! Left Brain devoid of THINKING right brain wiring now are in control. BEWARE the result.
We Right brains and BALANCED still NORMAL Humans .. will build a NEW order system and community of the second character NOT the first of EACH of these. No SELF first characters allowed, "me mine, here, now" power and control Win/ LOSE is replaced is REPLACED by a FAIR ORDER SYSTEM. Choices are evaluated for the MOST GOOD for the most humans, and the least harm for the LEAST in our HUMAN FAMILY and home.
where as here, CONFUSING article R L politics personalty research
"THEY", the MEAN Religious Right Republicans, " just worry about yourSELF", BELIEVE that WE Liberals are evil!! 🤯😳 But we are the less selfish! (They feel Left is LESS Moral!) HAH! reminds me of my life long CONFUSION with "RELIGION". The Bible is a hoax (Fake News) to keep us in line! 🤔 My Religious Right family was not nice!! "Just look after you .. be SAVED!" Hey STUPID .. I get to heaven from doing GOOD for OTHERS, not by "being SAVED"! Religion is a tool to keep us divided. The ONLY ONE creator (Sorry will call HIM god because it was my life's Propoganda. There is only ONE MAKER of the cosmos and earth .. whatever you call the CEO! He surely never wanted the complete divine we created!! He wanted us working TOGETHER as kind and CARING for each other .. HUMANS!
MY old web sites are WRONG .. ALL of these connect to create the GRAYSCALE spectrum or VALUE of our character .. the number towards good or evil! Now if you want to get REALLY CONFUSED .. read this research. Thanks .. now I know why I am ALWAYS CONFUSED! That is what happens when you collect and CONNECT EVERYTHING! At First you think .. hah .. here is the answer, then there are more .. then you have to decide which has most VALUE, analyze, evaluate. How did it take me THIS LONG 🐢 To put all the search on character and the BRAIN TOGETHER and consider they ALL affect us. BUT!! If I am far on the myopic closed minded BLACK (ME/mine, here, now) side I am going to be close to evil. So sad because all my life my mostly Lfet brain warrior doer family made me feel like I was arrogant and thinking I was god. My son and sisiter even think I want glory for my fabulousness. IF ONLY! We more selfless are just naturally what god wanted from us .. decency not selfish ME absorption. I believ we do this NATURALYY .. only realizing one day we will need kindness I return. AHA! Those damn BULLIES then turn the into "USING"!! They really do TWIST everything for three OWN good. OMG .. it is SOOOO confusing but this is the gaslighting simplified as pretending we are crazy. NO! we feel crazy because I could swear I say black when I see its value and 6 months later white on same topic but seeing OTHER sides value I am STILL in trouble! (flip flop is GOOD! IT means open mind to LEARN but They demean it!)
With Trump it is becoming more clear! Notice how anything Biden does is BAD but it is sloughed off if Trump did the same thing years before. I am NOT explaining this correctly but warriors take yo DOWN no matter what you say. If you try to explain the bak side PLUS the white side .. they STOP LISTENING because it confuses them .. and then call you abusive. I seriously am getting a smattering of PITY for them. A lady in the elevator this AM said they miss the grand discussion we had over 10 floors. I was complaing their INSENSITIVE UNCARING life is so much easier. She said true but they miss out on REAL juman connecting. So I felt sad for my daughter. She did NOT have a horrible mom, yet her inability to see (understand) or even HEAR anything different from her simple take .. always ended in quarrel or worse. So all those eveil words I was called were just the weapons to attack the enemy imagined because confusion creates fear. STupid me .. I should have long ago learned to KEEP it SIMPLE!! They live their lives simply in a "ME/success", or maybe just SURVIVAL from the broad minded people.
Tues. Jan. 21, 2025, 2:30 pm.
