Mon. Jan. 20, 2025, 10:00 am.
We are the atmosphere! Our energy, our vibration our ?atoms makes up what we live in FEELS LIKE. Our "ATMOSPHERE" is now BAD .. because overload = overwhelm and CREATES HUGE STRESS! WE can NOT be "Totally Healthy HUMANS" when we live in a physical AND emotional TOXIC SOUP. So our energy vibration and atoms make up our society. And when we die I think our SPIRIT lives on. But we would be so so CROWDED if every human who dies had a spirit in the ATMOSPHERE! SOLUTION NEEDED!
To REDUCE "SPIRIT SPACE" CROWDING .. When we die, We just move into a new body! 😃 So we have lived the lives of many "people" or humans.
I have never given my INTUITION the value to deserves. But since I knew as a kid when my mom died .. that all was NOT RIGHT with our society .. and it seems to have been TOTALLY CORRECT .. then we should give our "I know NOTHING BUT I THINK .." more CREDENCE. WE need to value people's INTUITION more! I have 7000 books (Bankrupcy) because every intuition was PROVEN by a specialist. To Honour them I felt at least I needed to buy their book!
I have had no time to research PAST LIVES, but watching Trump inauguration #2 now, I am reminded. Once I was on disability from Teaching in 1995 maybe .. pondering our Human Health obsessively, I took the OPPORTUNITY to take a Trip to Washington for sm biz for women. Can you imagine I shook Hilary Clinton's hand! But what really blew my mind was first seeing the CAPITOL Building. It was mind blowing .. I had goose bumps!! 😱 I did not know Washington at all, did not know my hotel by the Watergate Hotel could actually SEE the capitol down the street! So when I saw it my physical energy took over. I swear I got goose bumps. My question is, I am Canadian! I never had a desire even considering going to Ottawa. Yet once we went to Cape Cod in the 70's all I dreamed of was having a B B near where those brave Pilgrims came to a new country. Loved cape cod totally obsessively because of Americans as Pioneers History. Guess I would have been on the AMERICAN side of the civil war. So Seeing the capitol was of HUGE EXCITEMENT to me.
But WHY as a SWISS Canadian have I always identified with blacks and American history and Geography? (No FEELING whatsoever to Swiss or CDN people, history or geography?I I have no friends or little family in Canada .. when I visit USA I IMMEDIATELY FEEL AT HOME .. and that I HAVE FRIENDS. Spent 20 years most of my time on The East black side of Buffalo. WHY? The answer of course is I was a southern slave in my past life. 🤔 As A kid why did I identify with the only black family in Stafford. Think about your magnetic connections. Where are you drawn. What was YOUR past life? Fascinating eh? It is so FUN to be right brain .. full of wonder curiousity and questions. But it is a lot of WORK and can be very tiring.
Sat. Feb. 1, 2025, 4:15 pm.
Damn .. my old thinking and BELIEF is no longer TRUE!! 😢 People are no longer MOSTLY good. Sugar fried brain .. destroys mind and "heart" where our THINKING and FEELING is, where we can be empathetic! Without that we lose our human Consciousness .. our SOUL? WE become selfish and shallow which leads to greed .. then EVIL and SUPER STUPID or zombie. Is Trump a god send because maybe he will make people see how ZOMBIE we have become. His first week in office is just a SLEDGEHAMMER instead of a precision tumour specialist operation! He is "cleaning up" with a demo WRECKING BALL! 😱 Maybe people will see what we have become. Smash first ask questions later? or better .. NOT AT ALL, no questions, just get the job DONE! Our Thoughtless LACK of LEARNING has destroyed not just our planet but HUMANITY. Real Humans are almost EXTINCT!
These people do have some good ideas that we say "hmm? true" BUT!! There is always a "BUT.. !" A society too lazy to consider but's .. will collapse. That collapse is almost here. BUT .. those of us who have been yelling for years .. "you are destroying everything!" are pretty much enraged now. Everyday I want to MURDER the zombies on TO. Streets. SELFISH is just not acceptable to me and this last decade civil is gone replaced by the CANCER of "I am here, get out of my way, I am SPECIAL". You are so "special" I willSTRANGLE you. Being ESP or HIGHLY Sensitive makes life HELL .. life I hell is ENRAGING. This is what I Ean by the H Bomb. Thoughtful sensitive people can no longer withstand this idiocy. One day we will EXPLODE. Get off the planet or build yourself and asylum community if you do not to be REAL Human .. that considers OTHERS in the family and does no harm to our SHARED HOME. I am so SICK of stupid SELFISH people unwilling (I guess UNABLE) to THINK about OTHERS! Will trump WAKE UP more people t how IDIOT we have become?