These are different parts of the brain, hemispheres enzymes or genes .. but if all are tending toward Left brain the result is 2 totally different characters. One wants to get the job done so success can be claimed. The other .. the dreamer? wants to find the best solution even if it takes (forever)
So far I have compared our "Life is a Conveyor belt of ONIONS" .. ONIONS as problems, obstacles or opposing ideas constantly thrown at us. But I think maybe the ONION is our BRAIN with which we solve problems. The Left hemisphere is the opposing ideas .. the 2 outer onion shells, the crackle brown and the inner elastic skin! But the Right hemisphere is the inner layers of the full onion .. we THINK or question thought all the onion layers to try to get to the HEART or the BEST solution or answer. This explains how politicians seem to only grab the shell! Gun yes, gun no the opposing SHELLS. Now all we do is scream at each other from demonizing sides. This Weill NEVER wor especially now with trump win power. 100% it is END TIMES. We are too stupid to live. Or .. at least the screamers are! Hopefully us quiet tHINKER Right brains are the MASSES .. the REAL we the people HUMANS! If we are the masses and we take RESPONSIBILITY ( slow THINKING! fascinating research) and BOYCOTT STUPIDITY we may just save humanity.
This amazing article I SWEAR GOD SENT ME .. unblievable! Concierge mentioned Trump WHO quit, so I was researching WHO and got THIS immediately on screen .. WHAT THE HELL???? Dumoff . 10 years ago I decided Republican or LEFT BRAIN head toward evil because SELFISH. Yet now I have been thinking how much DAMAGE Liberal RIGHT BRAIN) Boomers did! The LEARNING is we do EVERYTHING EXTREME. Natural NORMAL is balance and MODERATION! Boomers started "Free love" which has done huge huge damage to FAMILY organization with divorce and 1 of 9 have herpes?? Why could we not move from the RESTRICTION of Victorian value and eb a bit more free .. not FREE LOVE!! MODERAION is the ONLY way but we never do it. We go from extreme to extreme swinging the pendulum back and forth FRANTICALLY! Instead of calmly balancing in moderation as wee LEARN BETTER!
Sat. Jan 25, 2025, 4:15 pm.
Damn!! 🤬 So now I understand WHY my life has been hell! we Right brain THINKERS, want to understand everything and for that we need to find TRUTH. Once you collect and connect all things that can affect the end belief you must calculate its FAIRNESS. But Left brain Politicians and CEOs just ACT .. ONLY for their OWN benefit. Their ACTION goal is always profit and power! Wheres Right brain THINKERS just want a nice calm FAIR SOCIETY where people are treated with justice so everybody is HAPPY and CONTRIBUTES. Angry and sad people do NOT contribute. So let's quit creating them! Be FAIR!
I am only what 5 years later understanding I do not think my Left brain family friends have a CONCEPT of FAIR. They THINK THEY DO .. being the Religious RIGHT! 😇 .. But how is just look after yourself anything the REAL gid would have wanted. They USE everything for THEIRR benefit .. even WORDS! They take PARTS of truth and throw them like BULLIES. There is a "BUT" to almost everything. BUT!! they never LISTEN to hear it. The BUTS are where truth is .. and TRUTH is where FAIR can be calculated! They use PARTS of truth without the but .. if it suits their SELFISH GOAL.
But the point here was recognizing I think they do not even UNDERSTAND FAIR! The narrow mind does not even let them SEE they are ding harm. My daughter often says very horrible things that are HALF true. But the second part ignored changes the whole concept! For example she is right! I do very little day to day to help people. I have said I am so slow and have no $ becasue ALL my resources get put into trying to help US! Yes I am neglectful of WE, more simple closer to home. Perfect example of a MEAN left brain .. so I am HORRIBLE selfish arrogant with such hubris (honestly do not think I am) YET later the oppostite will ALSO be used against me. I agree I do NOTHING day to day to help people. Feeling guilty I gave 400$ 2 X to an almost stranger for a high school reunion trip and also a funeral (I missed my 50th univ. anniversary covid) So I guess I am horrible bec I thought that was pretty nice of me to make up my day to day NEGLIGENCE. (I ignore everybody being wrapped up in my plan to take over the world!) So what happens is, at ANOTHER time the nice 800$ gesture will be brought up in what a stupid naive idiot I am! For 35 years I thought .. give up .. I can NEVER win .. I am always evil! I guess we threaten them with our deep thinking. They feel attacked .. so battle begins! Think about this with Trump! He uses bits of TRUTH for his own benefit ! .. to build himself UP or take the other down. Just how he say "BIY- den!" is not just dismissive but MEAN. TONE counts with REAL Humans!!
So Left brain ACTION people (in management of our POWER structure) are NOT FAIR! They USE parts of TRUTH to TAKE US DOWN. We will never be able to do anything right by them ..because our depth of THINKING confuses them and makes them lash out in feeling WEAK.
Truth is all "facts" and parts connected, sometimes with BUT's! USING Parts of truth DISCONNECTED to take people down is EVIL. At least it feels mean to cruel toward evil. But sadly their brain wiring is FRIED and they are not even AWARE how mean they are??
MR Freeman is RUDE! (wrong and stupid!!) see last comment. guess it is too hard for you to get head around NEW IDEAS so you INSULT? How dare you insult my brain theory!! after all I am ARROGANT and have such ?hubris .. how dare anyone question my brilliance?
and I bet those who video a awful event are ACtion Doer NOT thinker minds. We would be concerned for harm happening and not remember HISTORY of video, for our own benefit! OH!! I am getting good at UNDERSTANDOING THIS!!
tHinking fast and slow .. he decides we have NOT GONE EVIL!! awesome! BUT ..
Fri. Jan. 24. 2025, 7:30 pm.
Of course we can and they should NOT COMPLAIN! They were the ones who probably started the DEATH PENALTY!! HAH!! We now have all the answers! Join our FAIR FAMILY .. or .. off the planet .. or DIE, we have to murder you to save humans! OMG!! I either saw? no .. probably just discussed as a 7 year old with my dad the LAST HANGING!! I rememebr the victims name .. Jean Satchell!! I remember NOTHING, so that is weird! But I think in 70 years since there were 2 murders over ? 50 sq miles rural area. Yes .. far less people than TO. but there have been 4 murders in less than 2!! years ..within a FEW BLOCKS from me!! I do not care how anybody wants to TWIST IT .. that is HELLA multiplication .. a contagious cancer our toxic soup has created! We are a sick society whether you want to IGNORE it or not. Or Like trump just throw everybody in jail as EQUALLY GUILTY.
This also reminds me of trump standing with Franklin Graham in NC which was horrifying. He said HE used to go with dad to Madison Sq. gardens to hear his dad BILLY GRAHAM! My dad became a PREACHER when he went back to Switzerland, I wonder folling that religion exactly? I ALWAYS HATED THAT RELIGION and eventually after trying each sisters husband's Anglican and United) church plus my husband (Catholic) IN Buffalo 2000 til 2015) I tried every denomination I CouldI Decided Methodist seemed kindest and most FAIR.. but lost all BELIEF when Catholic Church totally ognored me when I called to say please could I come in .. I am afraid I could hurt me kids." Decided I was DONE with EVIL RELIGION .. and would make up my OEN GOD. I mean come on .. the devoper got not ONE THING RIGHT in this new community .. do you REALLY expect me to question and AMAZING CEO developer did not plan and design earth. So he did it over millenia .. he still did a thousand time s better desig and connection of all nature than any stupid biz I have seen in my lifetime. At least big stuff NEVER WORKS and the cosmos is pretty dmn big. Wake up .. there IS agod the maker creator and he just wants us to be good and kind HELPING each other. THST IS NOT WHAT EVANGELICALS or even most religions do! They think going to church and reading the bible will get you to heaven! NO!!! You get to heaven by being a DECENT .. FAIR!! to others and earth ..person! So I guess the Religious Right really is so stupid and believes it is as simple as right/ wrong, good bad! no gray I always had INTUITION I never appreciated! See how important that POT of GOLD of good NURTURE is? Without being raised to think we are GREAT, we get no confidence or even feeling of DESERVEDNESS! Of course today there is no thinkng of others or common DECENCY taught by phone faced parents who are also self absorbed. "ME! mine, here, now! is KILLING us. I do not think humans will be alive when those horrible screaming kids of today, are in their 30. What hell it will be. NO civility whatever. Do they even KNOW what civility is? sad .. really sad. Because NOTHING is connected .. WE WILL DIE! PS Quit reading the bible .. that was the FIRST fake news, Propoganda! God is not mean .. he wants us to try to be LIKE HIM .. and do good to make the world better! we have completely done the opposite .. DESTROYED the beautiful Human Family and home he kindly gave us!