I am not saying Liberals are better than Trump. They are just the ONION's elastic outer skin, usually the WOKE. Trumpers are usually the outside crackle onion skin, just grabbing the first simple FACT, that best SUITS their benefit! Never mind finding ALL the facts to calculate TRUTH. They just want a WIN! This leads to evil, BECAUSE IT DOES HARM. We G.O.D. clones just want a "WIN/WIN: FAIR System .. not "WIN/lose"! Nobody should be a LOSER because everyone has a talent to contribute! The sadness and anger of being left a loser is where VIOLENCE comes from. But we are the ones in jail. My Theory is that Right brain Thinkers cause problems with our OBSERVATIONS and questions, SO WE WERE STIGMATIZED to ostracize us!
I know I should be empathetic because they are brain disabled, but could they not just TRY to listen? Guess it is asking a BLIND MAN to just SEE! "Can't you just SEE this elephant! Smarten up! just LOOK better, try to SEE harder!" 😡 Blind people can NOT see .. no matter how hard they TRY, or how hard we yell at them. (damn, so we are really DONE .. dead humans! .. 🤔 unless we are willing to have the last war and KILL the ZOMBIES?) But we are the REAL .. good Humans .. so we could probably never DO that, especially when they are really not EVIL, just brain dead. We will have to decide if that is what we do to save the HUMAN SPECIES from extinction.
So I guess people just LOSE their GOOD, when they are no longer ABLE to SEE the harm they are causing. But can't they LISTEN to our THINKING work, try to catch the final decision? NO! I guess they can not HEAR! Listening with open mind lets you LEARN the TRUTH, but they are UNABLE to open their minds to new ideas! WE REAL humans have some HARD Thinking to do. Would God want his world to end in ZOMBIE Digital Dystopia. There have been wars forever. Why not one to save the extinction of humans! None of the other wars had such a good REASON! Thin about it. Like in the civil war most of my family will bebop the OTHER side. How horrible. But remember we are giving MANY choices before we murder. 4 choices
Their excuse to our "But what about .. damage??" .. is always "what can you do about it .. you are not god." very dismissively. I guess that is why I HATE everybody. 70 years being dismissed as NEGATIVE takes its toll! It is NOT NEGATIVE to look at what we are doing wrong and try to find a way to do it BETTER. AHA! 🥸 They quit listening at the complaint .. and never hear my SOLUTION! Aha, maybe now that my work is more clear they will be able to HEAR? My blather would definitely be hard to follow, if their mind is pretty tunnel vision SIMPLE, able to take in only screaming simple ideas.
WOW .. they never hear the solution because their brain already SHUT DOWN with my compliant. 😃 For them, they have to just demonize as NEGATIVE .. because they are UNABLE to listen deeply to NEW ideas with an open mind. Their focus is a SIMPLE SOLUTION that makes money. So even Entrepreneurs are now Left brain ACTION beings. INVENTORS solve big problems for HUMANS with little thought to how the $ will work! sadly today we have NO inventors they are too exhausted from the SCREAMING of Left brain thoughtlessness. Ye, Trump will teach those we can still reach .. your way can NOT WORK!
EXCUSE me! I am always told "I think I am god" .. because there are better solutions!!??Just shows our STUPID! The truth is we should all TRY TO BE GOD LIKE! Leave the world BETTER for our being in it. Instead these lazy oblivious "beings" leave the world TERRIBLE for their being in it! Like the Founding Fathers god must be so sad at the mess we have made!
Let's try the FAIR Win /WIN "ORDER SYSTEM" instead. Finding TRUTH and calculating its best VALUE for humans FAIR .. not simply $ plus or minus. What about PLUS the hundreds of TOXINS we created? Not just "plus" .. but cancerous MULTIPLIERS!
young kids now do horrible horrible things. Mindless heartless humans. 8 young teen girls in TO killed a homeless man. Just revolts your stomach. ARE humans still the GOOD I thought, when young kids are so self absorbed and HEARTLESS?
.. screen raised!!
.. covid isolation destroyed human connection
sugar now in water and air!! Parents have brains that are now .. more destroyed than mine was, when I had kids. This has increased over generations!! O M G 😱
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