Perth History .. Stratford! ON.
"As Governor, Henry presided over the last hanging at the jail in 1954. Wellesley native, Private Reuben H. Norman was found guilty and sentenced to death for the murder of his former girlfriend, Jean Satchell. On February 3, 1953, she was shot nine times by Norman on Wellington Street because she had terminated their relationship a few days earlier."
Making WEAK tea, it said steep 7 to 10 minutes! Hell in 30 seconds it was already to LOUD for me! Realized do I like WEAK everything. 🙈 As HSP ( ) everything BOTHERS ME .. it feels like the world is SCREAMING. Why are you wearing that LOUD red sweater? Why does your restaurant food smell be so LOUD?
Do Left brain ACTION/ WARRIORS like loud and OVER THE TOP, to show they have no FEAR of ANYTHING .. they are STRONG, ready for battle! Meantime worriers retreat to our thing cave, more isolated. Are Warrior Left brains police, sports people (win LOSE) anything that is black and white simple .. good bad vs GRAY?
MR Freeman is RUDE! (wrong and stupid!!) see last comment. guess it is too hard for you to get head around NEW IDEAS so you INSULT
Wed. Jan 22, 2025, 8:30 am.
This research was 100% GOD SENT!!
incredibly WEIRD .. I wanted to learn about the W H O world health org
(from the 60's!!!! we could have STOPPED this mess!! Can't we just LEARN from each other? NOPE Steven King Knew in 1979 in the brilliant STAND .. that "WE NEVER LEARN!" WE are STUPID as hell!
In the 1960s, a psychologist interested in philosophy and ideology, Silvan Tomkins, wrote an essay in which he argued there is a Left-Right dimension in every area of waking thought, from beliefs about mathematics to beliefs about child-rearing practices. Based on his research, Tomkins (1964) concluded that those on the Right end of this continuum first and foremost tended to be rule-oriented. They see rules as external to themselves, and even to people in general. Rules are part of the universe, or ordained by God. In addition, Rightists are often uncomfortable about emotions and tend to deny their feelings. They therefore want emotions under control. They also favor hierarchy, at least in part because they want to keep impulses under control through rules. The best people, those who follow rules and control emotions, should be in charge. Rightists become angry with rule breaking, not with oppressive authority.
Rightists tend to be very individually oriented. They tend not to see groups and social classes. They think that success is a matter of individual effort, overlooking the social support that they and everyone else has had in order to advance in life. This individualistic orientation, along with their respect for hierarchy, makes them into natural supporters of the current power structure, whatever their socioeconomic standing. (ps I had a "poor" friend who I could not understand why he'd be Right in politics?? He had nothing .. hah! 🤔 well not "wealth" but we had REAL Wealth .. Total Human Health
On the other hand, according to Tomkins, Leftists are oriented toward human needs and pleasures, not rules, and think that people create rules. They are attracted to new experiences and positive feelings. They are for equality and do not like hierarchy; they are egalitarians who are willing to change the rules if they think that is necessary. In addition, they tend to focus on groups and social networks. This group-oriented stance, along with their emphasis on equality, makes them natural allies of the underdogs, whether this means low-income people or people excluded from the dominant society on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religious preference."
Damn it we went full on with this .. stupid NON BALANCED LEFT BRAINS!! EXTREME destroys EVERYTHING! Our FREE LOVE started it all and now we pay for our entitlement with ??1 of 9 have HERPES .. which is HUGELY uncomfortable forever condition! Victorian morals were stupid but that does not mean we go full on EXTREME with sex or ANYTHING .. because ..
EXTREME will ALWAYS DESTROY. Balance, or Equilibrium in MODERATION is ALWAYS the best solution for any question, problem OR .. solution!
When we right brain worriers do talk NOT FAIR we are diminished and demonized as "victims"! WE are whiners but ok for him! IT is CRAZY .. no wonder I have been confused all my life living around Left Brain conservatives (and now WOKE liberals .. they are all the same .. they USE words to their own advantage vs TRUTH! They chose whatever suits them Horrible TWISTY insanity .. or at least it makes the rest of us INSANE!
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